% Stopwatch % % Time intervals. % % Press down the shift key to start the stopwatch. Release it to stop. % Use command-period (i.e. apple and period keys) to quit. % % HISTORY % 11/27/02 dgp Wrote it. % 10/25/05 awi Cosmetic. fprintf('Use the shift key. Press down to start; release to stop.\n'); fprintf('Hit command-period (i.e. apple and period keys) to quit.\n'); while KbCheck end while 1 keyIsDown=0; while ~keyIsDown [keyIsDown,timePress,keyCode] = KbCheck; end % snd('Play',0.2*sin((0:100000)/10)); while keyIsDown [keyIsDown,timeRelease,keyCode] = KbCheck; end % snd('Quiet'); t=timeRelease-timePress; fprintf('%.3f\ts\n',t); end