function [fbo , texids] = moglCreateFBO(width, height, nrbuffers, layers, format, withdepth, withstencil) % [fbo , texids] = moglCreateFBO(width, height [, nrbuffers, layers, format, withdepth, withstencil]) % % moglCreateFBO creates a standard OpenGL Framebuffer Object, suitable for % computer vision and other GPGPU tasks and returns a handle to it. % % The FBO will have a size of width x height pixels and its 'nrbuffers' % color buffers will have textures with 'layers' layers (default = 4 for RGBA) % attached. % 'format' specifies the data format. It defaults to single precision % floating point resolution (32 bit float). If 'withdepth' > 0 then a % depth buffer gets attached as well. If 'withstencil' > 0 then a stencil % drawable gets attached as well. % % The function will create appropriate textures and renderbuffers, create % an appropriate FBO and attach the textures and renderbuffers. After % validation, the handle to the FBO is returned. % History: % 30.05.2006 Wrote it. (MK) % 06.07.2016 Remove weird Linux + Nvidia format hack. Caused failure. global GL; % Child protection: AssertGLSL; if nargin < 2 error('Must specify a widht x height of FBO in CreateGLFBO!'); end; if nargin < 3 nrbuffers = 1; end; if isempty(nrbuffers) nrbuffers = 1; end; if nargin < 4 layers = 4; end; if isempty(layers) layers = 4; end; if nargin < 5 format = GL.RGBA_FLOAT32_APPLE; end; if isempty(format) format = GL.RGBA_FLOAT32_APPLE; end; if nargin < 6 withdepth = 0; end; if isempty(withdepth) withdepth = 0; end; if nargin < 7 withstencil = 0; end; if isempty(withstencil) withstencil = 0; end; if nrbuffers > glGetIntegerv(GL.MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT) error('moglCreateFBO: Sorry this hardware does not support the requested number of color buffers.'); end; % Enable 2D rectangle textures. Power-of-two textures are known to make % trouble on many older gfx-cards... glEnable(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT); % Generate texture objects: texids=glGenTextures(nrbuffers); % Create a framebuffer object: fbo = glGenFramebuffersEXT(1); % Bind fbo: glBindFramebufferEXT(GL.FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fbo); % Create and attach textures as color buffer attachments: for i=1:nrbuffers % Enable texture by binding it: glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT,texids(i)); % Create representation: A rectangle texture with only mipmap level zero % and without a border, single precision float, RGBA: glTexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, 0, format, width, height, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, 0); % Setup texture wrapping behaviour to clamp, as other behaviours are % unsupported on many gfx-cards for rectangle textures: glTexParameterfv(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT,GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL.CLAMP); glTexParameterfv(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT,GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T,GL.CLAMP); % Setup filtering for the textures - Use nearest neighbour as floating % point filtering usually unsupported. glTexParameterfv(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT,GL.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,GL.NEAREST); glTexParameterfv(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT,GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,GL.NEAREST); % Choose texture application function to be a neutral REPLACE: glTexEnvfv(GL.TEXTURE_ENV,GL.TEXTURE_ENV_MODE,GL.REPLACE); % Unbind it after setup: glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, 0); % Attach textures mipmap level zero as color buffer: glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL.FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT + i - 1, GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, texids(i), 0); end; % Check if FBO is framebuffer complete: fbostatus = glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL.FRAMEBUFFER_EXT); if not(fbostatus == GL.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT) glDeleteFramebuffersEXT(1, fbo); glDeleteTextures(length(texids), texids); fprintf('Error code from framebuffer status call: %i\n', fbostatus); error('Failed to setup framebuffer object!'); return; end; % Unbind it: glBindFramebufferEXT(GL.FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); % Done. Return handle to FBO and texture: return;