function [result, ivx]=iViewXComm(cstr, ivx, sendstr) % wrapper function for in and outgoing udp connections % pnet messages % /* Different status of a con_info struct handles a file descriptor */ % #define STATUS_FREE -1 % #define STATUS_NOCONNECT 0 // Disconnected pipe that is note closed % #define STATUS_TCP_SOCKET 1 % #define STATUS_IO_OK 5 // Used for IS_... test % #define STATUS_UDP_CLIENT 6 % #define STATUS_UDP_SERVER 8 % #define STATUS_CONNECT 10 // Used for IS_... test % #define STATUS_TCP_CLIENT 11 % #define STATUS_TCP_SERVER 12 % #define STATUS_UDP_CLIENT_CONNECT 18 % #define STATUS_UDP_SERVER_CONNECT 19 % % result=-1; switch ivx.connection case 1, % ethernet switch lower(cstr) case 'open', if isempty(ivx.udp) % open (and close) udp connection for receiving data from iView computer % we should split opening, checking, receiving and closing of course % Open udpsocket and bind udp port adress to it. ivx.udp=pnet('udpsocket',ivx.localport); pnet(ivx.udp,'setreadtimeout',ivx.udpreadtimeout); if ~isempty(ivx.udp) stat=pnet(ivx.udp,'status'); if stat>0 result=ivx.isconnected; end end end case 'receive', if ~isempty(ivx.udp) % should we instead check status? % stat=pnet(ivx.udp,'status'); % Wait/Read udp packet to read buffer len=pnet(ivx.udp,'readpacket'); %len=pnet(udp,'readpacket',[],'noblock'); % if len>0 fprintf('Len: %d\n', len); end if len>0, % [ip,port]=pnet(ivx.udp,'gethost'); % if packet larger then 1 byte then read maximum of 1000 doubles in network byte order % data=pnet(udp,'read',ivx.udpmaxread,'double'); data=pnet(ivx.udp,'read',ivx.udpmaxread); % data result=data; end end case 'receivelast', if ~isempty(ivx.udp) % should we instead check status? % stat=pnet(ivx.udp,'status'); while 1 % Wait/Read udp packet to read buffer len=pnet(ivx.udp,'readpacket'); %len=pnet(udp,'readpacket',[],'noblock'); % if len>0 fprintf('Len: %d\n', len); end if len > 0 % [ip,port]=pnet(ivx.udp,'gethost'); % if packet larger then 1 byte then read % maximum of 1000 doubles in network byte order % data=pnet(udp,'read',ivx.udpmaxread,'double'); data=pnet(ivx.udp,'read',ivx.udpmaxread); % data result=data; else break end end end case 'close', if ~isempty(ivx.udp) pnet(ivx.udp,'close'); ivx.udp=[]; end result=1; case 'check', if ~isempty(ivx.udp) stat=pnet(ivx.udp,'status'); if stat>0 result=ivx.isconnected; end end case 'send', % open udp connection, and send command string % if this is too time consuming, we should open a port and keep it open % for the time of the experiment % code stolen from udp_send_demo.m udp=pnet('udpsocket',ivx.socket); if udp~=-1, try, % Failsafe pnet(udp,'udpconnect',,ivx.port); % [ip,port]=pnet(udp,'gethost') % stat=pnet(udp,'status') pnet(udp,'write',[sendstr char(10)]); % Write to write buffer pnet(udp,'writepacket',,ivx.port); % Send buffer as UDP packet catch, pnet('closeall'); disp(lasterr) end % [ip,port]=pnet(udp,'gethost') % stat=pnet(udp,'status') pnet(udp,'close'); result=1; end otherwise, error([mfilename ': unknown command for ethernet communication']); end case 2, % assume we use serial communication error([mfilename ': serial communication not implemented yet']); otherwise, error([mfilename ': unknown connection type']); end