function mtf = WilliamsMTF(s) %WILLIAMSMTF Compute the MTF measured by Williams et. al. % mtf = WILLIAMSMTF(s) % % Compute the MTF measured by Williams et. al. for 633 nm light, % representing the optical quality of human foveal vision. The empirical % MTFs were obtained for a 3 mm pupil. % % Williams, D.R. Brainard, D.H., McMahon, M., and Navarro, R. (1994). % Double pass and interferometric measures of the optical quality of the % human eye. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 11, 3123-3135. % Formulae given in Equation 1 ff. % % Spatial frequency passed in cycles/deg. % % See also OTFTOPSF, WILLIAMSRESTMTF, DIFFRACTIONMTF, % WILLIAMSTABULATEDPSF, PSYCHOPTICSTEST. % 7/11/94 dhb Wrote it. % 7/14/94 dhb Pulled calculation of rest into separate function. diff = DiffractionMTF(s,3,633); rest = WilliamsRestMTF(s); mtf = diff .* rest;