function psf = WestPSFMinutes(radius) %WESTPSFMINUTES Compute Westheimer estimate of human PSF % psf = WestPSFMinutes(radius) % % Compute Westheimer's PSF function as a function % of passed radius. Radius passed in minutes of arc. % % Formula from Westheimer G. 1986. The eye as an optical instrument. In % Handbook of perception and human performance, KR Boff, L Kaufman, % JP Thomas (eds). New York: Wiley. Equation 7. % % This is only approximately consistent with Westheimer's LSF estimate. % % This comes back normalized to a maximum of 1. % % See also WestLSFMinutes, DavilaGeislerPSFMinutes, LsfToPsf, PsfToLsf % 7/11/94 dhb Added comments, changed name. psf = 0.952*exp(-2.59*(radius.^1.36)) + ... 0.048*exp(-2.43*(radius.^1.74));