% Psychtoolbox:PsychOptics. % % help Psychtoolbox % For an overview, triple-click me & hit enter. % help PsychDemos % For demos, triple-click me & hit enter. % % AiryPattern - Compute Airy diffraction PSF. % ComputeDiffLimit - Compute diffraction limit. % DavilaGeislerLSFMinutes - Line spread function for 3mm pupil used by Davila & Geisler 1991 % DiffractionMTF - Incoherent diffraction limited MTF from wl and pupil size. % GeislerLSFMinutes - Line spread function for 2mm pupil used by Geisler 1984 % GoodmanDiffrac - Diffraction limited MTF, based on cutoff freq, Goodman's formula. % LsfToPsf - Convert line spread function to point spread function. % MakeRadiusMat - Create a matrix whose entries are equal to their radius. % NavarroMTF - MTF from Navarro et al. 1993. % OtfToPsf - Convert optical transfer function to point spread function. % PositionGridMinutesToSfGridCyclesDeg - Convert mess from position to sf. % PsfToLsf - Convert point spread function to line spread function. % PsfToOtf - Convert point spread function to optical transfer function. % PsychOpticsTest - Test script for some of the routines in this folder. % SfGridCyclesDegToPositionGridMinutes - Convert mesh from sf to position. % WestLSFMinutes - Compute Westheimer's line spread function. % WestPSFDegrees - Compute Westheimer's point spread function, in degrees. % WestPSFMinutes - Compute Westheimer's point spread function, in minutes. % WilliamsMTF - Compute MTF given in Williams' et al. % WilliamsRestMTF - Subfunction called by WilliamsMTF. % WilliamsTabulatedPSF - Tabulated PSF data from Williams et al. % Copyright (c) 1997-2017 by David Brainard & Denis Pelli