% Psychtoolbox:PsychOneliners. % % help Psychtoolbox % For an overview, triple-click me & hit enter. % % AddStructs - Merges input structs into one struct. % AddToMatlabPathDynamically - Add a directory tree to the Matlab path at runtime % AltSize - ALTSIZE is an extension of SIZE, it supports querying the size of multiple dimensions of a variable in one call. % AreStructsEqualOnFields - Are two structures the same on the passed list of fields? % Ask - Display message, get user's response. % AssertGLSL - Require the OpenGL shading language is supported. % AssertMex - Detect missing mex file and exit with error. % AssertOpenGL - Require that Psychtoolbox be based on OpenGL. % AssertOSX - Require that Psychtoolbox be based on OS X. % BackupCluts - Make internal backup of (given) Cluts, for later restoration via RestoreCluts. % BlackIndex - Returns number that will produce the color black. % CatStr - Concatenate array or cell array of strings. % CenterMatOnPoint - Returns indices to center a matrix on a point. % Circle - Returns a boolean mask in the shape of a Circle. % CleanStruct - Deletes all empty structs and fields from a struct array, optionally recursively. % ComputeHDRStaticMetadataType1ContentLightLevels - Compute CTA-861-G static content light levels for an image or a cell array of images. % CreateUniformDotsIn3DFrustum - Sample dots in 3D frustum uniformly. % CropBlackEdges - Detects if there are any black edges around an image and returns indices that can be used to cut away these edges. % DeEmptify - Deletes empty cells or rows from cellarray. % DegToMrad - Convert angle in degrees to milliradians (mrad). % DescribeComputer - Print a description of the environment. % DotOffset - Calculate offsets for a 3D movement. Various per-dot options. % Ellipse - Returns a boolean mask in the shape of a (super-) Ellipse. % EnforcePos - Truncate negative values of a vector to 0. % Explode - Splits a numeric or character array by a delimiter or delimiter-pattern. % FillEmptyFields - Fill all empty fields of a struct(array) or all empty elements of a cellarray with specified value. % FindInd - Returns indices in all dimensions to non-zero elements in matrix. % FindRepeatAlongDims - Find repeated rows or columns in a matrix. % FunctionFolder - Get full path to folder containing passed function. % GetEchoNumber - Get a number typed on-screen. % GetEchoString - Get a string typed on-screen. % GetKbChar - Simple, limited replacement for GetChar(), using KbCheck for character input. % GetMyCaller - Returns the name of the calling function. % GetNumber - Get a number typed at the keyboard. % GetOctlibDir - Get path to Octave runtime libraries. % GetString - Get a string typed at the keyboard. % GetSubversionPath - Return path required to invoke snv. % GetSVNInfo - Find info on SVN version number of directory or file. % GetWithDefault - Get string or number with prompt and default value. % GrayIndex - Any graylevel from black (0) to white (1). % GroupStructArrayByFields - An aid to sorting data kept in structure arrays. % hexstr - Hex string of lowest 32 bits of any number. % ImageToVec - Convert a grayscale image to vector format. % Ind2Str - Converts numbers to characters (decimal to base 26 conversion). Useful for character indices. % Interleave - Interleaves any number of arrays. Can handle different data types. % IsACell - Tests (recursively--cells in cells) if a cell satisfies a user-supplied condition. % IsARM - Return if running on a processor with ARM architecture, typically a mobile or embedded system. % IsGLES - Return if the current rendering api in use is OpenGL-ES, the "OpenGL Embedded Subset". % IsGLES1 - Return if the current rendering api in use is OpenGL-ES 1.x. % IsGUI - Is the Matlab or Octave GUI enabled in this session? % IsLinux - Shorthand for testing whether running under Linux. % IsMinimumOSXVersion - Query if this is a specific OS/X version or higher. % IsOctave - Shortand for testing whether running under Octave. % IsOSX - Return if running on a Apple OSX operating system. % IsWin - Return if running on a MS-Windows operating system. % Is64Bit - Return if script is running on a 64-Bit Octave or Matlab. % KbMapKey - Checks if any of specified keys is depressed in a vector returned by KbCheck, KbWait etc. % kPsychGUIWindow - Flag to ask Screen() to create onscreen windows with behaviour similar to normal GUI windows. % kPsychGUIWindowWMPositioned - Flag to ask Screen() to leave onscreen GUI window placement to the window manager. % LoadIdentityClut - Loads the identity CLUT on a specified monitor. % log10nw - Compute log base 10 without annoying warnings. % MacModelName - Mac model name, e.g. 'PowerBook G4 15"'. % Magnify2DMatrix - Expand the size of a two-dimensional matrix via entry replication. % MakeBeep - Compute a beep of specified frequency and duration, for Snd. % MakeCosImage - Make a cosinusoidal image. % MakeGrid - Makes raster of elements centered on screen / in image (leftover space is divided equally over the edges). % MakeSincImage - Make a sinc image. % MakeSineImage - Make a sinusoidal image. % MapIndexColorThroughClut - Convert an index color image and clut to a true color image. % MergeCell - Concatenates contents of input cells element-wise. % MradToDeg - Convert angle in milliradians (mrad) to degrees. % NameBytes - Nicely format memory size for human readers. % NameFrequency - Nicely format clock rate for human readers. % NearestResolution - Find a screen resolution that most closely matches a requested resolution. % OSName - Convential English-language name of your operating system. % overrideBuiltInFunction - Temporarily run a different version of some function other than what is on the path. % PackColorImage - Pack three color planes into one m by n by three matrix. % ProgressBar - Displays a progress bar in MATLAB's command window. % PsychDebugWindowConfiguration - Enable special debug window configuration to aid single display debugging. % PsychDefaultSetup - Setup various defaults for Psychtoolbox session. % PsychGPUControl - Control low-level operating parameters of certain supported GPU's. % PsychNumel - Drop-in replacement for numel() on old Matlab versions that don't support it. % psychrange(X [, dims]) - Drop in replacement for range() on Matlab without statistics toolbox. % PsychtoolboxRoot - Robust way to get path to Psychtoolbox folder, even if renamed. % RemoveMatchingPaths - Removes folders that contain a given string from the path. % RemoveSVNPaths - Removes ".svn" folders from the path. % Replace - Perform exact Replace on strings or numeric arrays. % Resolute - Cuts from and adds to a matrix to make it the specified dimensions. % RestoreCluts - Restore original CLUT's for all monitors from backups made during LoadIdentityClut(). % Rot3d - Rotates a matrix in 3D space (around the x, y or z axis) in 90 degrees steps. % SaveIdentityClut - Store current or given CLUT as identity LUT for use with LoadIdentityClut. % SaveMovieFrames - Displays a GUI in which a movie can be played and from which screenshots can be saved. % sca - Shorthand for Screen('CloseAll'). Using this is a good way to make your code obscure. % ScreenDacBits - What is precision of the graphics boardDACs. Currently returns 8 always. % SetResolution - Change display resolution, refresh rate and color depths to requested values. % ShrinkMatrix - Shrinks a 2-D or 3-D matrix (an image) by a factor. % SmartVec - Creates a vector/sequence that satisfies certain conditions. % SortCell - Sorts cell matrices containing different data types in different columns. % Speek - Use speech synthesis output to speak a given text. Mac OS/X only. % Stopwatch - Time intervals. % streq - strcmp. % StrPad - Makes a string a specified length, either by pre-padding it with a specified character or cutting from its beginning. % Struct2Vect - Returns (cell-) array with all values in a specified field of a structure array. % TextBounds - Draw string, return enclosing rect. % TextCenteredBounds - Draw string, centered, return enclosing rect. % UnpackColorImage - Extract three color planes from an m by n by 3 color image. % VecToImage - Convert a grayscale image from vector to image format. % WaitSetMouse - Set and wait for new cursor position to take effect. % WhiteIndex - Returns number that will produce the color white. % WindowCenter - Returns a window's center point. % WindowSize - Returns a window's width and height. % WinDesk - Sends command to windows shell to minimize all Windows, equal to Windows+M. % WrapString - Word wrap (break into lines).