function DescribeComputer % DescribeComputer prints out several lines of text about the computing % environment that your programs are running in. It is called by many of % the programs in PsychTest to document the computing environment of the % test. E.g. try running ScreenTest. Also see DescribeScreen and % DescribeScreenPrefs. % 8/1/98 dgp Print PsychtoolboxDate. % 4/12/99 dgp Suggest calling Screen('Preference','Backgrounding',0) % 12/23/99 dgp Report whether screen saver is present. % 12/23/99 dgp Report if VM is on. % 1/24/00 dgp Updated for enhanced ScreenSaver.mex. % 1/26/00 dgp Updated for Screen Preference Available. % 1/29/00 dgp Suggest upgrading to Mac OS 8.6 or better, to get UpTime. % 1/30/00 dgp Omit stuff that's no longer interesting: fpu,cache,pci. % 2/6/00 dgp Updated to use new struct return arg from Screen Computer. % 3/14/00 dgp Test for serial port arbitration. % 6/17/00 dgp Test for mirroring. % 8/22/00 dgp Distinguish good new from bad old version of Keyspan Digital Media Remote. % 2/24/02 dgp Warn against PopChar Pro. % 4/9/02 dgp Add explanation to VM warning. % 4/13/02 dgp Added ~MAC2 conditional. % 4/29/02 awi Replaced ~MAC2 with Win conditional, added detection and display of info. % 5/5/02 dgp Streamlined the OS9 report, commenting out the default case for QuickTime, % screen save, UpTime, and serial-port arbitration. % 6/2/02 dgp Extend initial line to be 74 characters wide, to match DescribeScreen. % 6/23/02 dgp Remove initial '\n'. % 12/20/04 awi Added OS X section. % 1/29/05 dgp Cosmetic. % 3/05/06 awi Fixed a case error in GetSecs call. if IsWin cpuNumNames={'Single', 'Dual', 'Triple', 'Quad', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine', 'Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve' ... 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen', 'Fifteen', 'Sixteen' }; comp=Screen('Computer'); %****** VALKYRIE with Intel Pentium Pro|Pentium II, Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 **** fprintf('****** %s running %s %s ******\n',comp.computerName,comp.OSName, comp.OSRevision); % Dual CPU with 255MB RAM, 61MB free and 76% load. fprintf('%s %s %s with %dMB RAM, %dMB free and %d%s load.\n', cpuNumNames{comp.CPUCount}, comp.CPUArchitecture,comp.CPULevel, ... round(Bytes('SystemRAM')/2^20), round(Bytes('SystemRAMFree')/2^20), round(Bytes('SystemRAMLoad')*100), '%'); fprintf('DirectX %d.%d release %d.%d\n',comp.directxVersion.major, comp.directxVersion.minor, comp.directxVersion.release,...; % Psychtoolbox 2.45, 1 August 2001, Matlab (R12.1) fprintf('Psychtoolbox %g, %s, Matlab %s\n',PsychtoolboxVersion,PsychtoolboxDate,version); return; end if IsOSX % ************************ Denis Pelli on Weber ************************ % Single-CPU PowerBook G4 17" at 1.50 GHz % Memory 1.00 GB at 166.40 MHz. 33 Mflop/s % Mac OS 10.3.8, MATLAB (R14) Service Pack 1 % Psychtoolbox 1.0.5, ?? February 2005 % get all the information c=Screen('Computer'); thisMacTytpe=MacModelName; pyschtoolboxV=PsychtoolboxVersion; pyschtoolboxD=PsychtoolboxDate; matlabV=version; quicktimeV=AppleVersion('qtim'); %line 1 unpaddedLine=[c.processUserLongName ' on ' c.localHostName]; padtoWidth=70; lineChars=length(unpaddedLine); halfStars=floor((padtoWidth-lineChars)/2) - 1; outputLines{1}= [repmat('*', 1, halfStars) ' ' unpaddedLine ' ' repmat('*', 1, halfStars)]; %line 2 numCPUsStrings={'Single-', 'Dual-', 'Triple-', 'Quad-', 'Five-' 'Six-' 'Seven-' 'Eight-'}; numCPUsString=numCPUsStrings{c.hw.ncpu}; roundedSpeed=NameFrequency(c.hw.cpufreq); outputLines{2}=[numCPUsString 'CPU ' MacModelName ' at ' roundedSpeed ]; %line 3 outputLines{3}=['Memory ' NameBytes(c.hw.physmem) ' at ' NameFrequency(c.hw.busfreq) sprintf(', %.0f Mflop/s',FlopPerSec/1e6)]; %line 4 outputLines{4}=[c.system ', MATLAB ' version ]; %line 5 outputLines{5}=['Psychtoolbox ' PsychtoolboxVersion ', ' PsychtoolboxDate]; %line 6 % outputLines{6}=['QuickTime ' AppleVersion('qtim') '\n']; for i=1:length(outputLines) fprintf('%s\n',outputLines{i}); end end %if IsOSX function r=FlopPerSec % r=FlopPerSec % Measure flop/s for FFT2. The ops increase as n*n*log(n). We first do n=8. % If the machine is fast (i.e. not using SoftwareFPU) then we do n=256, a typical % image width. r=fps(8); if r>10000 % use bigger matrix if machine is fast r=fps(256); end return function r=fps(n) % r=fps(n) f=0; t=GetSecs;fft2(1); % load functions into memory x=magic(n); if exist('flops','builtin') f=flops; end for i=1 % precompile % Priority(7); t=GetSecs; fft2(x); t=GetSecs-t; % Priority(0); end if exist('flops','builtin') f=flops-f; else fft2flops=[94 572 2712 12240 54752 244288 1085824 4799744 21081600 91997184]; % as reported by MATLAB 5.2.1 f=fft2flops(round(log2(n))); end r=f/t; return