function [pagedata,hdr]=webget_demo(url) % WEBGET_DEMO - Demo webpage downloader, returns a webpage as a string % % Syntax: % webget_demo url_adress % or % str=webget_demo('url_adress') % % Version: 2002-02-01 for the tcpiptoolbox 2.x API % if nargin==0, url=''; end MAXPAGESIZE=1024*1024; %Decode URL if strncmp(url,'http:',5), url=url(6:end); end if strncmp(url,'//',2), url=url(3:end); end [host,page]=strtok(url,'/'); [host,port]=strtok(host,':'); if length(port)>1, port=port(2:end); else port='80'; end if length(page)==0, page='/'; end %Connect to web server con=pnet('tcpconnect',host,port); if con==-1, error 'Bad url or server down.....'; end disp(['Connected to: ' host]); if 1, pnet(con,'setwritetimeout',1); pnet(con,'setreadtimeout',30); %Send request pnet(con,'printf','GET %s HTTP1.0\n\n',page); pnet(con,'read',MAXPAGESIZE,'view'); % Read data to local buffer with 30 sec timout. pnet(con,'setreadtimeout',0.1); %Change timeout hdrstr=''; hdr=''; %Remove header while length(hdrstr) || length(hdr)==0, stat=pnet(con,'status'); hdrstr=pnet(con,'readline'); hdr=sprintf('%s%s\n',hdr,hdrstr); end %Return page pnet(con,'setreadtimeout',60); pagedata=pnet(con,'read',MAXPAGESIZE); end pnet(con,'close');