function number = GetNumber(varargin) % number = GetNumber([deviceIndex][, untilTime=inf][, optional KbCheck arguments...]) % % Get a number typed at the keyboard. Entry is terminated by % or . Typed keys are not echoed. Useful for % i/o in a Screen window. Equivalent to "number=str2num(GetString)". % % Returns the empty matrix if no number is entered. Returns a % column vector with multiple numbers if more than one number % is entered. % % See also: GetEchoNumber, GetString, GetEchoString % 12/7/95 dhb Wrote it in response to query from Tina Beard. % 3/15/97 dgp Replaced sscanf by str2num, which copes better with nonnumeric % input, returning an empty matrix instead of a null string. % 3/15/97 dgp Call GetString instead of doing the work here. % 3/17/97 dhb Got rid of obsolete 's' interface. % 10/22/10 mk Switch to use of KbGetChar for keyboard input. number = str2num(GetString(1, varargin{:})); %#ok