function x = CoinFlip(ndraws,p) % x = CoinFlip(ndraws,p) % % Generate a list x of zeros and ones according to coin flipping (i.e. % Bernoulli) statistics with probability p of getting a 1. % 1/20/97 dhb Delete obsolet rand('uniform'). % 7/24/04 awi Cosmetic. % 6/13/12 dn Use boolean vectors, simplifies code % Generate ndraws random variables on the real % interval [0,1). unif = rand(ndraws,1); % Find all of the ones that are less than p. % On average, this proportion will be p. index = unif < p; % Generate an array of zeros and then set % the ones found in the previous step to 1. x = zeros(ndraws,1); x(index) = 1;