function [A, tf] = Replace(A, S1, S2) % Replace - Replace Elements % B = Replace(A,S1,S2) returns a matrix B in which the elements in A that % are in S1 are Replaced by those in S2. In general, S1 and S2 should have % an equal number of elements. If S2 has one element, it is expanded to % match the size of S1. Examples: % Replace([1 1 2 3 4 4],[1 3],[0 99]) % -> [ 0 0 2 99 4 4] % Replace(1:10,[3 5 6 8],NaN) % -> [ 1 2 NaN 4 NaN NaN 7 NaN 9 10] % Replace([1 NaN Inf 8 99],[NaN Inf 99],[12 13 14]) % -> [1 12 13 8 14] % % [B, TF] = Replace(A,S1,S2) also returns a logical vector TF of the same % size as A. TF is true for those elements that are replaced. % % A and S1 can be cell arrays of strings. In that case S2 should be a % cell array as well but can contain mixed types. Example: % Replace({'aa' 'b' 'c' 'a'},{'a' 'b'}, {'xx' 2}) %-> {'aa' [2] 'c' 'xx'} % % If S2 is empty, the elements of A that are in S1 % are removed. Examples: % Replace(1:5,[2 4],[]) % -> [1 3 5] % Replace({'aa' 'a' 'b' 'aa' 'c'},{'aa','c'},{}) % -> {'a', 'b'} % % See also FIND, STRREP, REGEXPREP, ISMEMBER % for Matlab R13 % version 1.4 (dec 2006) % (c) Jos van der Geest % email: % History % 1.0 (feb 2006) created % 1.1 (feb 2006) fixed bug when NaNs were to be removed % 1.2 (feb 2006) fixed again bug with NaNs % 1.3 (oct 2006) fixed error when using matrices % 1.4 (dec 2006) added additional outputs of TF and LOC % 1.5 (apr 2008) DN: optimized for R2007b % 1.6 (aug 2016) DN: Switched from deprecated nargchk to narginchk narginchk(3,3); % all three inputs should be cell arrays or numerical arrays if ~isequal(iscell(A), iscell(S1), iscell(S2)), error('The arguments should be all cell arrays or not.') ; end if iscell(A), % if they are cell, they should be character arrays if ~iscellstr(A), error('A should be a cell array of strings.') ; end if ~iscellstr(S1), error('S1 should be a cell array of strings.') ; end end if ~isempty(S2), if numel(S2)==1, % single element expansion S2 = repmat(S2,size(S1)) ; elseif numel(S1) ~= numel(S2), error('The number of elements in S1 and S2 do not match ') ; end end % the engine [tf,loc] = ismember(A(:),S1(:)) ; if nargout>1, tf = reshape(tf,size(A)) ; end if any(tf), if isempty(S2), A(tf) = [] ; else A(tf) = S2(loc(tf)) ; end end % special treatment for nans if necessary if ~iscell(S1), % only for non-cell arrays qsn = isnan(S1(:)) ; if any(qsn), qa = isnan(A(:)) ; if any(qa), if isempty(S2), A(qa) = [] ; else i = find(qsn,1,'first') ; A(qa) = S2(i) ; end end end end