function bool = Ellipse(a,b,horpow,verpow) % Ellipse(a) creates a Circle with % diameter == ceil(2*a) % % Ellipse(a,b) creates an Ellipse with % horizontal axis == ceil(2*a) and vertical axis == ceil(2*b) % % Ellipse(a,b,power) generates a superEllipse according to the % geometric formula (x./a).^power + (y./b).^power < 1 % % Ellipse(a,b,horpow,verpow) generates a generalized superEllipse according % to the geometric formula (x./a).^horpow + (y./b).^verpow < 1 % % For more info on superEllipses, see % % % Ellipse returns a (tighly-fitting) boolean matrix which is true for all % points on the surface of the Ellipse and false elsewhere % DN 2008 % DN 2009-02-02 Updated to do Circles and input argument handling more % efficiently % DN 2011-08-31 Output wasn't always of right size (ceil(2*input)) % DN 2016-08-25 Switched from deprecated nargchk to narginchk narginchk(1,4); if nargin < 2 b = a; end if nargin < 3 horpow = 2; end if nargin < 4 verpow = horpow; end [x,y] = meshgrid(linspace(-a,a,ceil(2*a)+2),linspace(-b,b,ceil(2*b)+2)); bool = abs(x./a).^horpow + abs(y./b).^verpow < 1; % return in a tight-fitting matrix cropcoords = CropBlackEdges(bool); bool = bool(cropcoords(3):cropcoords(4),cropcoords(1):cropcoords(2));