function [rc, varargout] = moglmorpher(cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) % % Matlab OpenGL Morpher - Performs linear morphs between different 3D shapes and % renders the resulting shape via OpenGL. Supports high-performance GPU % based morphing on recent graphics hardware. Also performs linear morphing % (linear combinations) between different texture images. % % The moglmorpher computes linear combinations of shapes and their corresponding % surface normal vectors and texture coordinate assignments. It then renders the % resulting shape with its resulting surface normals and texture coordinates in % an efficient way, using the OpenGL for Matlab (MOGL) functions. % % It also allows to render single sub-meshes efficiently, as well as % predictions of screen space 2D (x,y) coordinates of vertices in the mesh. % % The whole setup for rendering (rigid orientation and position, camera view transforms, % assignment and setup of textures or material properties, lighting, shaders, ...) is % left to the calling parent routines, focusing solely on high performance morphing % and rendering of generic triangle meshes. This allows for maximum flexibility. % % For a specific examples of usage, have a look at MorphDemo.m and % MorphTextureDemo.m. % % IMPORTANT: At the end of your script, you must call moglmorpher('reset') % to release all ressources and reset moglmorpher into a well-defined % state. Alternatively, you can call 'clear moglmorpher', e.g., if your % script aborted with an error. If your forget either of these, you'll see % some weird error messages about "Invalid window record referenced" % at invocation of the command. % % % Available subcommands and their meaning: % ---------------------------------------- % % moglmorpher('ForceGPUMorphingEnabled', enableflag); % % Forcefully enable or disable GPU based morphing. 'enableFlag'==1 -> % Forcefully enable, 'enableFlag'==0 --> Forcefully disable. % % moglmorpher can perform all morphing computations and rendering completely % on the GPU on modern graphics hardware that supports this. This provides % a significant speedup over morphing in Matlab/Octave code on the slower % CPU. Normally, moglmorpher auto-detects if GPU based morphing is possible % and then enables that feature. If GPU morphing is not possible, it % reverts to a slower Matlab CPU implementation of morphing. For GPU % morphing, the Psychtoolbox imaging pipeline needs to be enabled by % passing an optional valid non-zero 'imagingMode' flag to the % Screen('OpenWindow', ...); call when opening the onscreen window. E.g., % the flag 'kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows' would enable the pipeline. % % There may be cases where either auto-detection goes wrong, or where you % don't want to use GPU based morphing, e.g., if your hardware/gfx-driver % is defective and GPU morphing doesn't work correctly, or if you want to % use the moglmorpher('renderNormals') subfunction which is not yet % supported in GPU mode, or if you want to perform benchmarking of GPU vs. % non-GPU mode. In such cases you can use this subfunction to manually % enable/disable GPU based morphing, overriding the auto-detection code. % % It's important to call this function before the first invocation of any % other subfunction! % % GPU based operation should be efficiently supported on all ATI Radeon % X-1000 or later hardware and all NVidia Geforce-6000 and later hardware. % GPU based operation is not supported under OpenGL-ES1.x mobile/embedded % GPUs. % % % All following subfunctions must be only called when at least one onscreen % window is open! % % % meshid = moglmorpher('addMesh', obj); % -- Add a new shape to the collection of shapes to be morphed. 'obj' % is a single struct that defines the object: Subfields are obj.faces, % obj.vertices, obj.texcoords, obj.normals, obj.colors. Their meaning is % the same as the corresponding parameters in the following 'addMesh' % subcommand. The 'obj' syntax is provided for convenience, as 'obj' in the % same format as provided by LoadOBJFile, i.e. obj = % LoadOBJFile('myfile.obj') will load the geometry in 'myfile.obj' into % obj, which can then be passed to moglmorpher via moglmorpher('addMesh', % obj{1}); to add the first mesh from 'myfile.obj' into the morpher. % % % meshid = moglmorpher('addMesh', faces, vertices [, texcoords] [, normals] [, colors]); % -- Add a new shape to the collection of shapes to be morphed. faces == Index % list that defines the topology of the shape: faces is a 3 by n vector. Each of % the n columns defines one 3D triangle face, the 3 indices in the column are % indices into the vertices, texcoords, colors and normals vectors that define the % properties of the vertices. % % vertices == A 3-by-m vector that defines the shape of the object: Each of the % m columns defines the 3D position of one of the corresponding m vertices. % % normals == A 3-by-m vector whose single columns define the (nx,ny,nz) components % of unit normal surface vectors. The normals vector is optional and only needed if % you want to do proper lighting calculations on your object. % % texcoords == A 2-by-m vector of 2D texture coordinates for each corresponding vertex. % This vector is optional and only needed if you want to apply textures to the object. % % colors == A 3-by-m or 4-by-m vector whose single columns define the % (red,green,blue [,alpha]) vertex color components of each vertex in % 'vertices' of unit normal surface vectors. The colors vector is optional % and only needed if you want to do lighting calculations on your object. % Most of the time you won't use vertex colors, but instead assign a % texture for more flexibility and ease of use. % Note: The current implementation doesn't support morphing of vertex % colors. Instead it will simply use the vertex 'color' vector of the last % added mesh for the morphed output -- a fixed assignment of vertex colors. % % The size and dimension of all provided vectors must match (==be identical) for all % shapes. This is required, because otherwise the linear combination of shapes and % normal vectors wouldn't be mathematically well defined. % % The function call returns a index for the mesh. The index is fixed for a % given mesh unless you call moglmorpher('deleteMeshAtIndex'), in which % case the numbering may change. See 'deleteMeshAtIndex' for details. % % % moglmorpher('deleteMeshAtIndex', meshIndex [, dontReset=0]); % -- Delete the mesh with index 'meshIndex' from the set of keyshapes. All % keyshapes after the deleted meshIndex will "move down" one index. E.g., % if you delete the keyshape at meshIndex = 5, then the mesh with previous % index 6 will become the new mesh with index 5, the mesh with old index 7 will % become mesh 6 and so on. You have to take this renumbering into account % for calls like moglmorpher('renderMesh') that expect the meshid, and when % passing in a morph 'weights' vector into the morphing functions, where % the ordering of elements changes accordingly. % % 'dontReset' optional: If set to 1 then moglmorpher doesn't 'reset' itself % when the last mesh is deleted. This saves overhead for reinit, but any % new added mesh must have the exactly same topology as the previously % deleted meshes, or bad things will happen. % % % moglmorpher('renderMesh', meshid); % -- Render the mesh corresponding to the handle 'meshid'. % % % oldEnable = moglmorpher('assumeSparseMorphWeights', enable); % -- Enable speed optimizations under the assumption that morph weight % vector contains mostly zero weights, if 'enable' is set to 1. Otherwise % optimize speed under the assumption of dense weight vectors. The default % is to assume dense vectors, ie., 'enable' == 0. % % Two different algorithms are used, depending on the setting of this % switch, which have different tradeoffs. However, switching settings here % is cheap, so you could do it on a per-morph basis. The optimal choice may % depend on complexity of your keyshape models and speed of your GPU, so % your mileage will vary and you'll need to benchmark both options for % optimal speed. % % % moglmorpher('renderMorph', weights [,morphnormals=1]); % -- Compute a linear combination (a weighted average) of all stored meshes, as defined % by the vector 'weights'. Render the final shape. % For 'count' shapes, weight is a vector of length 'count'. The i'th scalar entry of weight % is the coefficient used to integrate the i'th shape into the morph. % % % moglmorpher('computeMorph', weights [,morphnormals=1]); % -- Same as 'renderMorph', just that rendering of the morphed shape is % omitted. You can render the shape later by calling the 'render' subcommand. % % finalresult = sum_for_i=1_to_count(shape(i) * weights(i)); % The shape (vertices) and normal vectors are linearly combined. The texture coordinates are % not altered by the morph, neither are the vertex colors. If you set the % optional argument morphnormals to zero, then normals are not touched by % morphing either. % % % moglmorpher('render'); % -- Renders the last shape again. This is either the last rendered mesh or the last linear % combination. % % % glListHandle = moglmorpher('renderToDisplaylist'); % -- Same as subcommand 'render', but the shape is not rendered as an image to the % framebuffer, but stored to a new OpenGL display list. A unique 'glListHandle' to % the new list is returned. Using this handle one can render the object % later on via the command glCallList(glListHandle); and delete it via % glDeleteLists(glListHandle, 1); % % Unsupported on OpenGL-ES. % % % moglmorpher('renderRange' [, startfaceidx=0] [, endfaceidx]); % moglmorpher('renderRangeToDisplayList' [, startfaceidx=0] [, endfaceidx]); % -- Like 'render' and 'renderToDisplayList', except that the range of % faces (triangles or quads) can be restricted to a subrange of the mesh. % By default, the full mesh is rendered. 'startfaceidx' Allows start at % given index instead of index zero. 'endfaceidx' Allows end at % given index instead of the last face index in the mesh. % % Caution: Face indices count in units of surface primitives. 1 count = 1 % triangle or quad, depending on the type of your mesh. % % Caution: Face indices are zero-based! The first element is at index zero. % This is different from the one-based indexing of vertices in the % functions 'renderNormals' and 'getVertexPositions', where index 1 denotes % the first vertex in the mesh. % % % moglmorpher('renderNormals' [,normalLength=1] [, startidx=1] [, endidx]); % -- Renders the surface normal vectors of the last shape in green, either at unit-length, % or at 'normalLength' if this argument is provided. This is a helper function for % checking the correctness of computed normals. It is very slow! % % % vpos = moglmorpher('getVertexPositions', windowPtr [, startidx=1] [, endidx]); % -- Compute and return a matrix which contains the projected screen space coordinates of all % vertices that would be rendered when calling moglmorpher('render'). windowPtr is the handle % of the window into which we render. Optional arguments startidx and endidx define the % index of the first vertex, resp. the last vertex to transform. The returned 'vpos' is a % vcount-by-3 matrix, where vcount is the number of returned vertices, and row i contains the % projected 3D position of the i'th vertex vcount(i,:) = (screen_x, screen_y, depth_z); % Unsupported on OpenGL-ES. % % count = moglmorpher('getMeshCount'); % -- Returns number of stored shapes. % % % textureCoordinates = moglmorpher('getTexCoords'); % -- Returns current vector of textureCoordinates as used for rendering % meshes. % % % [vertices, normals] = moglmorpher('getGeometry'); % -- Returns current vector of 'vertices' and (optionally) normals as used % for rendering meshes. Call this after (at least one call to) % 'computeMorph' or 'renderMorph' to retrieve the current morphed mesh. % vertices and normals are 3-by-n matrices, each column encoding the three % components (x,y,z) of a single 3D vertex position or vertex normal. % % % [texid, gltexid, gltextarget] = moglmorpher('morphTexture', windowPtr, morphWeights, keyTextures); % -- Compute a linear combination of the Psychtoolbox textures stored in % vector 'keyTextures', using the values in vector 'morphWeights' as % weights. Return handles to the computed (morphed) texture. 'texid' is a % Psychtoolbox texture handle (e.g., for use with Screen('DrawTexture')), % gltexid is an OpenGL texture handle and gltextarget is an OpenGL texture % target. The texture could be used for rendering, e.g., onto a surface via % glBindTexture(gltextarget, gltexid); and disabled again via % glBindTexture(gltextarget, 0); % % Input textures must be rectangle textures and the output texture will be % a rectangle texture. The morphed texture 'texid' is owned by moglmorpher. % You must not close it or bad things will happen! % % % moglmorpher('reset'); % -- Resets the moglmorpher - deletes all internal data structures. % % % CONTEXT MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS: % % moglmorpher() supports use of more than one morph context. This is useful % if you have to morph multiple separate morph-models. You can create % and setup one dedicated context for each such model. Then you can switch % between contexts before executing moglmorpher() commands. The commands % will always apply to the current set context. Once you're done, you can % delete contexts. % % Context switching is not free! It comes at a modest cost in terms of % computation time spent if you have GPU based morphing enabled. It can % consume significant time if you use software only morphing with models of % non-trivial size. % % Use of these functions is optional. If you don't use them to create your % own contexts, moglmorpher will create a single default context and use % that. This ensures backwards compatibility to old scripts and % single-context scripts. % % The following functions allow context management: % % context = moglmorpher('createContext' [, windowPtr]); % -- Create a new morphing context, attached to onscreen window 'windowPtr' % - or the default window if 'windowPtr' is omitted. Return it in % 'context'. If you want to setup and then use the 'context', you will need % to call 'setContext'. % % % oldcontext = moglmorpher('setContext', context); % -- Set 'context' as the new morph context, return the previously set % current context optionally in 'oldcontext'. All other moglmorpher() % commands always operate on the current morph context until you change the % morphcontext to a new current morph context with this 'setContext' % command. If you don't use 'setContext' in your scripts, moglmorpher will % automatically create and bind a default context for use. This ensures % backwards compatibility to scripts which don't need multiple morph % contexts. % % % currentContext = moglmorpher('getContext'); % -- Return the currently set morph context. If 'createContext' and % 'setContext' weren't used, this is the default context which was % automatically created by moglmorpher. % % % context = moglmorpher('deleteContext', context); % -- Delete given 'context' and release all its associated resources, % return an emptied out copy in the optional return argument 'context'. % % IMPORTANT: You *must* delete all contexts with this method which have % been created by 'createContext', otherwise you will leak resources! % The exception is the currently bound context, which will get deleted % automatically if moglmorpher('reset'); is called, but not otherwise! % % If in doubt, call this on each of your contexts and then some... % % One convenient way to release all resources and clean out all contexts is % to call "clear all", this will reset everything. However, do not use % "clear all" inside scripts which are supposed to work within GNU/Octave! % Only call at the command prompt. % % % (c) 2006-2012 Mario Kleiner - licensed to you under MIT license. % % History: % Sometimes 2006 - Written (MK). % % 10.09.2007 Added code for high-performance GPU based morhping. (MK). % This makes use of FBOs, PBOs and VBOs plus the PTB imaging % pipeline to perform all morphing on the GPU, ie., all data % always resides in VRAM, only minimal involvement of the CPU % and host<->GPU bus --> Should provide significant speedups % for large meshes or many meshes. Observed speedup on % MacBookPro with ATI Radeon X1600 over Matlab7.4 is 3x. % % 03.11.2010 Add function 'getGeometry' to retrieve current (morphed) mesh % geometry. (MK). % % 03.11.2010 Add function 'morphTexture' to morph textures as well (MK). % % 03.11.2010 Add support for static vertex colors (non-morphable for now) (MK). % % 09.02.2011 Add support for use of multiple morph contexts (MK). % % 09.02.2011 Add support for rendering only a subrange of faces from a mesh (MK). % % 23.12.2011 Add new subfunction 'deleteMeshAtIndex' for deleting of % keyshapes. Change license from GPL to MIT (MK). % % 5.01.2012 Add optional 'dontReset' flag to 'deleteMeshAtIndex', so user % can delete all keyshapes without incurring a full reset cycle (MK). % % 10.01.2013 Fix bug in argument checking (MK). % 04.04.2013 Make OpenGL-ES compatible, at least basic functionality (MK). % 08.01.2016 Require 32 bit float framebuffers and textures for GPU based morphing (MK). % 01.02.2017 Bugfix for use of vertex colors: Also work with only 1 addMesh (MK). % White-space and style cleanup. % The GL OpenGL constant definition struct is shared with all other modules: global GL; % Currently used context of moglmorpher: Holds tons of internal state. persistent ctx; % Data type for OpenGL data, GL_FLOAT or GL_DOUBLE. persistent usetype; % Data type for indices, GL_UNSIGNED_INT or GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT. persistent indextype; % glDrawRangeElements() command supported? persistent drawrangeelements; % GPU accelerated morphing supported and enabled? persistent gpubasedmorphing; % Buggy ATI driver on old OS/X versions? persistent isbuggyatidriver; % Pointer to and size of current memory feedback buffer: % This buffer is shared between all contexts. persistent feedbackptr; persistent feedbacksize; % Default win'dow handle: Used if no specific onscreen window is given. If % the default context is created and assigned, this is the window that will % be associated with it. It gets auto-detected at startup time. % % If the CreateContext function is used to create contexts other than the default % context, a specified window handle can get associated with those extra % contexts. persistent win; % Sanity check: if nargin < 1 help moglmorpher; return; end % Special subcommand: The only one to be called without open onscreen % window: if strcmpi(cmd, 'ForceGPUMorphingEnabled') if nargin < 2 error('You must supply the enable flag for subfunction ForceGPUMorphingEnabled!'); end if ~isempty(ctx) && (ctx.objcount > 0) error('You must call subfunction "ForceGPUMorphingEnabled" before the very first call to subfunction "addMesh"!'); end % Assign override flag: gpubasedmorphing = arg1; if gpubasedmorphing fprintf('moglmorpher: INFO: Fully GPU based morphing forcefully enabled by usercode!\n'); else fprintf('moglmorpher: INFO: Fully GPU based morphing forcefully disabled by usercode!\n'); end rc = 0; return; end % Initialize MOGL if it didn't happen already in a different module: if isempty(GL) InitializeMatlabOpenGL; end % Initialize feedback memory pointers: if isempty(feedbackptr) feedbackptr = 0; feedbacksize = 0; end if isempty(win) % Guess-o-matic: We need the window handle of the onscreen window in % which we are supposed to morph & render, but this doesn't get passed % by default. Try to auto-detect: win = Screen('GetOpenGLDrawMode'); if win == 0 % No window bound as drawing target. Just choose first open % onscreen window: windowlist = Screen('Windows'); if isempty(windowlist) % Tried to invoke a moglmorpher subfunction without any open % onscreen windows. That's a no-no... error('You must open at least one onscreen window before calling any moglmorpher() subfunctions!'); end win = windowlist(1); end end % Check if our renderer is an ATI Radeon X-1600 under MacOS/X. If so, set % the buggy renderer flag to take some bug of that gpu or its driver on % OS/X into account... if isempty(isbuggyatidriver) % Prior assumption: No buggy driver... isbuggyatidriver = 0; % ATI X1000 series on OS/X? if ~isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.RENDERER), 'Radeon X1')) && IsOSX % OS/X 10.4.x ATI driver is buggy, but not 10.5.5 and later. compinfo = Screen('Computer'); osrelease = sscanf(compinfo.system, '%*s %*s %*i.%i.%i'); if (osrelease(1) < 5) || ((osrelease(1) == 5) && (osrelease(2) < 5)) % Buggy 10.4.x or a 10.5.4 or earlier: Enable workaround. isbuggyatidriver = 1; end end % Check if addition is supported for floating-point single precision % numbers. If so, we cast all data arrays to single precision (float) % and use GL_FLOAT instead of GL_DOUBLE for data-transfer to OpenGL. % This is potentially faster for morphing and rendering, but only % supported on Matlab-7 or later. try dummy = moglsingle(1) + moglsingle(1); if dummy == 2 usetype = GL.FLOAT; else usetype = GL.DOUBLE; end catch usetype = GL.DOUBLE; end % Override: For GPU based morphing, we won't do the math in % Matlab/Octave, so we can always use the more efficient GL.FLOAT type: if gpubasedmorphing usetype = GL.FLOAT; end indextype = GL.UNSIGNED_INT; if IsGLES % We are pretty limited on ES: indextype = GL.UNSIGNED_SHORT; end end if isempty(gpubasedmorphing) % Test if fully GPU based morphing via FBO's VBO's PBO's and shaders is % possible. Use it, if so: gpubasedmorphing = 0; % Check if all OpenGL extensions for GPU based morphing are available: if ~isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), '_vertex_buffer_object')) && ... ~isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), '_pixel_buffer_object')) && ... ~isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), '_framebuffer_object')) && ... ~isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), 'GL_ARB_shading_language')) && ... ~isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), 'GL_ARB_shader_objects')) && ... ~isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), 'GL_ARB_fragment_shader')) && ... (~isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), 'GL_APPLE_float_pixels')) || ... ~isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), '_color_buffer_float'))) % Test passed: All required extensions are supported. % Check if at least minimal imaging pipeline is active. Otherwise % this won't work: [targetwindow, IsOpenGLRendering] = Screen('GetOpenGLDrawMode'); if IsOpenGLRendering % Disable OpenGL mode: Screen('EndOpenGL', targetwindow); end winfo=Screen('GetWindowInfo', win); if IsOpenGLRendering % Reenable OpenGL mode: Screen('BeginOpenGL', targetwindow); end if (bitand(winfo.ImagingMode, kPsychNeedFastBackingStore)==0) && (winfo.ImagingMode~= kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows) fprintf('\n\nmoglmorpher: HINT: Your hardware supports fast GPU based morphing, but i cannot use it.\n'); fprintf('moglmorpher: HINT: Please set the optional "imagingMode" flag of Screen(''OpenWindow'', ...)\n'); fprintf('moglmorpher: HINT: at least equal to "kPsychNeedFastOffscreenWindows" in order to enable fast mode.\n\n'); else % We also need floating point textures and framebuffers of 32 bit float format: if winfo.GLSupportsFBOUpToBpc < 32 || winfo.GLSupportsTexturesUpToBpc < 32 fprintf('\n\nmoglmorpher: INFO: Your gfx-hardware is not capable of handling textures and buffers with the required precision\n'); fprintf('moglmorpher: INFO: for GPU based morphing. Therefore only using CPU based morphing.\n'); else % Switch to fully GPU based morphing and rendering. All work done by GPU, CPU % will be mostly idle: gpubasedmorphing = 1; fprintf('moglmorpher: INFO: Fully GPU based Morphing & Rendering enabled!\n'); % Broadcom VideoCore-6 can do gpu morphing, but only with a little workaround, % so mark need for workaround via setting 2: if ~isempty(strfind(winfo.GLRenderer, 'V3D')) gpubasedmorphing = 2; end end end else fprintf('moglmorpher: INFO: Only using CPU based Morphing.\n'); end end % Check if hardware supports glDrawRangeElements(): if isempty(drawrangeelements) if isempty(strfind(glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS), 'GL_EXT_draw_range_elements')) % No glDrawRangeElements() support. drawrangeelements = 0; else % glDrawRangeElements() supported. drawrangeelements = 1; end end % Initialize and assign default context if no current context is set: if isempty(ctx) ctx = internalCreateContext(win); end % Subcommand dispatcher: % ====================== if strcmpi(cmd, 'createcontext') % Create a new empty context and return it: if nargin < 2 || isempty(arg1) % No window handle provided. Use our default window: mywin = win; else % Use given window: mywin = arg1; end % Create and return the new default context: rc = internalCreateContext(mywin); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'deletecontext') % Delete a given context: if nargin < 2 || isempty(arg1) error('In DeleteContext: You must provide a context to delete!'); end % If the given context to destroy is the currently bound context, then % "unbind" it before destruction: if (isequal(arg1, ctx)) ctx = []; end % Delete context: rc = arg1; rc = internalDeleteContext(rc, gpubasedmorphing); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'setcontext') % Set a given context as current context: if nargin < 2 || isempty(arg1) error('In SetContext: You must provide a context to set!'); end % Return the old current context: rc = ctx; % Assign this as the new one: ctx = arg1; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'getcontext') % Return the current context: rc = ctx; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'reset') % Reset ourselves: % Any current context defined, which needs to be deleted? if ~isempty(ctx) % Delete current context and reset it to "undefined": ctx = internalDeleteContext(ctx, gpubasedmorphing); end % Reset global state, not bound to a specific context: % Release memory buffer, if any: if feedbackptr~=0 moglfree(feedbackptr); feedbackptr=0; feedbacksize=0; end % Release everything else. We can not use the clear % function, because its use inside function bodies % is forbidden under Octave. drawrangeelements = []; gpubasedmorphing = []; % Reset success: rc = 0; % Done. return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'getMeshCount') % Return count of stored keyshapes: rc = ctx.objcount; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'getTexCoords') % Return current internal texcoords array: rc = ctx.texcoords; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'assumeSparseMorphWeights') if nargin < 2 error('Need to supply "enable" flag with value 0 or 1!'); end % Return old setting: rc = ctx.useSparseMorph; % Assign new setting: ctx.useSparseMorph = arg1; % Done. return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'deleteMeshAtIndex') % A mesh should be deleted from the collection of key-meshes. if nargin < 2 error('Index of mesh to delete is missing!'); end % Get mesh handle, sanity check: idx = arg1; if isempty(idx) || ~isscalar(idx) || ~isnumeric(idx) || idx < 1 error('Invalid index of mesh provided! Must be a numeric value > 0.'); end % Does such a mesh exist? if idx > ctx.objcount error('Invalid mesh index provided! No mesh at given index exists.'); end % Optional dontReset flag provided? if nargin < 3 || isempty(arg2) dontReset = 0; else dontReset = arg2; end % Yep: Is this the last keyshape to delete? if (ctx.objcount == 1) && (dontReset == 0) % Yep: Time for a big cleanup. Destroy and recreate whole ctx to % prepare for full reinit once a new mesh is added: % Delete current context and reset it to "undefined": mywin =; internalDeleteContext(ctx, gpubasedmorphing); % Create and return the new default context: ctx = internalCreateContext(mywin); % ctx is now a fresh and new. Will be filled with life at first % 'addMesh' call. We're done: rc = 0; return; end % A signal to the 'addMesh' code on future invocations to % not reinit the shaders, fbos etc. if dontReset ctx.warmstart = 1; else ctx.warmstart = []; end % More than one keyshape stored. We don't do a full ctx % destroy-recreate, but only delete the single keyshape: if ~gpubasedmorphing % CPU based operation: Just delete mesh from internal array of keyshapes: % We copy all non-deleted meshes from the old matrices into new % matrices: retainIdx = setdiff(1:ctx.objcount, idx); ctx.keyvertices = ctx.keyvertices(:,:,retainIdx); ctx.keynormals = ctx.keynormals(:,:,retainIdx); else % GPU based operation: % Query current OpenGL state: [targetwindow, IsOpenGLRendering] = Screen('GetOpenGLDrawMode'); if IsOpenGLRendering % Disable OpenGL mode: Screen('EndOpenGL', targetwindow); end % Delete the keyshape texture that represents the mesh: Screen('Close', ctx.keyshapes(idx)); % Move all non-deleted keyshapes down the stack: retainIdx = setdiff(1:ctx.objcount, idx); ctx.keyshapes = ctx.keyshapes(retainIdx); % Reset masterkeyshape texture, if any: if ~isempty(ctx.masterkeyshapetex) Screen('Close', ctx.masterkeyshapetex); ctx.masterkeyshapetex = []; end if IsOpenGLRendering % Reenable OpenGL mode: Screen('BeginOpenGL', targetwindow); end end % Now we have one keyshape less: ctx.objcount = ctx.objcount - 1; % Increment total count of updates: ctx.updatecount = ctx.updatecount + 1; % Done. rc = 0; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'addMesh') % A new mesh should be added as keyshape to the collection of key-meshes. if nargin <2 error('Need to supply at least an obj mesh object!'); end argcount = nargin; % Struct instead of separate variables provided? if isstruct(arg1) % Yes. Split it up into single ones. argcount = 3; obj = arg1; arg1 = obj.faces; arg2 = obj.vertices; if ~isempty(obj.texcoords) argcount = 4; arg3 = obj.texcoords; else arg3 = []; end if ~isempty(obj.normals) argcount = 5; arg4 = obj.normals; else arg4 = []; end if isfield(obj, 'colors') && ~isempty(obj.colors) argcount = 6; arg5 = obj.colors; else arg5 = []; end end % Sanity checks: if argcount < 3 error('Need to supply at least a vector of face indices and vertices!'); end % If we have multiple keyshapes then all keyshapes need to have the same topology % and number/dimensionality of vertices, normals and texcoords, otherwise morphing % wouldn't work. On a warmstart we still have all the needed validation info and % constraings in ctx.faces etc., despite the last keyshape being deledted, ie. % even if ctx.objcount == 0. Therefore we validate also on a warmstart. if (ctx.objcount > 0) || ~isempty(ctx.warmstart) % At least one keymesh is already defined check for consistency: if size(ctx.faces)~=size(arg1) error('Mismatch between size of current faces array and faces array of new mesh!'); end if (size(ctx.vertices)~=size(arg2)) error('Mismatch between size of current vertex coords. array and array of new mesh!'); end if ctx.usetextures && (argcount<4 || isempty(arg3) || any(size(ctx.texcoords)~=size(arg3))) error('Mismatch between size of current texture coords. array and array of new mesh or missing texcoords array!'); end if ctx.usenormals && (argcount<5 || isempty(arg4) || any(size(ctx.normals)~=size(arg4))) error('Mismatch between size of current normals array and array of new mesh or missing normals array!'); end if ctx.usecolors && (argcount<6 || isempty(arg5) || any(size(ctx.vertcolors)~=size(arg5))) error('Mismatch between size of current vertex colors array and array of new mesh or missing colors array!'); end end % Cast vector of face indices to unsigned int 32 for use by OpenGL and assign it: if indextype == GL.UNSIGNED_INT ctx.faces = uint32(arg1); else ctx.faces = uint16(arg1); end ctx.minvertex=min(min(ctx.faces)); ctx.maxvertex=max(max(ctx.faces)); % 2nd argument is vertex array: ctx.vertices = double(arg2); % 3rd (optional) argument is texture coordinate array: if argcount>3 && ~isempty(arg3) ctx.texcoords = double(arg3); ctx.usetextures = 1; end % 4th (optional) argument is normal vectors array: if argcount>4 && ~isempty(arg4) ctx.normals = double(arg4); ctx.usenormals = 1; end % Store true size of arrays: ctx.realVertexCount = size(ctx.vertices, 2); if ctx.usenormals ctx.realNormalCount = size(ctx.normals, 2); else ctx.realNormalCount = 0; end % 5th (optional) argument is vertex colors array: if argcount>5 && ~isempty(arg5) ctx.vertcolors = double(arg5); ctx.usecolors = 1; end if size(ctx.vertices, 1) ~= 3 error('addMesh: Vertex matrix must have 3 rows for (x,y,z) 3D vertices!'); end if ctx.usenormals && (size(ctx.normals, 1) ~= 3) error('addMesh: Normals matrix must have 3 rows for (nx,ny,nz) 3D normals!'); end if ctx.usetextures && ~ismember(size(ctx.texcoords, 1), [1,2,3]) error('addMesh: Texture coordinate matrix must have 1-3 rows for 1D/2D/3D texture coordinates!'); end if ctx.usecolors && ~ismember(size(ctx.vertcolors, 1), [3,4]) error('addMesh: Vertex color matrix must have 3-4 rows for RGB or RGBA colors!'); end % Assign vertex array and normals array to new slot in keyshape vector: ctx.objcount = ctx.objcount + 1; if ~gpubasedmorphing % CPU based operation: Just copy vertices and normals into our % internal arrays of keyshapes: % If runtime can handle native single() aka FLOAT data type, then % downcase to float --> More memory and speed efficient on CPU! % Otherwise (Matlab < 7.0 or current Octave 2 and 3) keep it at our % current double() format: if usetype==GL.FLOAT ctx.vertices = moglsingle(ctx.vertices); ctx.texcoords = moglsingle(ctx.texcoords); ctx.normals = moglsingle(ctx.normals); ctx.vertcolors = moglsingle(ctx.vertcolors); end ctx.keyvertices(:,:,ctx.objcount)=ctx.vertices(:,:); ctx.keynormals(:,:,ctx.objcount)=ctx.normals(:,:); else % GPU based operation: Setup "shape textures" ie, floating point % textures that encode vertex and normal vectors. % The current format of vertices, texcoords and normals is % double(), which is what we need for creation of floating point % textures... % Build shape vector texture: texlinelength = 1024; nrows = ceil(size(ctx.vertices, 2) / texlinelength); ncols = texlinelength; npad = (texlinelength - mod(size(ctx.vertices, 2), texlinelength)); if npad ~= texlinelength invertices = [ctx.vertices zeros(3, npad)]; if ctx.usenormals innormals = [ctx.normals zeros(3, npad)]; end else invertices = ctx.vertices; if ctx.usenormals innormals = ctx.normals; end end c1 = flipud(transpose(reshape(invertices(1,:), ncols, nrows))); c2 = flipud(transpose(reshape(invertices(2,:), ncols, nrows))); c3 = flipud(transpose(reshape(invertices(3,:), ncols, nrows))); if ctx.usenormals c1 = [ flipud(transpose(reshape(innormals(1,:), ncols, nrows))) ; c1 ]; c2 = [ flipud(transpose(reshape(innormals(2,:), ncols, nrows))) ; c2 ]; c3 = [ flipud(transpose(reshape(innormals(3,:), ncols, nrows))) ; c3 ]; nrows = nrows * 2; end myshapeimg = zeros(nrows,ncols,3); myshapeimg(:,:,1) = c1; myshapeimg(:,:,2) = c2; myshapeimg(:,:,3) = c3; % Query current OpenGL state: [targetwindow, IsOpenGLRendering] = Screen('GetOpenGLDrawMode'); if IsOpenGLRendering % Disable OpenGL mode: Screen('EndOpenGL', targetwindow); end % Convert "keyshapematrix" with encoded vertex- and normal vectors % into a 32bpc floating point texture (floatprecision == 2) and % request immediate conversion into optimal storage format for % Screen('TransformTexture') (orientation == 1): ctx.keyshapes(ctx.objcount) = Screen('MakeTexture',, myshapeimg, [], 32, 2, 1); % Reset masterkeyshape texture, if any: if ~isempty(ctx.masterkeyshapetex) Screen('Close', ctx.masterkeyshapetex); ctx.masterkeyshapetex = []; end % First time invocation? A warm restart (dontReset = 1 set in 'deleteMeshXXX') % does not count as first time invocation, as a dontReset does keep all % shaders, FBOs and other resources setup, so no need to do it here again. if (ctx.objcount == 1) && isempty(ctx.warmstart) % Yes! Need to allocate and setup FBO's PBO's and VBO's and create % GLSL operator for morphing on GPU: % Creation and init of special GLSL morph-operator for shape morphing % on GPU: ctx.morphshader = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('LinearCombinationOfTwoImagesShader.frag.txt'); ctx.morphOperator = CreateGLOperator(, kPsychNeed32BPCFloat, ctx.morphshader, 'Multiply-Accumulate operator for shape morphing'); ctx.morphOperatorNoNormals = CreateGLOperator(, kPsychNeed32BPCFloat, ctx.morphshader, 'No normals Multiply-Accumulate operator for shape morphing'); if ctx.usenormals Screen('HookFunction', ctx.morphOperatorNoNormals, 'PrependBuiltin', 'UserDefinedBlit', 'Builtin:RestrictToScissorROI', sprintf('%i:%i:%i:%i', 0, 0, ncols, nrows/2)); end % Need 'ctx.shadermorphweight' uniform location, so we can assign a % different weight for morphing of each keyshape in morph-loop: ctx.shadermorphweight = glGetUniformLocation(ctx.morphshader, 'Image1Weight'); % Setup all other uniforms to their fixed values: glUseProgram(ctx.morphshader); % Don't need 2nd weight of this shader for our purpose: Set it % to 1.0 so we get a nice multiply-accumulate behaviour: glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(ctx.morphshader, 'Image2Weight'), 1.0); % Assign texture units to samplers: glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(ctx.morphshader, 'Image1'), 0); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(ctx.morphshader, 'Image2'), 1); glUseProgram(0); ctx.multimorphshader = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('MultiMorphShader.frag.txt'); ctx.multimorphOperator = CreateGLOperator(, kPsychNeed32BPCFloat, ctx.multimorphshader, 'Singlepass Multiply-Accumulate operator for shape morphing'); ctx.multimorphOperatorNoNormals = CreateGLOperator(, kPsychNeed32BPCFloat, ctx.multimorphshader, 'No normals Singlepass Multiply-Accumulate operator for shape morphing'); if ctx.usenormals Screen('HookFunction', ctx.multimorphOperatorNoNormals, 'PrependBuiltin', 'UserDefinedBlit', 'Builtin:RestrictToScissorROI', sprintf('%i:%i:%i:%i', 0, 0, ncols, nrows/2)); end % Query needed locations of shader uniforms: ctx.multishadermorphcount = glGetUniformLocation(ctx.multimorphshader, 'Count'); multishadermorphstride = glGetUniformLocation(ctx.multimorphshader, 'Stride'); % Setup all other uniforms to their fixed values: glUseProgram(ctx.multimorphshader); % Assign texture unit to sampler: glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(ctx.multimorphshader, 'Image'), 0); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(ctx.multimorphshader, 'WeightImage'), 1); glUniform1i(multishadermorphstride, nrows); glUseProgram(0); % Create offscreen floating point windows as morph-accumulation % buffers: Need two of them for buffer-pingpong... % We request 128 bpp == 32 bpc float precision: ctx.morphbuffer(1) = Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow',, [0 0 0 0], [0 0 ncols nrows], 128, 32); ctx.morphbuffer(2) = Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow',, [0 0 0 0], [0 0 ncols nrows], 128, 32); % Create and setup PBO-backed VBO: Screen('BeginOpenGL',; ctx.vbo = glGenBuffers(1); glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.vbo); % Calculate size of VBO in bytes: arraycount = 1; if ctx.usetextures arraycount = arraycount + 1; end if ctx.usenormals arraycount = arraycount + 1; nrows= nrows / 2; end buffersize = arraycount * ncols*nrows*4*4; if ~ctx.usetextures % Allocate but don't initialize it, ie NULL pointer == 0 glBufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffersize, 0, GL.STREAM_COPY); ctx.vbovertexstart = 0; else % Allocate it and initialize its start with texture % coordinates: % Assume storage requirement for texcoords is nr-components * % nr-coords * sizeof(float) (ie 4) texcoordsize = size(ctx.texcoords,1) * size(ctx.texcoords,2) * 4; glBufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffersize, 0, GL.STREAM_COPY); glBufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, texcoordsize, moglsingle(ctx.texcoords)); ctx.vbovertexstart = texcoordsize; end if ctx.usenormals ctx.vbonormalstart = ctx.vbovertexstart + (4 * size(invertices, 2) * 4); else ctx.vbonormalstart = 0; end glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); % Setup another VBO for the polygon face indices: ctx.ibo = glGenBuffers(1); glBindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, ctx.ibo); % Allocate buffer for number of face indices stored in 'ctx.faces', % each taking up elsize Bytes (== sizeof(indextype)) of memory. % Initialize immediately with content of 'ctx.faces' array and tell % OpenGL that this won't change at all during operation % (STATIC_DRAW): if indextype == GL.UNSIGNED_INT elsize = 4; else elsize = 2; end glBufferData(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, size(ctx.faces,1) * size(ctx.faces,2) * elsize, ctx.faces, GL.STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0); Screen('EndOpenGL',; end if ctx.usenormals % Ok, a bit strange and inefficient maybe, but needed for % correct semantics/compatibility to non-GPU-morph case. We % need to init the normals-array subsection of the VBO with the % normals of the current shape. In case the master-script % requests to not morph normal vectors, this will guarantee % that the normal vectors of the last added mesh will be used % instead of the morphed normals: mynormals = moglsingle([ ctx.normals ; zeros(1, size(ctx.normals, 2))]); Screen('BeginOpenGL',; glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.vbo); glBufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.vbonormalstart, (4 * size(ctx.normals, 2) * 4), mynormals); glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); Screen('EndOpenGL',; end if ctx.usecolors buffersize = size(ctx.vertcolors,1) * size(ctx.vertcolors,2) * 4; if isempty(ctx.colorvbo) ctx.colorvbo = glGenBuffers(1); glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.colorvbo); glBufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffersize, moglsingle(ctx.vertcolors), GL.STATIC_DRAW); else glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.colorvbo); glBufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, buffersize, moglsingle(ctx.vertcolors)); end glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); end clear invertices; if IsOpenGLRendering % Reenable OpenGL mode: Screen('BeginOpenGL', targetwindow); end end % Reset "warmstart" flag, as set by moglmorpher('deleteMeshXX') with % the dontReset flag set to only delete the last keyshape, don't do % full reset. ctx.warmstart = []; % Increment total count of updates: ctx.updatecount = ctx.updatecount + 1; % Return a handle to the new keymesh: rc = ctx.objcount; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'getGeometry') % Return current internal vertex and normals array: if ctx.updatecount <= 1 error('Tried to retrieve morphed geometry/normals, but "computeMorph" not yet called at least once!'); end % Compute intense resync of GPU's VBO with our cached copies needed? if ctx.resynccount < ctx.updatecount % Yes: Do it. % In cpu only mode, we have our results already in internal persistent % matrices "ctx.vertices" and "normals", so nothing complex to do. % In gpu mode, we need to fetch data from the GPU aka the ctx.vbo we use: if gpubasedmorphing % Query current OpenGL state: [targetwindow, IsOpenGLRendering] = Screen('GetOpenGLDrawMode'); if IsOpenGLRendering % Disable OpenGL mode: Screen('EndOpenGL', targetwindow); end % Get [w,h] width x height of 2D ctx.morphbuffer in "data pixels". Each % datapixel is either a 4D-vertex coordinate or a 4D-normal vector, % the 4th component being padding: [w, h] = Screen('WindowSize', ctx.morphbuffer(1)); % Total buffer size is w*h elements, each with 4 components (4D) % and each component being a 4-Byte float value. As half of this % amount is vertex data and the other half is normal data, we % divide by 2 to get amount of vertex / normal data to retrieve: buffersize = w * h * 4 * 4 / 2; Screen('BeginOpenGL', ctx.morphbuffer(1)); % Bind ctx.vbo with current (morphed) geometry (positions and normals): glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.vbo); ctx.vertices = zeros(4, buffersize / 4 / 4); ctx.vertices = moglsingle(ctx.vertices); glGetBufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.vbovertexstart, buffersize, ctx.vertices); ctx.vertices = ctx.vertices(1:3, 1:ctx.realVertexCount); if nargout > 1 && ctx.usenormals ctx.normals = zeros(4, buffersize / 4 / 4); ctx.normals = moglsingle(ctx.normals); glGetBufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.vbonormalstart, buffersize, ctx.normals); ctx.normals = ctx.normals(1:3, 1:ctx.realNormalCount); end % Done. Unbind ctx.vbo: glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); Screen('EndOpenGL', ctx.morphbuffer(1)); if IsOpenGLRendering % Reenable OpenGL mode: Screen('BeginOpenGL', targetwindow); end end % Resynced: ctx.resynccount = ctx.updatecount; end % Return our internal arrays with current morph/render results: rc = ctx.vertices; if nargout > 1 && ctx.usenormals varargout{1} = ctx.normals; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'renderMesh') % A single mesh should be rendered. if nargin < 2 error('You need to supply the handle of the mesh to be rendered!'); end if arg1 <1 || arg1>ctx.objcount error('Handle for non-existent keyshape provided!'); end if ~gpubasedmorphing % CPU based operation: % Copy vertices and normals to renderbuffers: ctx.vertices(:,:) = ctx.keyvertices(:, :, arg1); if ctx.usenormals ctx.normals(:,:) = ctx.keynormals(:,:,arg1); end else % GPU morphing ops: Our geometry is stored in textures... % Query current OpenGL state: [targetwindow, IsOpenGLRendering] = Screen('GetOpenGLDrawMode'); if IsOpenGLRendering % Disable OpenGL mode: Screen('EndOpenGL', targetwindow); end [w,h] = Screen('WindowSize', ctx.keyshapes(arg1)); Screen('BeginOpenGL', ctx.keyshapes(arg1)); glBindBuffer(GL.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB, ctx.vbo); % Read back whole shape texture, including normals: glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, ctx.vbovertexstart); glBindBuffer(GL.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB, 0); Screen('EndOpenGL', ctx.keyshapes(arg1)); if IsOpenGLRendering % Reenable OpenGL mode: Screen('BeginOpenGL', targetwindow); end end % Increment global update counter: ctx.updatecount = ctx.updatecount + 1; % Set command code for rendering current content of renderbuffers: cmd = 'render'; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'renderMorph') || strcmpi(cmd, 'computeMorph') % A morph (linear combination) of all meshes should be computed and then rendered. if nargin < 2 error('You need to supply the morph-weight vector!'); end if length(arg1) < 1 error('Morph weight vector needs at least 1 valid entry!'); end if length(arg1) > ctx.objcount error('Morph weight vector contains more coefficients than available keyshapes!'); end if size(arg1, 2)~=1 arg1 = transpose(arg1); end % Make sure the weights are in double() format: arg1 = double(arg1); % By default we morph normal vectors as well. As this is not mathematically correct, % the parent-code can prevent normal morphing by providing the optional morphnormals=0 % flag. if nargin < 3 morphnormals=1; else morphnormals=arg2; end if ~gpubasedmorphing % CPU based morphing via Matlabs vector operations: % Perform morphing of shape and normal vectors: ctx.vertices(:,:) = ctx.keyvertices(:,:,1) * arg1(1); for i=2:length(arg1) if abs(arg1(i)) > 0 % Add next keyshape: ctx.vertices(:,:) = ctx.vertices(:,:) + (ctx.keyvertices(:,:,i) * arg1(i)); end end % Perform morphing of normals as well. This is not strictly correct. if ctx.usenormals && morphnormals ctx.normals(:,:) = ctx.keynormals(:,:,1) * arg1(1); for i=2:length(arg1) if abs(arg1(i)) > 0 % Add next keyshape: ctx.normals(:,:) = ctx.normals(:,:) + (ctx.keynormals(:,:,i) * arg1(i)); end end end else % GPU based morphing: % Query current OpenGL state: [targetwindow, IsOpenGLRendering] = Screen('GetOpenGLDrawMode'); if IsOpenGLRendering % Disable OpenGL mode: Screen('EndOpenGL', targetwindow); end % Targetwindow active? if targetwindow == 0 % Nope! We are without targetwindow, e.g., due to return from % an async flip operation. That means that no OpenGL context is % active for this thread and all OpenGL ops would be no-ops or % crashes. We perform a dummy call for the sole purpose to get % our window bound and an OpenGL context activated: dummyWinfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo',; %#ok end % Switch to OpenGL mode and copy ctx.morphbuffer into our VBO: [w, h] = Screen('WindowSize', ctx.morphbuffer(1)); % Do we already have a master keyshape texture which collects all % keyshapes (textures) into one single big texture? if isempty(ctx.masterkeyshapetex) % No. This must be the first invocation after a call to % 'addMesh'. Try to build the huge keyshape texture if space constraints allow and if this is not the % Broadcom VideoCore-6 which can not handle it: if (h * ctx.objcount < glGetIntegerv(GL.MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT)) && (gpubasedmorphing ~= 2) % Number and size of keyshapes fits within contraints of % hardware. Build unified keyshape texture: ctx.masterkeyshapetex = Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow',, [0 0 0 0], [0 0 w h*ctx.objcount], 128, 32); for i=1:ctx.objcount Screen('DrawTexture', ctx.masterkeyshapetex, ctx.keyshapes(ctx.objcount+1-i), [], OffsetRect([0 0 w h], 0, h*(i-1)), 0, 0); end % Store total count of objects to morph in shader: if isbuggyatidriver driverslack = 1; else driverslack = 0; end glUseProgram(ctx.multimorphshader); glUniform1i(ctx.multishadermorphcount, ctx.objcount + driverslack); glUseProgram(0); end end % Which path to use? if isempty(ctx.masterkeyshapetex) || (ctx.useSparseMorph > 0) % Iterative path. Used when number and size of keyshapes % doesn't fit into hardware constraints for a single shape % texture. % We iterate over all keyshape() textures, and morph-in (aka % multiply-accumulate) one keyshape per iteration: % Initialize our ctx.morphbuffer(1) offscreen window with empty shape: Screen('Blendfunction', ctx.morphbuffer(1), GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); Screen('Blendfunction', ctx.morphbuffer(2), GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); Screen('FillRect', ctx.morphbuffer(1), [0 0 0 0]); % Initial src- dst- assignement for buffer-pingpong: currentsrcbuffer = 1; currentdstbuffer = 2; % Morph-Loop for multiply-accumulate morph operation: for i=1:length(arg1) % Only process keyshapes with non-zero activation weight: if abs(arg1(i)) > 0 % Store morph weight for i'th shape in uniform for shader: glUseProgram(ctx.morphshader); glUniform1f(ctx.shadermorphweight, arg1(i)); glUseProgram(0); % xform pass: Blit sum of new keyshape texture and currentsrcbuffer % ctx.morphbuffer into currentdstbuffer ctx.morphbuffer, applying proper % morph weight: if morphnormals % Normal morphing requested: Run full operator... ctx.morphbuffer(currentdstbuffer) = Screen('TransformTexture', ctx.keyshapes(i), ctx.morphOperator, ctx.morphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer), ctx.morphbuffer(currentdstbuffer)); else % No normal morphing: Run restricted operator... ctx.morphbuffer(currentdstbuffer) = Screen('TransformTexture', ctx.keyshapes(i), ctx.morphOperatorNoNormals, ctx.morphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer), ctx.morphbuffer(currentdstbuffer)); end % Switch source and destination buffers for next morph-pass: j = currentsrcbuffer; currentsrcbuffer = currentdstbuffer; currentdstbuffer = j; end % Next morph-iteration... end else % Single pass case: All shapes fit into one texture. Assign all % morph-weights to a weight texture. % Perform whole morph in one single blit-operation: currentsrcbuffer = 1; if length(arg1) ~= ctx.oldWeightLength ctx.oldWeightLength = length(arg1); if ~isempty(ctx.weighttex) % Release weight texture: Screen('Close', ctx.weighttex); ctx.weighttex = []; end end % Convert weight-vector into float texture: if isempty(ctx.weighttex) % Doesn't exist yet: Create it: ctx.weighttex = Screen('MakeTexture',, arg1, [], 32, 2, 2); ctx.weighttexgl = Screen('GetOpenGLTexture',, ctx.weighttex); else % ctx.weighttex exists already and can be recycled. Just bind % it and set new weights in it: glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, ctx.weighttexgl); glTexSubImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, 0, 0, 0, ctx.oldWeightLength, 1, GL.LUMINANCE, GL.FLOAT, moglsingle(arg1)); glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, 0); end % xform pass: Blit all subsections of ctx.masterkeyshapetex into % the destination buffer, applying the multimorph-shader: if morphnormals % Normal morphing requested: Run full operator... ctx.morphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer) = Screen('TransformTexture', ctx.masterkeyshapetex, ctx.multimorphOperator, ctx.weighttex, ctx.morphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer)); else % No normal morphing: Run restricted operator... ctx.morphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer) = Screen('TransformTexture', ctx.masterkeyshapetex, ctx.multimorphOperatorNoNormals, ctx.weighttex, ctx.morphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer)); end end % Ok, ctx.morphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer) should contain the final morph % result: % DEBUG CODE: Readout morph result to Matlab: % intex1 = Screen('GetImage', ctx.morphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer), [], [], 1); % imshow(intex1); % minimum= min(min(min(intex1))) % maximum= max(max(max(intex1))) if IsOSX % I have no clue why this glFlush helps to prevent a crash on OS/X % 10.4.10 with ATI Radeon X1600 when usercode has alpha-blending % enabled, but it does. Without this glFlush() everything fine on % WindowsXP+NVidia, but crash on OS/X ATI... % Well, some clue, after some exchange on the Apple mailing lists, % it seems to be an ATI driver bug... glFlush; end % Switch to OpenGL mode and copy ctx.morphbuffer into our VBO: % We use PTB's internal context here, our state mods should be safe % for Screen(): Screen('BeginOpenGL', ctx.morphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer), 1); glBindBuffer(GL.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB, ctx.vbo); % Disable alpha-blending around glReadPixels if its enabled. While % this is not needed on OS/X, NVidia Geforce 7800 under WinXP falls % back to software path if alpha-blending is on... Doesn't make % sense to me, maybe a driver bug? alphablending = glIsEnabled(GL.BLEND); if alphablending glDisable(GL.BLEND); end % Do we have normals, and if so, do we want to morph them? if ~morphnormals && ctx.usenormals % We have normals, but don't wanna morph them: Only read back % half of the morphbuffers height, so we omit copying the new % morphed normals to the normal-array section of our VBO: glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h/2, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, ctx.vbovertexstart); else % We either don't have normals or we have 'em and want to morph % them. In both cases, readback the whole ctx.morphbuffer: glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, ctx.vbovertexstart); end if alphablending % Reenable alpha blending if it got disabled by us: glEnable(GL.BLEND); end glBindBuffer(GL.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_ARB, 0); Screen('EndOpenGL', ctx.morphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer)); if IsOpenGLRendering % Reenable OpenGL mode: Screen('BeginOpenGL', targetwindow); end % End of GPU based morphing: end % Increment total update counter: ctx.updatecount = ctx.updatecount + 1; % Just morph or render as well? if strcmpi(cmd, 'renderMorph') % Set command code for rendering current content of renderbuffers: cmd = 'render'; else % Only morphing requested, not rendering. Morph can be rendered via % 'rerender' command later. return; end end if strcmpi(cmd, 'renderNormals') if ctx.updatecount < 1 error('Tried to render normals in renderbuffer, but renderbuffer not yet filled!'); end if gpubasedmorphing if ctx.resynccount < ctx.updatecount % Recursive call to ourselves to update our internal vertices and % normals matrices with readback data from the GPU's VBO: [ctx.vertices, ctx.normals] = moglmorpher('getGeometry'); end end if (size(ctx.vertices,2)~=size(ctx.normals,2)) error('renderNormals: Sorry this function only works if count of normals equals count of vertices. Aborted!'); end if nargin < 2 arg1 = 1; end if nargin < 3 startidx = 1; else if isempty(arg2) startidx = 1; else startidx = arg2; end end if nargin < 4 endidx = size(ctx.vertices,2); else if isempty(arg3) endidx = size(ctx.vertices,2); else endidx = arg3; end end % Loop over all vertices and draw their corresponding normals to % build a vertex array for line drawing: j = 2 * (endidx - startidx + 1); tmpvertices = zeros(size(ctx.vertices,1), j, 'single'); j = 0; for i=startidx:endidx % Start position of normal is vertex position: tmpvertices(:,j+1) = ctx.vertices(:,i); % End position is defined by scaled normal vector: Argument 1 defines length of normal: tmpvertices(:,j+2) = ctx.vertices(:,i) + ((ctx.normals(:,i)/norm(ctx.normals(:,i))) * arg1); j = j + 2; end % Set pointer to start of vertex array: glEnableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); glVertexPointer(size(ctx.vertices,1), GL.FLOAT, 0, tmpvertices); glDrawArrays(GL.LINES, 0, j); glDisableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); % Done. return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'render') || strcmpi(cmd, 'renderToDisplaylist') || ... strcmpi(cmd, 'renderRange') || strcmpi(cmd, 'renderRangeToDisplaylist') % Render current content of renderbuffers via OpenGL: if ctx.updatecount < 1 error('Tried to render content of renderbuffers, but renderbuffers not yet filled!'); end % Only rendering of a subrange of faces requested? if strcmpi(cmd, 'renderRange') || strcmpi(cmd, 'renderRangeToDisplaylist') % Yes: Assign start- and endindex of faces defining the subrange: if nargin >= 2 && ~isempty(arg1) startIdx = arg1; else startIdx = 0; end if nargin >= 3 && ~isempty(arg2) endIdx = arg2; else endIdx = size(ctx.faces,2) - 1; end else % No: Render full mesh: startIdx = 0; endIdx = size(ctx.faces,2) - 1; end % Validate: if startIdx < 0 || startIdx > size(ctx.faces,2) - 1 error('%s: startIdx of range to render is outside defined mesh!', cmd); end if endIdx < 0 || endIdx > size(ctx.faces,2) - 1 error('%s: endIdx of range to render is outside defined mesh!', cmd); end if startIdx > endIdx error('%s: startIdx of range to render greater than endIdx!', cmd); end % Compute startIdx offset and count into arrays: fcount = endIdx - startIdx + 1; if fcount < 1 || fcount > size(ctx.faces,2) error('%s: Count of faces to render exceeds total size of mesh!', cmd); end if strcmpi(cmd, 'renderToDisplaylist') || strcmpi(cmd, 'renderRangeToDisplaylist') % No such thing as display lists on the embedded subset: if IsGLES fprintf('moglmorpher: WARNING: Rendering to display list requested, but this is not possible on OpenGL-ES! Ignored.\n'); return; end % Create new display list and direct all rendering into it: rc = glGenLists(1); glNewList(rc, GL.COMPILE); else % Just render, don't create display list. rc = -1; end % Enable client-side vertex arrays: glEnableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); if ~gpubasedmorphing % CPU based rendering: Submit all data from host memory to GPU % memory and render: % Set pointer to start of vertex array: glVertexPointer(size(ctx.vertices,1), usetype, 0, ctx.vertices); if ctx.usenormals % Enable client-side normal vector arrays: glEnableClientState(GL.NORMAL_ARRAY); % Set pointer to start of normal array: glNormalPointer(usetype, 0, ctx.normals); end if ctx.usetextures % Enable client-side texture coordinate arrays: glEnableClientState(GL.TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); % Set pointer to start of texcoord array: glTexCoordPointer(size(ctx.texcoords, 1), usetype, 0, ctx.texcoords); end if ctx.usecolors % Enable client-side texture coordinate arrays: glEnableClientState(GL.COLOR_ARRAY); % Set pointer to start of vertex color array: glColorPointer(size(ctx.vertcolors, 1), usetype, 0, ctx.vertcolors); end % Adapt startIdx of range: Matlab/Octave use 1-based index into matrices: startIdx = startIdx + 1; % Render mesh, using topology given by 'ctx.faces': if drawrangeelements % Faster rendering-path, needs OpenGL-1.2 or higher: if (size(ctx.faces,1)==3) glDrawRangeElements(GL.TRIANGLES, ctx.minvertex, ctx.maxvertex, fcount * 3, indextype, ctx.faces(:, startIdx:end)); elseif size(ctx.faces,1)==4 glDrawRangeElements(GL.QUADS, ctx.minvertex, ctx.maxvertex, fcount * 4, indextype, ctx.faces(:, startIdx:end)); else error('Invalid number of rows in face index array!'); end else % Slower rendering path, needed to support OpenGL-1.1 renderers as well: if (size(ctx.faces,1)==3) glDrawElements(GL.TRIANGLES, fcount * 3, indextype, ctx.faces(:, startIdx:end)); elseif size(ctx.faces,1)==4 glDrawElements(GL.QUADS, fcount * 4, indextype, ctx.faces(:, startIdx:end)); else error('Invalid number of rows in face index array!'); end end else % GPU based rendering: Setup buffer mappings for our VBO's, then % render: glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.vbo); glVertexPointer(4, GL.FLOAT, 0, ctx.vbovertexstart); if ctx.usetextures % Enable texture coordinate arrays: glEnableClientState(GL.TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); % Set pointer to start of texcoord array: glTexCoordPointer(size(ctx.texcoords, 1), GL.FLOAT, 0, 0); else glDisableClientState(GL.TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); end if ctx.usenormals % Enable normal vector arrays: glEnableClientState(GL.NORMAL_ARRAY); % Set pointer to start of normal array: glNormalPointer(GL.FLOAT, 4*4, ctx.vbonormalstart); else glDisableClientState(GL.NORMAL_ARRAY); end if ctx.usecolors % Enable client-side texture coordinate arrays: glEnableClientState(GL.COLOR_ARRAY); % We use a separate dedicated VBO for vertex colors: glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.colorvbo); % Set pointer to start of vertex color buffer: glColorPointer(size(ctx.vertcolors, 1), usetype, 0, 0); else glDisableClientState(GL.COLOR_ARRAY); end % Bind face index VBO 'ctx.ibo': glBindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, ctx.ibo); % Render mesh, using topology given by 'ctx.faces': if (size(ctx.faces,1)==3) glDrawRangeElements(GL.TRIANGLES, ctx.minvertex, ctx.maxvertex, fcount * 3, indextype, startIdx * 3 * 4); elseif size(ctx.faces,1)==4 glDrawRangeElements(GL.QUADS, ctx.minvertex, ctx.maxvertex, fcount * 4, indextype, startIdx * 4 * 4); else error('Invalid number of rows in face index array!'); end % Unbind our VBOs: glBindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0); glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); % End of GPU VBO rendering: end % Common code path for CPU and GPU based rendering: % Disable vertex, normals and texcoord arrays: glDisableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL.NORMAL_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL.TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL.COLOR_ARRAY); if rc>-1 % Finalize our new display list: glEndList; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'getVertexPositions') % Calling routine wants projected screen space vertex positions of all vertices % in our current renderbuffer. % No such thing as glFeedbackPointer() on the embedded subset: % TODO: Reimplement some day via transform feedback on modern GL implementations? if IsGLES error('moglmorpher: ERROR: ''getVertexPositions'' requested, but this is not possible on OpenGL-ES! Aborted.'); return; end if nargin < 2 || isempty(arg1) error('win Windowhandle missing in call to getVertexPositions!') end if nargin < 3 startidx = 1; else if isempty(arg2) startidx = 1; else startidx = arg2; end end if nargin < 4 endidx = size(ctx.vertices,2); else if isempty(arg3) endidx = size(ctx.vertices,2); else endidx = arg3; end end % Correct for 0-start of OpenGL/C vs. 1-start of Matlab: startidx = startidx - 1; endidx = endidx - 1; % Total count of vertices to handle: ntotal = endidx - startidx + 1; % We put OpenGL into feedback mode, do a pure point rendering pass, switch back to % normal mode and return the content of the feedback buffer in an easy format. % Compute needed capacity of feedbackbuffer, assuming all vertices in the buffer % get transformed and none gets clipped away: reqbuffersize = ntotal * 4 * 4; % numVertices * 4 float/vertex * 4 bytes/float. % Feedback buffer already allocated in proper size? if feedbackptr~=0 && feedbacksize < reqbuffersize % Allocated, but too small for our purpose. Delete & Reallocate: moglfree(feedbackptr); feedbackptr=0; feedbacksize=0; end % Feedback buffer ready? if feedbackptr==0 % Nope. Need to allocate a new one: feedbackptr=moglmalloc(reqbuffersize); feedbacksize=reqbuffersize; end % Our feedback memory buffer is ready. Assign it to the GL: We request the % full transformed 3D pos of the vertex: glFeedbackBuffer(reqbuffersize/4, GL.GL_3D, feedbackptr); % Enable client-side vertex arrays: glEnableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); if gpubasedmorphing % Set pointer to start of vertex array and bind our VBO: glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ctx.vbo); glVertexPointer(4, GL.FLOAT, 0, ctx.vbovertexstart); else % Set pointer to start of vertex array: glVertexPointer(size(ctx.vertices,1), usetype, 0, ctx.vertices); end % Put OpenGL into feedback mode: glRenderMode(GL.FEEDBACK); % Render vertices: This does not draw, but just transform the vertices % into projected screen space and returns their 3D positions in the feedback-buffer: glDrawArrays(GL.POINTS, startidx, ntotal); if gpubasedmorphing % Unbind our VBO: glBindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); end % Disable client-side vertex arrays: glDisableClientState(GL.VERTEX_ARRAY); % Put OpenGL back into normal mode and get number of items: nritems = glRenderMode(GL.RENDER); % Copy content of buffer into a linear matrix: if usetype == GL.FLOAT tmpbuffer = moglgetbuffer(feedbackptr, GL.FLOAT, nritems * 4); else % No single precision float's available :( - Need to do our % ugly trick: Request data as uint32 array, then use our special cast routine to upcast it to a double matrix. tmpbuffer = moglgetbuffer(feedbackptr, GL.UNSIGNED_INT, nritems * 4); tmpbuffer = mogldouble(tmpbuffer); end % Reshape it to be a n-by-4 matrix: tmpbuffer = transpose(reshape(tmpbuffer, 4, floor(nritems / 4))); % Cast to double, throw away token column: rc(:,1:3) = double(tmpbuffer(:,2:4)); % Invert y-coordinates so they match again: rc(:,2) = RectHeight(Screen('Rect', arg1)) - rc(:,2); % Done. Return array in rc: return; end % Take vector of textures and matching vector of morphWeights and linearly % combine those textures according to the weights. Return handles to % resulting texture: if strcmpi(cmd, 'morphTexture') if nargin < 3 || isempty(arg1) || isempty(arg2) || isempty(arg3) error('morphTexture: At least one of the required arguments windowPtr, weights or keytextures is missing!'); end if ~gpubasedmorphing highprec = 0; else highprec = 1; end mywin = arg1; weights = arg2; texkeyshapes = arg3; refrect = Screen('Rect', texkeyshapes(1)); for i=2:length(texkeyshapes) if ~isequal(refrect, Screen('Rect', texkeyshapes(i))) error('morphTexture: Not all passed keytextures have the same size (width x height) as required!'); end end if length(weights) > length(texkeyshapes) error('morphTexture: Vector of weights has more components than vector of keytextures!'); end % Buffers exist, but don't match the size of the keytextures? if ~isempty(ctx.texmorphbuffer) && ~isequal(refrect, Screen('Rect', ctx.texmorphbuffer(1))) % Release current buffers: Screen('Close', ctx.texmorphbuffer); ctx.texmorphbuffer = []; end % (Re-)Create morph buffers if they don't already exist: if isempty(ctx.texmorphbuffer) if highprec % Create float buffers of matching size: ctx.texmorphbuffer(1) = Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow', mywin, [0 0 0 0], refrect, 128, 32); ctx.texmorphbuffer(2) = Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow', mywin, [0 0 0 0], refrect, 128, 32); % Setup proper blend mode: Screen('Blendfunction', ctx.texmorphbuffer(1), GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); Screen('Blendfunction', ctx.texmorphbuffer(2), GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); else % Create low precision buffer of matching size: ctx.texmorphbuffer(1) = Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow', mywin, [0 0 0 0], refrect, 32, 32); % Setup proper blend mode for morphing via blending: alpha % value will define blend weight: Screen('Blendfunction', ctx.texmorphbuffer(1), GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); end else % Initialize our ctx.texmorphbuffer offscreen windows with empty textures: if highprec Screen('FillRect', ctx.texmorphbuffer(1), [0 0 0 0]); else % Prefill buffer with 1st morphed texture: Screen('Blendfunction', ctx.texmorphbuffer(1), GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ZERO); Screen('DrawTexture', ctx.texmorphbuffer(1), texkeyshapes(1), [], [], [], 0, weights(1)); Screen('Blendfunction', ctx.texmorphbuffer(1), GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); end end if gpubasedmorphing && isempty(ctx.texmorphOperator) ctx.texmorphshader = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('LinearCombinationOfTwoImagesShader.frag.txt'); ctx.texmorphOperator = CreateGLOperator(mywin, kPsychNeed32BPCFloat, ctx.texmorphshader, 'Multiply-Accumulate operator for texture morphing'); % Need 'ctx.shadermorphweight' uniform location, so we can assign a % different weight for morphing of each keyshape in morph-loop: ctx.texshadermorphweight = glGetUniformLocation(ctx.texmorphshader, 'Image1Weight'); % Setup all other uniforms to their fixed values: glUseProgram(ctx.texmorphshader); % Don't need 2nd weight of this shader for our purpose: Set it % to 1.0 so we get a nice multiply-accumulate behaviour: glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(ctx.texmorphshader, 'Image2Weight'), 1.0); % Assign texture units to samplers: glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(ctx.texmorphshader, 'Image1'), 0); glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(ctx.texmorphshader, 'Image2'), 1); glUseProgram(0); end if highprec % We iterate over all keytextures, and morph-in (aka % multiply-accumulate) one keytexture per iteration: % Initial src- dst- assignement for buffer-pingpong: currentsrcbuffer = 1; currentdstbuffer = 2; % Morph-Loop for multiply-accumulate morph operation: for i=1:length(weights) % Only process keytextures with non-zero activation weight: if abs(weights(i)) > 0 % Store morph weight for i'th texture in uniform for shader: glUseProgram(ctx.texmorphshader); glUniform1f(ctx.texshadermorphweight, weights(i)); glUseProgram(0); % xform pass: Blit sum of new keytexture and currentsrcbuffer % into currentdstbuffer, applying proper morph weight: ctx.texmorphbuffer(currentdstbuffer) = Screen('TransformTexture', texkeyshapes(i), ctx.texmorphOperator, ctx.texmorphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer), ctx.texmorphbuffer(currentdstbuffer)); % Switch source and destination buffers for next morph-pass: j = currentsrcbuffer; currentsrcbuffer = currentdstbuffer; currentdstbuffer = j; end % Next morph-iteration... end else % Fast path: Less accurate, but works on old gpu's. currentsrcbuffer = 1; if any(weights < 0) fprintf('moglmorpher: morphTexture: WARNING! Running in shaderless low-precision mode and some\n'); fprintf('moglmorpher: morphTexture: morph weights are < 0. I can''t handle this correctly, results\n'); fprintf('moglmorpher: morphTexture: will be wrong! Enable gpu based morphing for me to cope with this.\n'); end for i=2:length(weights) % Only process keytextures with non-zero activation weight: if weights(i) > 0 % Draw i'th texkeyshape (weighted by weight(i)) on top of % ctx.texmorphbuffer(1), thereby multiply-adding it due to the % selected blending mode: Screen('DrawTexture', ctx.texmorphbuffer(1), texkeyshapes(i), [], [], [], 0, weights(i)); end % Next morph-iteration... end end % outtex is handle to final texture: outtex = ctx.texmorphbuffer(currentsrcbuffer); % Return ptb handle as 1st argument: rc = outtex; % Return opengl handle and gltexture target as 2nd and 3rd argument: [varargout{1}, varargout{2}] = Screen('GetOpenGLTexture', mywin, outtex); return; end % No matching command for given command string: error('Invalid subcommand specified!'); return; %#ok end % Internal helper: Initialize a new default empty context structure: function newctx = internalCreateContext(mywin) % Set mywin as this contexts window: = mywin; % Setup empty defaults: newctx.objcount = 0; newctx.warmstart = []; newctx.usetextures = 0; newctx.usenormals = 0; newctx.usecolors = 0; newctx.updatecount = 0; newctx.resynccount = 0; newctx.useSparseMorph = 0; newctx.realVertexCount = 0; newctx.realNormalCount = 0; newctx.vertices = []; newctx.normals = []; newctx.texcoords = []; newctx.vertcolors = []; newctx.faces = []; newctx.keyshapes = []; newctx.masterkeyshapetex = []; newctx.vbo = []; newctx.colorvbo = []; newctx.ibo = []; newctx.morphbuffer = []; newctx.morphOperatorNoNormals = []; newctx.morphOperator = []; newctx.multimorphOperatorNoNormals = []; newctx.multimorphOperator = []; newctx.morphshader = []; newctx.multimorphshader = []; newctx.vbovertexstart = []; newctx.vbonormalstart = []; newctx.weighttex = []; newctx.weighttexgl = []; newctx.oldWeightLength = -1; newctx.texmorphbuffer = []; newctx.texmorphOperator = []; newctx.texmorphshader = []; newctx.texshadermorphweight = []; % Return new empty default context 'newctx'. return; end % Internal helper: Delete a context structure, release all associated % resources: function delctx = internalDeleteContext(delctx, gpubasedmorphing) if (gpubasedmorphing > 0) && (delctx.objcount > 0) % Query current OpenGL state: [targetwindow, IsOpenGLRendering] = Screen('GetOpenGLDrawMode'); if IsOpenGLRendering % Disable OpenGL mode: Screen('EndOpenGL', targetwindow); end % Release keyshape textures with vertices and normals: for i=1:delctx.objcount Screen('Close', delctx.keyshapes(i)); end delctx.keyshapes = []; % Reset masterkeyshape texture, if any: if ~isempty(delctx.masterkeyshapetex) Screen('Close', delctx.masterkeyshapetex); delctx.masterkeyshapetex = []; end if ~isempty(delctx.weighttex) % Release weight texture: Screen('Close', delctx.weighttex); delctx.weighttex = []; end % Release Offscreen windows: Screen('Close', delctx.morphbuffer(1)); Screen('Close', delctx.morphbuffer(2)); delctx.morphbuffer = []; % Release shader: Screen('Close', delctx.morphOperator); Screen('Close', delctx.morphOperatorNoNormals); delctx.morphOperatorNoNormals = []; delctx.morphOperator = []; Screen('Close', delctx.multimorphOperator); Screen('Close', delctx.multimorphOperatorNoNormals); delctx.multimorphOperatorNoNormals = []; delctx.multimorphOperator = []; glDeleteProgram(delctx.morphshader); delctx.morphshader = []; glDeleteProgram(delctx.multimorphshader); delctx.multimorphshader = []; if ~isempty(delctx.texmorphbuffer) Screen('Close', delctx.texmorphbuffer); delctx.texmorphbuffer = []; end if ~isempty(delctx.texmorphOperator) Screen('Close', delctx.texmorphOperator); delctx.texmorphOperator = []; end if ~isempty(delctx.texmorphshader) glDeleteProgram(delctx.texmorphshader); delctx.texmorphshader = []; delctx.texshadermorphweight = []; end if IsOpenGLRendering % Reenable OpenGL mode: Screen('BeginOpenGL', targetwindow); end % Release VBOs: glDeleteBuffers(1, delctx.vbo); delctx.vbo = []; delctx.vbovertexstart = []; delctx.vbonormalstart = []; glDeleteBuffers(1, delctx.ibo); delctx.ibo = []; if ~isempty(delctx.colorvbo) glDeleteBuffers(1, delctx.colorvbo); delctx.colorvbo = []; end delctx.weighttexgl = []; delctx.oldWeightLength = -1; delctx.objcount = []; delctx.vertices = []; delctx.normals = []; delctx.texcoords = []; delctx.vertcolors = []; delctx.faces = []; delctx.keyvertices = []; delctx.keynormals = []; = []; delctx.useSparseMorph = []; delctx.realVertexCount = []; delctx.realNormalCount = []; delctx.resynccount = []; end delctx.warmstart = []; % Release whatever's left: delctx = []; return; end