function handle = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles(filenames, debug, extraShaders) % handle = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles(filenames [, debug=0] [, extraShaders]) % Loads a GLSL OpenGL shading language program. All shader definition files in % 'filenames' are read, shaders are built for each definition and all % shaders are linked together into a new GLSL program. Returns a handle to % the new program, if successfull. The optional 'debug' flag allows to enable % debugging output: Zero = no output, 1 = a bit of output, 2 = detailed % output, 3 = Don't compile and link anymore, but print out the shaders % source code as OpenGL would see it. % % The program can then be used at any time by calling glUseProgram(handle). One % can switch back to the standard OpenGL fixed-function pipeline by calling % glUseProgram(0). The same handles can be passed to the % Screen('MakeTexture', ...), Screen('DrawTexture', ...); et al. routines % to define procedural textures - or some processing operations on them % via the 'textureShader' argument -- See 'help ProceduralShadingAPI' for % more info about procedural texturing. The handle is also used to build % GLOperators for Screen('TransformTexture') or as plugins for the imaging % pipeline: See 'help CreateGLOperator' or 'help AddToGLOperator' for info. % % 'filenames' can have one of two formats: If filenames is a array of % strings that define the names of the shaders to use, then all shader % files are loaded, compiled and linked into a single program. E.g., % shaderfiles={ 'myshader.vert' , 'myothershader.frag'}; will try to load % the two shaderfiles myshader.vert and myothershader.frag and link them % into a valid program. % % If only a single filename is given, then all shaders beginning with that % name are linked into a program. E.g., shaderfiles = 'Phonglighting' will % try to link all files starting with Phonglighting. % % The optional argument 'extraShaders' if present, should be a vector of % additinal shader handles - Handles returned by the LoadShaderFromFile() % or by your self-compiled shaders via glCompileShader(). All precompiled % shaders referenced by those handles get also linked into the final GLSL % program. % 29-Mar-2006 written by MK global GL; if isempty(GL) % Load & Initalize constants and moglcore, but don't set the 3D gfx % flag for Screen(): InitializeMatlabOpenGL([], [], 1); end if nargin < 2 debug = []; end if isempty(debug) debug = 0; end if nargin < 1 filenames = []; end if isempty(filenames) error('No filenames for GLSL program provided! Aborted.'); end if nargin < 3 extraShaders = []; end % Make sure we run on a GLSL capable system. AssertGLSL; % Create new program object and get handle to it: handle = glCreateProgram; if handle <= 0 fprintf('The handle created by glCreateProgram is %i -- An invalid handle!\n', handle); error('LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles: glCreateProgram failed to create a valid program object! Something is wrong with your graphics drivers!'); end if ischar(filenames) % One single name given. Load and link all shaders starting with that % name: if debug > 0 fprintf('Compiling all shaders matching %s * into a GLSL program.\n', filenames); end % Add default shader path if no path is specified as part of % 'filenames': if isempty(fileparts(filenames)) filenames = fullfile(PsychtoolboxRoot,'PsychOpenGL','PsychGLSLShaders', filenames); end % Fixup use of wrong fileseparators for platform: if IsWin prep = strfind(filenames, '/'); filenames(prep) = filesep; else prep = strfind(filenames, '\'); filenames(prep) = filesep; end shaderobjs=dir([filenames '*']); shaderobjpath = [fileparts([filenames '*']) filesep]; numshaders=size(shaderobjs,1)*size(shaderobjs,2); if numshaders == 0 fprintf('\n\n\nIn LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles: When trying to load shaders matching %s ...\n', filenames); error('Could not find any shader definition files matching that name. Check spelling.'); end filenames=[]; for i=1:numshaders [dummy1 curname curext] = fileparts(shaderobjs(i).name); shadername = [curname curext]; filenames{i} = [shaderobjpath shadername]; %#ok end end % Any additional shader handles provided? If so, we attach them first, % before the shaders specified via files. Normally attachment order % shouldn't matter, but due to a driver bug in many 169.x and 175.x NVidia % drivers for Windows, it does. This is a known GLSL linker bug, cfe. % % % % The workaround is to attach shaders that define subfunctions (are part of % a library of common functions) first, before the shaders utilizing them. % Our color correction shaders are passed as extraShaders, so it is crucial % to attach extraShaders first to workaround this driver bug. if ~isempty(extraShaders) % Attach all of them as well: for i=1:length(extraShaders) glAttachShader(handle, extraShaders(i)); end end % Load, compile and attach each single shader of each single file: for i=1:length(filenames) shadername = char(filenames(i)); % We only load the shader if its name does not end in tilde or .asv, % because that would mean it is a Matlab- or emacs backup file... if (shadername(end)~='~') && (isempty(strfind(shadername, '.asv'))) % Load, compile and link the shader: shader = LoadShaderFromFile(shadername, [], debug); glAttachShader(handle, shader); end end if debug > 1 % We need to temporarily raise moglcores debuglevel to 2 to get extended % error/validation information: oldDebug = InitializeMatlabOpenGL(-1); moglcore('DEBUGLEVEL', 2); % Link the program: glLinkProgram(handle); % Restore old debuglevel for moglcore: moglcore('DEBUGLEVEL', oldDebug); else % Link the program without raised debug level for moglcore: glLinkProgram(handle); end % Ready to use it? Hopefully. return;