function [str,ok]=tcpip_readln(fid,len) % [str,ok]=tcpip_readln(fid,len) % % fid is file id. % len is maximum length to be read. % % Reads a line of charters terminated by newline character (LF). % If the a full line (until LF) isn available at the % moment a empty string will be returned. % CR and LF characters will not be returned in the string. % % Returns ok set to 1 if a complete line whas recived. % ok=0; str=tcpipmex(4,fid,len); if(length(str)), idx=find(str~=10 & str~=13); % Remove all 10 & 13 if(length(idx)>0), str=str(idx); ok=1; end end return;