function lsf = GeislerLSFMinutes(distance) %GeislerLSFMinutes Compute Geisler estimate of 2mm pupil human LSF % lsf = GeislerLSFMinutes(distance) % % Compute the 2mm pupil LSF from Geisler (1984, JOSA A, 1, pp. 775-782), % Figure 1. This is also used in Banks, Geisler & Bennett (1987,Vision % Research, 27, 1915-1924). % % They give the parameters of a sum of Gaussians LSF as a function of % passed distance. Distance passed in minutes of arc. % % Return is normalized to a maximum of 1. % % See also WestPSFMinutes, WestLSFMinutes, LsfToPsf, PsfToLsf weight1 = 0.684; weight2 = 0.587; sigma1 = 0.443; sigma2 = 2.035; lsf = weight1*normpdf(distance,0,sigma1) + ... weight2*normpdf(distance,0,sigma2); lsf = lsf/max(lsf(:));