%TCP_UDP_IP - Network comunication with other applic. & remote matlab control. % % This is version 2.x of the tcp/udp/ip Toolbox by % Peter Rydesaeter with support from Mario Bergeron, Mike Medeiros % Se the pnet.c file for more information. % % (C) 1998-2002 Peter Rydesaeter, Mitthoegskolan Oestersund % GNU Public License, Se pnet.c for more license information. % % Contents.m This help file. % whatsnew.txt Version history, whats new in each version % todo.txt What to do in future versions % pnet.m Help file for use of pnet % pnet.c C-source file for the pnet mex-file. % pnet.dll mex-file for Windows % pnet.mexglx mex-file for matlab 6.x under Linux % pnet.mexsol mex-file for Solaris % pnet_getvar.m Receives any matlab variable. % pnet_putvar.m Sends any matlab variable. % pnet_remote.m Remote control of matlab sessions. % popmail_demo.m Demo of how to get to of mail from POP3 mail server. % udp_plotter_demo.m Demo of how to receive UDP packets. % udp_send_demo.m Demo of how to send UDP packets % webget_demo.m Demo of how to get a webpage from a webserver % webserver_demo.m Demo of how to write a simple webserver. % tcpip-1.2.4.zip Lates public version of the old 1.x tb. %