function newPathList = RemoveSVNPaths(pathList) % newPathList = RemoveSVNPaths(pathList) % Removes any .svn paths from the pathList. If no pathList is specified, % then the program sets pathList to the result of the 'path' command. This % function returns a 'pathsep' delimited list of paths omitting the .svn % paths. % History: % 14.07.06 Written by Christopher Broussard. % 25.07.06 Modified to work on M$-Windows and GNU/Octave as well (MK). % 31.05.09 Adapted to fully work on Octave-3 (MK). % 30.05.13 Delegate to more general RemoveMatchingPaths (BSH) % 31.05.13 Prepend '.svn' passed with filesep. This is how the old one was writtn. % Not sure the prepended filesep is necessary in practice, however. % If no pathList was passed to the function we'll just grab the one from % Matlab. if nargin ~= 1 % Grab the path list. pathList = path; end % use the general path-remover, targeting ".svn" newPathList = RemoveMatchingPaths(pathList, [filesep '.svn']);