function usedAnswers = PsychLinuxConfiguration(answers, dontshowad) % PsychLinuxConfiguration([answers]) -- Optimize setup of Linux system. % % This script modifies system settings and configuration files % to optimize a Linux system for use with Psychtoolbox. % % Currently it modifies files to allow to run Octave or Matlab % as regular non-root user, ie. without need for root login or % the "sudo" command. It does so by changing file permissions % and resource usage limits to allow a regular user application % to switch to realtime scheduling, lock its memory, and to % access special purpose hardware like GPUs, Bits+, Datapixx and % other research equipment. % % Realtime optimizations are achieved by extending the % /etc/security/limits.conf file with entries that allow % members of the Unix user group "psychtoolbox" to lock % application memory into physical RAM, eliminating/minimizing % interference from the VM subsystem, and to run with realtime % priorities up to level 50. The group "psychtoolbox" is created % if it does not already exist. % % If the target system has a /etc/security/limits.d/ directory, % then a separate rule file is stored to that directory to % achieve the change without messing around with the limits.conf % file. % % root-less hardware access is achieved by copying a special % psychtoolbox.rules file into the /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory. % This udev rules file contains rules to auto-detect certain % hardware at bootup or when the hw is hot-plugged and to % reconfigure this hw or access permission for root-less access % by Psychtoolbox, and for optimal performance for the kind % of typical PTB use cases. % % The script also creates a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory for % xorg.conf configuration files which are writable by members % of the 'psychtoolbox' group to allow easy reconfiguration of % the X11 display system for running experiment sessions. % % Additionally it configures the gpu's to allow for display color % depths of more than 8 bpc. Furthermore, it configures a potentially % installed gamemoded daemon to further optimize cpu and graphics % performance for use with Psychtoolbox. % % The script calls into the shell via "sudo" to achieve this % setup task, which itself needs admin privileges to modify % system files etc. "sudo" will prompt the user for his admin % password to complete the tasks. % % The script also checks if any special configuration is required % to work around Linux specific OpenGL quirks of Matlab R2014b or % later. % % History: % 6.01.2012 mk Written. % 16.04.2013 mk Add info about 'dialout' group for serial port access. % 25.01.2015 mk Add Matlab R2014b OpenGL reconfiguration. % 20.10.2015 mk Make sudo handling under Octave+GUI less confusing. % 20.10.2015 mk Trigger auto-reload and coldplug of udev devices via udevadm. % 25.10.2015 mk Remember y/n answers to allow quicker reexec of the command if % reexecution is needed from octave-cli or as admin user. % Add option to automatically add user to dialout and psychtoolbox % Unix user groups, and to add other optional users as well. % Allow upgrade of the 99-psychtoolbox.limits conf file as well. % 04.11.2015 mk Support creation of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory owned by % group 'psychtoolbox' with setgid flag set, and write permissions, % to allow members of the 'psychtoolbox' user group to add/remove/ % modify xorg.conf files without need for admin permissions. % 27.06.2016 mk Optionally install a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-psychtoolbox.conf % file to prevent loading of certain kernel modules, e.g., the 'lp' % module for control of parallel port line printers, which would prevent % exclusive access to parallel ports for digital i/o. % Also add users to the 'lp' group for parallel port access, and % on ARM architecture (RaspberryPi) to the 'gpio' group for GPIO % pin access. % 04.09.2016 mk Optionally install a /etc/modprobe.d/amddeepcolor-psychtoolbox.conf % file to switch radeon-kms / amdgpu-kms into deep color mode for % driving suitable HDMI/DP > 8 bpc displays. % 23.06.2019 mk Optionally install a /etc/gamemode.ini for an optionally installed % FeralInteractive gamemode package, to switch supported gpu's into % high-performance mode for Priority() > 0, and do possible other PTB % specific optimizations beyond the default optims of the gamemode package. rerun = 0; updateinitramfs = 0; if ~IsLinux return; end if nargin < 1 || isempty(answers) answers = '???????'; else if ~ischar(answers) || length(answers) ~= 7 error('Provided input argument ''answers'' must be a 7 character string with characters y, n or ?'); end end if nargin < 2 || isempty(dontshowad) dontshowad = 0; end % Retrieve login username of current user: [ignore, username] = system('whoami'); %#ok username = username(1:end-1); addgroup = 0; % Setup of /etc/udev/rules.d/psychtoolbox.rules file, if needed: fprintf('\n\nLinux specific system setup for running Psychtoolbox as non-root user:\n'); fprintf('You need to be a user with administrative rights for this function to succeed.\n'); fprintf('If you don''t have administrator rights, or if you don''t trust this script to\n'); fprintf('tinker around with system settings, simply answer all questions with "n" for "No"\n'); fprintf('and then call a system administrator for help.\n\n'); fprintf('Checking if the Psychtoolbox udev rules file is installed and up to date.\n'); fprintf('This file will allow Psychtoolbox to access special research hardware equipment,\n'); fprintf('e.g., the Cambridge Research Systems Bits+ box, the Datapixx from VPixx, response\n'); fprintf('button boxes, and some special features of your graphics card, e.g., high precision\n'); fprintf('timestamping. You will be able to access this hardware without the need to run\n'); fprintf('Matlab or Octave as sudo root user.\n\n'); % Assume no need to install or update: answer = ''; needinstall = 0; % Check if udev psychtoolbox.rules file exists: if ~exist('/etc/udev/rules.d/psychtoolbox.rules', 'file') % No: Needs to be installed. needinstall = 1; fprintf('The udev rules file for Psychtoolbox is not installed on your system.\n'); if ismember(answers(1), 'yn') answer = answers(1); else answer = input('Should i install it? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(1) = answer; end else % Yes. fprintf('The udev rules file for Psychtoolbox is already installed on your system.\n'); % Compare its modification date with the one in PTB: r = dir([PsychtoolboxRoot '/PsychBasic/psychtoolbox.rules']); i = dir('/etc/udev/rules.d/psychtoolbox.rules'); if r.datenum > i.datenum needinstall = 2; fprintf('However, it seems to be outdated. I have a more recent version with me.\n'); if ismember(answers(1), 'yn') answer = answers(1); else answer = input('Should i update it? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(1) = answer; end end end if needinstall && answer == 'y' if IsOctave && IsGUI rerun = 1; fprintf('Oops, we are running under Octave in GUI mode. This will not work!\n'); fprintf('But not to worry. Just run Octave from a terminal window later once without\n'); fprintf('GUI, e.g., via executing: octave --no-gui\n'); fprintf('Then run the PsychLinuxConfiguration command again to make things work.\n'); else fprintf('I will copy my most recent rules file to your system. Please enter\n'); fprintf('now your system administrator password. You will not see any feedback.\n'); drawnow; cmd = sprintf('sudo cp %s/PsychBasic/psychtoolbox.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/', PsychtoolboxRoot); [rc, msg] = system(cmd); if rc == 0 fprintf('Success! Trying to apply the new rules file.\n'); else fprintf('Failed! The error message was: %s\n', msg); end if rc == 0 % Call udevadm to try to trigger a reload of the new rules file and trigger % a redetection of devices to apply the new rules without need for a reboot: cmd = sprintf('sudo udevadm control --reload ; sudo udevadm trigger'); [rc, msg] = system(cmd); if rc == 0 fprintf('Success! You may need to reboot your machine for some changes to take effect.\n'); else fprintf('Failed! The error message was: %s\n', msg); end end end end % Check if psychtoolbox modules blacklist file exists: fprintf('\n\n'); answer = ''; needinstall = 0; if ~exist('/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-psychtoolbox.conf', 'file') % No: Needs to be installed. needinstall = 1; fprintf('The blacklist file for Psychtoolbox is not installed on your system.\n'); if ismember(answers(5), 'yn') answer = answers(5); else answer = input('Should i install it? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(5) = answer; end else % Yes. fprintf('The blacklist file for Psychtoolbox is already installed on your system.\n'); % Compare its modification date with the one in PTB: r = dir([PsychtoolboxRoot '/PsychHardware/blacklist-psychtoolbox.conf']); i = dir('/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-psychtoolbox.conf'); if r.datenum > i.datenum needinstall = 2; fprintf('However, it seems to be outdated. I have a more recent version with me.\n'); if ismember(answers(5), 'yn') answer = answers(5); else answer = input('Should i update it? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(5) = answer; end end end if needinstall && answer == 'y' if IsOctave && IsGUI rerun = 1; fprintf('Oops, we are running under Octave in GUI mode. This will not work!\n'); fprintf('But not to worry. Just run Octave from a terminal window later once without\n'); fprintf('GUI, e.g., via executing: octave --no-gui\n'); fprintf('Then run the PsychLinuxConfiguration command again to make things work.\n'); else fprintf('I will copy my most recent blacklist file to your system. Please enter\n'); fprintf('now your system administrator password. You will not see any feedback.\n'); drawnow; cmd = sprintf('sudo cp %s/PsychHardware/blacklist-psychtoolbox.conf /etc/modprobe.d/', PsychtoolboxRoot); [rc, msg] = system(cmd); if rc == 0 updateinitramfs = 1; fprintf('Success! You may need to reboot your machine for some changes to take effect.\n'); else fprintf('Failed! The error message was: %s\n', msg); end end end % Check if psychtoolbox AMD kms modules config file and Mesa deep 10 bpc config exists: fprintf('\n\n'); answer = ''; needinstall = 0; if ~exist('/etc/modprobe.d/amddeepcolor-psychtoolbox.conf', 'file') || ... ~exist('/usr/share/drirc.d/90-psychtoolbox-deepcolor.conf', 'file') % No: Needs to be installed. needinstall = 1; if ~exist('/etc/modprobe.d/amddeepcolor-psychtoolbox.conf', 'file') needinstall = 3; end fprintf('The deep color config files for Psychtoolbox are not installed on your system.\n'); fprintf('These files need to be installed if you want to use high color precision mode\n'); fprintf('to drive a HDMI or DisplayPort high precision display device with more than\n'); fprintf('8 bpc color depths, ie. more than 256 levels of red, green and blue color.\n'); if IsARM % Some special treatment crammed in here for the latest RPi OS 11 BS: fprintf('\nYou also need this file on the RaspberryPi computer to get non-broken visual\n'); fprintf('stimulation timing with RaspberryPi OS 11, so i will install the file for you.\n'); answers(6) = 'y'; else fprintf('You do not need to install it for pure 8 bpc mode.\n'); end if ismember(answers(6), 'yn') answer = answers(6); else answer = input('Should i install them? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(6) = answer; end else % Yes. fprintf('The deep color config files for Psychtoolbox are already installed on your system.\n'); % Compare its modification date with the one in PTB: r = dir([PsychtoolboxRoot '/PsychHardware/amddeepcolor-psychtoolbox.conf']); i = dir('/etc/modprobe.d/amddeepcolor-psychtoolbox.conf'); r2 = dir([PsychtoolboxRoot '/PsychHardware/90-psychtoolbox-deepcolor.conf']); i2 = dir('/usr/share/drirc.d/90-psychtoolbox-deepcolor.conf'); if (r.datenum > i.datenum) || (r2.datenum > i2.datenum) needinstall = 2; if (r.datenum > i.datenum) needinstall = 3; end if IsARM % Force it for the RaspberryPi: answers(6) = 'y'; end fprintf('However, they seem to be outdated. I have more recent versions with me.\n'); if ismember(answers(6), 'yn') answer = answers(6); else answer = input('Should i update them? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(6) = answer; end end end if needinstall && answer == 'y' if IsOctave && IsGUI rerun = 1; fprintf('Oops, we are running under Octave in GUI mode. This will not work!\n'); fprintf('But not to worry. Just run Octave from a terminal window later once without\n'); fprintf('GUI, e.g., via executing: octave --no-gui\n'); fprintf('Then run the PsychLinuxConfiguration command again to make things work.\n'); else fprintf('I will copy my most recent deep color config files to your system. Please enter\n'); fprintf('now your system administrator password. You will not see any feedback.\n'); drawnow; if needinstall == 3 cmd = sprintf('sudo cp %s/PsychHardware/amddeepcolor-psychtoolbox.conf /etc/modprobe.d/', PsychtoolboxRoot); [rc, msg] = system(cmd); if rc == 0 updateinitramfs = 1; fprintf('Success! You will need to reboot your machine for this change to take effect.\n'); else fprintf('Failed! The error message was: %s\n', msg); end end cmd = sprintf('sudo cp %s/PsychHardware/90-psychtoolbox-deepcolor.conf /usr/share/drirc.d/', PsychtoolboxRoot); [rc, msg] = system(cmd); if rc == 0 fprintf('Success! You will need to logout and login again for this change to take effect.\n'); else fprintf('Failed! The error message was: %s\n', msg); end end end % First the fallback implementation if /etc/security/limits.d/ does not % exist: if ~exist('/etc/security/limits.d/', 'dir') % Check if /etc/security/limits.conf has proper entries to allow memory locking % and real-time scheduling: fid = fopen('/etc/security/limits.conf'); if fid == -1 fprintf('Could not open /etc/security/limits.conf for reading. Can not set it up, sorry!\n'); return; end fprintf('\nChecking if /etc/security/limits.conf has entries which allow everyone to\n'); fprintf('make use of realtime scheduling and memory locking -- Needed for good timing.\n\n'); mlockok = 0; rtpriook = 0; while ~feof(fid) fl = fgetl(fid); % fprintf('%s\n', fl); if fl == -1 continue; end if ~isempty(strfind(fl, 'memlock')) && ~isempty(strfind(fl, 'unlimited')) && ~isempty(strfind(fl, '@psychtoolbox')) && ~isempty(strfind(fl, '-')) mlockok = 1; end if ~isempty(strfind(fl, 'rtprio')) && ~isempty(strfind(fl, '50')) && ~isempty(strfind(fl, '@psychtoolbox')) && ~isempty(strfind(fl, '-')) rtpriook = 1; end end % Done reading the file: fclose(fid); drawnow; % ...and? if ~(mlockok && rtpriook) fprintf('\n\nThe file seems to be missing some suitable setup lines.\n'); if ismember(answers(2), 'yn') answer = answers(2); else answer = input('Should i add them for you? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(2) = answer; end if answer == 'y' if IsOctave && IsGUI rerun = 1; fprintf('Oops, we are running under Octave in GUI mode. This will not work!\n'); fprintf('But not to worry. Just run Octave from a terminal window later once without\n'); fprintf('GUI, e.g., via executing: octave --no-gui\n'); fprintf('Then run the PsychLinuxConfiguration command again to make things work.\n'); else fprintf('I will try to add config lines to your system. Please enter\n'); fprintf('now your system administrator password. You will not see any feedback.\n'); drawnow; % Set amount of lockable memory to unlimited for all users: [rc, msg] = system('sudo /bin/bash -c ''echo "@psychtoolbox - memlock unlimited" >> /etc/security/limits.conf'''); if rc ~= 0 fprintf('Failed! The error message was: %s\n', msg); end % Set allowable realtime priority for all users to 50: [rc2, msg] = system('sudo /bin/bash -c ''echo "@psychtoolbox - rtprio 50" >> /etc/security/limits.conf'''); if rc2 ~= 0 fprintf('Failed! The error message was: %s\n', msg); end % Must add a psychtoolbox user group: addgroup = 1; if (rc == 0) && (rc2 == 0) fprintf('\n\nSuccess!\n\n'); else fprintf('\n\nFailed! Maybe ask a system administrator for help?\n\n'); end end end else fprintf('\n\nYour system is already setup for use of Priority().\n\n'); end else % Realtime setup for systems with /etc/security/limits.d/ directory: % Simply install a ptb specific config file - a cleaner solution: donttouchthis = 1; if ~exist('/etc/security/limits.d/99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf', 'file') donttouchthis = 0; else r = dir([PsychtoolboxRoot '/PsychBasic/99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf']); i = dir('/etc/security/limits.d/99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf'); if r.datenum > i.datenum donttouchthis = 0; end end if ~donttouchthis fprintf('\n\nThe file /etc/security/limits.d/99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf is\n'); fprintf('not yet installed or outdated on your system. It allows painless realtime operation.\n'); if ismember(answers(2), 'yn') answer = answers(2); else answer = input('Should i install or upgrade to my most recent file for you? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(2) = answer; end if answer == 'y' if IsOctave && IsGUI rerun = 1; fprintf('Oops, we are running under Octave in GUI mode. This will not work!\n'); fprintf('But not to worry. Just run Octave from a terminal window later once without\n'); fprintf('GUI, e.g., via executing: octave --no-gui\n'); fprintf('Then run the PsychLinuxConfiguration command again to make things work.\n'); else fprintf('I will try to install it now to your system. Please enter\n'); fprintf('now your system administrator password. You will not see any feedback.\n'); drawnow; cmd = sprintf('sudo cp %s/PsychBasic/99-psychtoolboxlimits.conf /etc/security/limits.d/', PsychtoolboxRoot); [rc, msg] = system(cmd); if rc ~= 0 fprintf('Failed! The error message was: %s\n', msg); else fprintf('Success!\n\n'); % Must add a psychtoolbox user group: addgroup = 1; end end end end end % Need to create a Unix user group 'psychtoolbox' and add user to it? if addgroup fprintf('I will try to create a new Unix user group called "psychtoolbox" on your system.\n'); if IsOctave && IsGUI rerun = 1; fprintf('Oops, we are running under Octave in GUI mode. This will not work!\n'); fprintf('But not to worry. Just run Octave from a terminal window later once without\n'); fprintf('GUI, e.g., via executing: octave --no-gui\n'); fprintf('Then run the PsychLinuxConfiguration command again to make things work.\n'); addgroup = 0; else % This will create the psychtoolbox user group, unless the group % already exists. In such a case it simply does nothing: system('sudo groupadd --force psychtoolbox'); fprintf('I have created a new Unix user group called "psychtoolbox" on your system.\n'); addgroup = 1; end else fprintf('\n\nYour system has a Unix user group called "psychtoolbox".\n'); addgroup = 1; end if addgroup fprintf('All members of that group can use the Priority() command now without the need\n'); fprintf('to run Matlab or Octave as sudo root user.\n\n'); fprintf('You need to add each user of Psychtoolbox to that group. You could do this\n'); fprintf('with the user management tools of your system. Or you can open a terminal window\n'); fprintf('and type the following command (here as an example to add yourself to that group):\n\n'); fprintf('sudo usermod -a -G psychtoolbox %s\n\n', username); fprintf('One should also add oneself to the ''dialout'' group for access to serial port devices:\n\n'); fprintf('sudo usermod -a -G dialout %s\n\n', username); fprintf('One should also add oneself to the ''lp'' group for access to parallel port devices:\n\n'); fprintf('sudo usermod -a -G lp %s\n\n', username); fprintf('One should also add oneself to the ''video'' group for use on hybrid graphics laptops:\n\n'); fprintf('sudo usermod -a -G video %s\n\n', username); if IsARM fprintf('One should also add oneself to the ''gpio'' group for access to GPIO pins:\n\n'); fprintf('sudo usermod -a -G gpio %s\n\n', username); end fprintf('After that, the new group member must log out and then login again for the\n'); fprintf('settings to take effect.\n\n'); if ismember(answers(3), 'yn') answer = answers(3); else fprintf('Actually we could do this for you right now.\n'); answer = input('Should i add you to the user groups proposed above? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(3) = answer; end if answer == 'y' againagain = 1; while againagain fprintf('\nAdding user %s to groups...\n', username); cmd = sprintf('sudo usermod -a -G psychtoolbox %s', username); system(cmd); cmd = sprintf('sudo usermod -a -G dialout %s', username); system(cmd); cmd = sprintf('sudo usermod -a -G lp %s', username); system(cmd); cmd = sprintf('sudo usermod -a -G video %s', username); system(cmd); % On RaspberryPi also add to the gpio group for GPIO access: if IsARM cmd = sprintf('sudo usermod -a -G gpio %s', username); system(cmd); end % Another one? username = input('Enter the name of another user to add, or just press Return to be done: ', 's'); if isempty(username) againagain = 0; end end fprintf('\n'); end end if addgroup % Check if xorg.conf.d exists, but does not have psychtoolbox as owning group. % In that case we need to chown + chmod it to ownership and write permission for % psychtoolbox group. This happens, e.g., on RaspberryPi OS 12, when the system % by itself creates the directory to place some config files, but not with psychtoolbox % ownership. Need different ls() output string handling for Octave vs. Matlab for this: if IsOctave xorgconfdir = vec(ls('/etc/X11/', '-l')')'; else xorgconfdir = ls('/etc/X11/', '-l'); end xorgnotptbowned = exist('/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d', 'dir') && isempty(strfind(xorgconfdir, 'psychtoolbox')); % Does not exist or is not group owned by us? if ~exist('/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d', 'dir') || xorgnotptbowned if xorgnotptbowned fprintf('\n\nThe X11 configuration directory /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d is not owned by\n'); fprintf('the psychtoolbox Unix group. I would like to change that, to allow you\n'); else fprintf('\n\nThe X11 configuration directory /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d does not exist.\n'); fprintf('I would like to create it and allow users of the psychtoolbox Unix group\n'); end fprintf('to write xorg config files into that directory. This will allow easy change\n'); fprintf('of display configuration when needed to setup for an experiment by use of the\n'); fprintf('XOrgConfCreator and XOrgConfSelector functions of Psychtoolbox.\n\n'); if ismember(answers(4), 'yn') answer = answers(4); else answer = input('Should i create or configure a X11 config directory that is writable for you? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(4) = answer; end if answer == 'y' if IsOctave && IsGUI rerun = 1; fprintf('Oops, we are running under Octave in GUI mode. This will not work!\n'); fprintf('But not to worry. Just run Octave from a terminal window later once without\n'); fprintf('GUI, e.g., via executing: octave --no-gui\n'); fprintf('Then run the PsychLinuxConfiguration command again to make things work.\n'); else if ~exist('/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d', 'dir') system('sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d'); end system('sudo chown :psychtoolbox /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d'); system('sudo chmod g+rwxs /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d'); end end end end % Check if psychtoolbox gamemode.ini file exists: fprintf('\n\n'); answer = ''; needinstall = 0; if ~exist('/etc/gamemode.ini', 'file') && ~exist('/usr/share/gamemode/gamemode.ini', 'file') && ... (isempty(getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME')) || ~exist([getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') '/gamemode.ini'], 'file')) && ... ~exist([getenv('HOME') '/.config/gamemode.ini'], 'file') % No: Needs to be installed. needinstall = 1; fprintf('The gamemode.ini file customized for Psychtoolbox is not installed on your system.\n'); fprintf('You need this file if you install(ed) the optional \"FeralInteractive gamemode\"\n'); fprintf('package to further optimize your system for realtime and high performance during\n'); fprintf('Priority(>0) operation *and* you want the gamemode package to also switch supported\n'); fprintf('graphics cards into high performance mode for an extra boost in graphics performance,\n'); fprintf('at the cost of higher power consumption and heat production. PLEASE NOTE that in case\n'); fprintf('of faulty or sub-standard cooling of your graphics card or computer, there is a SMALL\n'); fprintf('RISK OF HARDWARE DAMAGE DUE TO OVERHEATING if you say yes to this question.\n\n'); fprintf('ANY DAMAGE TO HARDWARE INCURRED DUE TO THIS FEATURE IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND YOURS ALONE!\n\n'); fprintf('Say no to the question if you don''t want extra graphics performance optimizations,\n'); fprintf('don''t want to take the SMALL RISK OF OVERHEATING, or do already have your own customized\n'); fprintf('gamemode.ini file installed in a location other than /etc/gamemode.ini.\n\n') if ismember(answers(7), 'yn') answer = answers(7); else answer = input('Should i install it? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(7) = answer; end else % Yes. File already exists in one location. Is it our location? if exist('/etc/gamemode.ini', 'file') fprintf('The gamemode.ini file is already installed on your system at the location expected by Psychtoolbox.\n'); % Compare its modification date with the one in PTB: r = dir([PsychtoolboxRoot '/PsychBasic/gamemode.ini']); i = dir('/etc/gamemode.ini'); if r.datenum > i.datenum needinstall = 2; fprintf('However, it seems to be outdated. I have a more recent version with me. This is the difference\n'); fprintf('between the installed version and my version:\n'); system(['diff /etc/gamemode.ini ' PsychtoolboxRoot '/PsychBasic/gamemode.ini']); fprintf('\n'); if ismember(answers(7), 'yn') answer = answers(7); else answer = input('Should i update/replace it with my version? [y/n] : ', 's'); answers(7) = answer; end end else % Some 3rd party file exists in different location: fprintf('A 3rd party gamemode.ini file is already installed on your system. Not touching it.\n'); end end if needinstall && answer == 'y' if IsOctave && IsGUI rerun = 1; fprintf('Oops, we are running under Octave in GUI mode. This will not work!\n'); fprintf('But not to worry. Just run Octave from a terminal window later once without\n'); fprintf('GUI, e.g., via executing: octave --no-gui\n'); fprintf('Then run the PsychLinuxConfiguration command again to make things work.\n'); else % Actually check if the gamemode package is installed on the system, by % checking if gamemoded is there: r = system('which gamemoded'); if r ~= 0 % Seems to be missing. Propose installing it: fprintf('I could not find the gamemoded executable in the path. This probably means\n'); fprintf('that the gamemode package is not installed yet?\n'); fprintf('If this is an Ubuntu system of version 18.04-LTS or later, you can try\n'); fprintf('to install the package from a *untrusted* 3rd party PPA repository\n'); fprintf('for your system. See \"help LinuxGameMode\" on how to do that.\n'); fprintf('Skipping the setup of gamemode.ini for now. Rerun PsychLinuxConfiguration\n'); fprintf('after you have installed the gamemode package.\n'); fprintf('Press a key to confirm you read above message.\n'); pause; else % gamemoded installed. Is the gpuclockctl executable installed as well? fprintf('I will now copy my most recent gamemode.ini file to your system. Please enter\n'); fprintf('your system administrator password. You will not see any feedback.\n'); drawnow; cmd = sprintf('sudo cp %s/PsychBasic/gamemode.ini /etc/gamemode.ini', PsychtoolboxRoot); [rc, msg] = system(cmd); if rc == 0 % Sucess: kill a potentially running gamemoded, so it will get restarted as needed and % reread our updated or new gamemode.ini config file: system('killall gamemoded'); fprintf('Success! Changes should apply at next use of the Priority() command, but the latest after a logout/login or reboot.\n'); else fprintf('Failed! The error message was: %s\n', msg); end if ~exist('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gpuclockctl', 'file') && exist('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cpugovctl', 'file') % gpuclockctl seems to be missing in the expected location while its sibling cpugovctl exists? % This suggests dealing with a buggy gamemode package that is missing gpuclockctl for some weird reason, % e.g., the v1.3.1 package from % % Propose to the user to fix the missing file from our own copy (built on 19.04, but works on 18.04 LTS): fprintf('The gamemode package seems to be installed, but missing the following required file:\n'); fprintf('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gpuclockctl\n\n'); fprintf('I have a copy of this file with me that works on at least Ubuntu 19.04 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS\n'); fprintf('with gamemode PPA version 1.3.1.\n'); answer = input('Should i update/replace the missing file with my version? [y/n] : ', 's'); if answer == 'y' cmd = sprintf('sudo cp %s/PsychContributed/gpuclockctl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gpuclockctl', PsychtoolboxRoot); [rc, msg] = system(cmd); if rc == 0 fprintf('Success! GPU performance optimizations at Priority() > 0 should now hopefully work.\n'); else fprintf('Failed! Giving up. You may need to fix this yourself. The error message was:\n%s\n', msg); fprintf('If the file is missing, e.g., from a NeuroDebian/Debian/Ubuntu package, you can\n'); fprintf('get a copy from the following download link, to put it into the PsychContributed\n'); fprintf('subfolder, then rerun PsychLinuxConfiguration:\n'); fprintf('\n\n'); end end end end end end if updateinitramfs fprintf('\nNow updating the initramfs for some settings to take effect. This can take some time.\n'); system('sudo update-initramfs -u -k all'); end if ~rerun fprintf('\nFinished. Your system should now be ready for use with Psychtoolbox.\n'); fprintf('If you encounter problems, try rebooting the machine. Some of the settings only\n'); fprintf('become effective after a reboot.\n\n\n'); else fprintf('\nSetup failed due to lack of administrator permissions. Please run octave\n'); fprintf('from a terminal window via ''octave --no-gui'' while logged in as a user with\n'); fprintf('administrator capabilities.\n'); fprintf('Then execute the command\n\nPsychLinuxConfiguration(''%s'');\n\n', answers); fprintf('to rerun this script again with the same settings, so you can avoid\n'); fprintf('answering all yes/no questions again. Then it should work.\n\n\n'); end fprintf('Press Return key to continue.\n'); pause; fprintf('\n\n\n'); % Matlab version 8.4 (R2014b) or later? if ~IsOctave && exist('verLessThan') && ~verLessThan('matlab', '8.4.0') %#ok % Yes. % Latest Matlab bundles a totally crippled Vulkan loader % that overrides the good system installed Vulkan loader and sabotages % our PsychVulkan support. Apparently competent people are hard to hire... % Try to detect this and and rename the file: libvulkan = ([matlabroot '/bin/glnxa64/']); if exist(libvulkan, 'file') cmd = ['sudo mv ' libvulkan ' ' libvulkan '.DISABLED']; fprintf('\nThis Matlab version ships a broken library. Renaming it to disable it...\n'); fprintf('You may have to enter your administrator password to execute the following command:\n%s\n\n', cmd); system(cmd); if exist(libvulkan, 'file') warning('Failed to rename Matlabs broken PsychVulkan will not work!'); else fprintf('Success. Vulkan should work now.\n'); end end % If R2014b detects a Mesa OpenGL renderer as default system OpenGL % library, it will blacklist it and switch to its own utterly outdated % Mesa X11 software renderer (Version 7.2 !!). This is utterly inadequate % for our purpose, therefore lets reconfigure Matlab to force it to use the % system provided hardware accelerated Mesa OpenGL library after the next % Matlab restart. d = opengl('data'); if (ischar(d.Software) && ~isempty(strfind(d.Software, 'true'))) || (isscalar(d.Software) && d.Software) % Software renderer. Let's change this for future Matlab sessions: fprintf('Your version of Matlab R2014b or later was setup to use its own software OpenGL renderer.\n'); try opengl('save','hardware'); fprintf('As this is completely unsuitable for Psychtoolbox, i have changed the setting to use the\n'); fprintf('system provided hardware accelerated OpenGL library. You need to quit and restart Matlab\n'); fprintf('for these changes to take effect, otherwise visual stimulation will be broken.\n\n'); catch fprintf('This is completely unsuitable for Psychtoolbox! You may need to quit and restart Matlab\n'); fprintf('with the command line switch ''matlab -nosoftwareopengl'' to fix this each time.\n'); end fprintf('Press any key to continue to confirm you read and understood this.\n'); pause; fprintf('\n\n'); end end % Return the given answers / used config: usedAnswers = answers; % Trigger libdc1394 workarounds if Screen does not work. Postinstall routine would % run this, but a NeuroDebian install would not, so call it here to handle ND as well: AssertOpenGL; % Our little ad for our services: if ~dontshowad && exist('PsychPaidSupportAndServices', 'file') PsychPaidSupportAndServices(1); end return;