function [b,n] = UniqueAndN(input,operateByRow) % [uniques,n] = UniqueAndN(input,[operateByRow=false]) % % returns the unique elements in input (sorted) and % the number of times the item ocurred % optionally does so for unique rows (operateByRow=true) % instead of unique elements % % DN 2008 % DN 2017 Added byRow option if nargin<2 || isempty(operateByRow) || ~operateByRow input = sort(input); % Necessary for the trick below to work [b,~,j] = unique(input); else input = sortrows(input); [b,~,j] = unique(input,'rows'); end d = diff([0; j(:); max(j)+1]); inds = find(d); n = inds(2:end)-inds(1:end-1);