function osNameStr = OSName % sysNameStr = OSName % % Return the convential English-language name for your operating system (OS). % OSName is useful in constructing error message strings which refer to % particular operating systems. System name strings as returned by the MATLAB % command "computer" are unsuitable for this purpose because they are % abbreviations, not names. % % Currently possible returned namestrings are 'Windows', 'Linux' or 'OSX'. % % see also: computer, IsOSX, IsWin, IsLinux, MacModelName, DescribeComputer % HISTORY % % 3/5/06 awi Wrote it. For use in ListenChar. % 9/20/09 mk Updated. if IsWin osNameStr='Windows'; elseif IsLinux osNameStr='Linux'; elseif IsOSX osNameStr='OSX'; else osNameStr='Unknown OS'; end return;