function XOrgConfCreator(expertmode) % XOrgConfCreator([expertmode=0]) - Automatically create X11 config files. % % This friendly little setup assistant will analyze your systems graphics % card and display setup, then ask you questions about how you want your % display setup configured. Then it will create a configuration file to % setup your displays in the desired way after the next logout -> login % cycle, or after the next reboot of your machine. % % Files are stored by default in a configuration directory where the % XOrgConfSelector helper script can find and apply them. % % Please note that this assistant can't yet handle systems with multiple % active graphics cards properly. It is only for regular single graphics % card setups or hybrid graphics laptops with one active graphics card. % % In order for the assistant to detect and handle all potentially useful % displays you must have all of them connected and active at the time the % assistant is run. % % % expertmode = Optional parameter: If set to 1, enable additional options which % are only useful for debugging by developers and mostly useless or % troublesome for normal users. Defaults to 0 == off. % History: % 04-Nov-2015 mk Written. % 25-Apr-2016 mk Add support for selection of modesetting ddx on XOrg 1.18+ % 28-Aug-2016 mk Add basic hybrid graphics setup support. % 09-Jun-2017 mk Add 30 bpp framebuffer support and 16 bpc framebuffer support % on AMD Sea Islands gpus, to simplify setup of high color bit % depth framebuffers. % 11-Jun-2022 mk Only handle systems with XOrg X-Server 21 or later, bail to % LegacyXOrgConfCreator for older systems. clc; if ~IsLinux fprintf('This function is only supported or useful on Linux. Bye!\n'); return; end if IsWayland fprintf('This function is only supported or useful on Linux with the good old X11/XServer stack, not on Wayland. Bye!\n'); return; end % Expert mode off by default: if nargin < 1 || isempty(expertmode) expertmode = 0; end % Which X-Server version is in use? xversion = [0, 0, 0]; [rc, text] = system('xdpyinfo | grep ''X.Org version'''); if rc == 0 xversion = sscanf (text, 'X.Org version: %d.%d.%d'); else % No xdpyinfo installed by default, e.g., on RaspberryPi OS, or failed? % Try again at old traditional xorg log location: [rc, text] = system('grep ''X.Org X Server '' /var/log/Xorg.0.log'); if rc == 0 xversion = sscanf (text, 'X.Org X Server %d.%d.%d'); end end fprintf('Detected X-Server version %i.%i.%i\n', xversion(1), xversion(2), xversion(3)); % X-Server older than 21.0.0 aka older than 1.21.0? if (xversion(1) == 1) && (xversion(2) < 21) % Yes. Run LegacyXOrgConfCreator() for handling legacy stuff: LegacyXOrgConfCreator; return; end % X-Server 21 or later in use - We are the one to handle the modern XOrg stack. fprintf('Creating configuration for a modern X-Server 21+, assuming Mesa 22+ and Linux 5.15+ ...\n'); % Step 1: Get the currently active display gpu and derive the required % X video driver from it. We do this by opening a little invisble % onscreen window, then querying its window info to get the type % of primary display gpu used: fprintf('Detecting type of primary display graphics card (GPU) and driver to use...\n'); oldVerbosity = Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', 1); oldSyncTests = Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 2); try win = Screen('OpenWindow', 0, 0, [0 0 32 32], 24); winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', win); modesettingddxactive = Screen('GetWindowInfo', win, 8); Screen('CloseAll'); xdriver = DetectDDX(winfo); fprintf('Primary display gpu type: %s\n', xdriver); if ~modesettingddxactive fprintf('Uses the xf86-video-%s DDX video driver.\n', xdriver); else fprintf('Uses the xf86-video-modesetting DDX video driver.\n'); end % Find Mesa version, if this is running on Mesa. mesaVerstr = strfind(winfo.GLVersion, 'Mesa'); if ~isempty(mesaVerstr) mesaVersion = sscanf(winfo.GLVersion(mesaVerstr:end), 'Mesa %i.%i.%i'); else mesaVersion = [0,0,0]; end % Identify major version of Broadcom VideoCore on a RaspberryPi, and deep color caps: videoCoreDeepColor = 0; if ~isempty(strfind(winfo.GPUCoreId, 'VC4')) videoCoreVersion = sscanf(winfo.GLRenderer(end-2:end), '%i.%i'); % VideoCore 4 or later, on Mesa 23.3.0 or later? Then it is 10 bpc deep color capable: if videoCoreVersion(1) >= 4 && (mesaVersion(1) > 23 || (mesaVersion(1) == 23 && mesaVersion(2) >= 3)) videoCoreDeepColor = 1; end else videoCoreVersion = []; end % Step 2: Enumerate all available video outputs on all X-Screens: outputs = []; outputCnt = 0; screenNumbers = Screen('Screens'); for screenNumber = screenNumbers % Reject non-existent screens: if ~ismember(screenNumber, Screen('Screens')) continue; end % Get number of video outputs per screen: numOutputs = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'NumberOutputs', screenNumber); for outputId = 0:numOutputs-1 outputCnt = outputCnt + 1; outputs{outputCnt} = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'Scanout', screenNumber, outputId); outputs{outputCnt}.screenNumber = screenNumber; end end fprintf('Found a total of %i video output displays on %i X-Screens.\n\n', outputCnt, length(screenNumbers)); % HybridGraphics laptop? [multigpu, suitable, fullysupported] = DetectHybridGraphics(winfo, xdriver); % Single display setup? if outputCnt == 1 % Yes. That answers the question if multi-x-screen is wanted: fprintf('Only a single active display connected, so obviously you want a single-display setup.\n'); multixscreen = 0; else fprintf('Multiple displays (active video outputs) detected. Do you want a setup with one single\n'); fprintf('X-Screen or a Dual X-Screen setup? A single X-Screen setup will automatically\n'); fprintf('adapt to the number and type of connected displays, plug & play. It will also provide the\n'); fprintf('highest graphics performance, lowest latency, and best timing reliability/precision\n'); fprintf('for displaying a single Psychtoolbox fullscreen onscreen window for visual stimulation,\n'); fprintf('because Psychtoolbox would take over exclusive control of your graphics card with its\n'); fprintf('single onscreen window covering the whole single X-Screen and all its video outputs.\n\n'); fprintf('For stereoscopic / binocular dual-display stimulation you would just have two stimulation\n'); fprintf('displays enabled, showing a single Psychtoolbox onscreen window in stereomode 4 or 5.\n'); fprintf('For single display stimulation you would turn off all displays but the one you want to\n'); fprintf('use for visual stimulation. Ditto for triple-display stimulation etc.\n'); fprintf('\n'); fprintf('The downside of a single X-Screen setup is obviously that you can not display a regular\n'); fprintf('desktop GUI, e.g., with your Octave or Matlab window, while the experiment session is running.\n'); fprintf('You will either see the desktop GUI with Octave/Matlab, or the Psychtoolbox window.\n'); fprintf('\n'); fprintf('A dual X-Screen "ZaphodHeads" setup on the other hand will allow you to split your graphics cards\n'); fprintf('displays into two completely separate sets. The video displays assigned to X-Screen 0 will continue\n'); fprintf('to display your regular desktop GUI with the Octave or Matlab windows and other applications.\n'); fprintf('The second X-Screen (number 1) will have all the visual stimulation displays attached for\n'); fprintf('exclusive use by a single Psychtoolbox onscreen window. This will still provide good performance\n'); fprintf('and the convenience of a visible GUI, although a bit of performance and timing robustness will\n'); fprintf('have to be sacrificed, because some GPU resources have to be used to drive the desktop GUI.\n'); fprintf('\n'); fprintf('You could also create a setup with as many X-Screens as there are outputs available for\n'); fprintf('special configurations, e.g., stimulation of two or more separate subjects at once.\n'); fprintf('\n\n'); answer = ''; while isempty(answer) || ~ismember(answer, ['s', 'm']) answer = input('Do you want a single X-Screen (s) or a dual/multi X-Screen (m) setup? [s / m] ', 's'); end fprintf('\n\n'); if answer == 'm' multixscreen = 1; else multixscreen = 0; end end % Setup of NoAutoAddGPU needed? Some muxed hybrid graphics laptops % need this if both gpus have outputs, but the set of outputs of one % of the gpus is free floating if the other one is selected via mux. % The ghost outputs then confuse the X-Servers setup of screen layout % and one has outputs which occupy x-screen space but can't display % anything, causing a deeply confusing desktop layout. % NoAutoAddGPU prevents secondary gpus from being added as slave gpus % to the X-Screen, thereby their outputs don't show up. Downside would % be a regular GUI setup won't be able to access external displays on % a dual-gpu setup where only the 2nd gpu can drive external outputs. % A dual-x-screen setup won't have that problem though, so a typical % visual stimulation setup would not suffer, only regular desktop use. noautoaddgpu = 0; if multigpu answer = ''; while isempty(answer) || ~ismember(answer, ['y', 'n']) answer = input('Do you experience weird issues with display arrangements and want me to try to fix it? [y / n] ', 's'); end if answer == 'y' noautoaddgpu = 1; end end if multixscreen == 0 serverLayout = ''; xscreencount = 0; else % Multi-X-Screen. Step through X-Screens and assign ZaphodHeads: screenNumber = 0; anotherScreen = 1; remainingOutputs = 1:outputCnt; xscreenoutputs{1} = []; while (anotherScreen > 0) && (length(remainingOutputs) > 0) % Display windows with Output name labels on each output: fprintf('The following outputs are available for assignment to X-Screen %i:\n\n', screenNumber); for i=1:outputCnt if ismember(i, remainingOutputs) scanout = outputs{i}; winRect = OffsetRect([0, 0, 600, 100], scanout.xStart, scanout.yStart); w(i) = Screen('Openwindow', scanout.screenNumber, 0, winRect, 24); Screen('TextSize', w(i), 48); Screen('DrawText', w(i), [num2str(i) ') '], 10, 10, 255); Screen('Flip', w(i)); fprintf('%i) Output %s.\n', i,; end end fprintf('\n'); fprintf('Please enter the numbers of the outputs which should be assigned to X-Screen %i.\n', screenNumber); if screenNumber == 0 fprintf('These will be the display outputs used to display the GUI with Octave and Matlab.\n'); else fprintf('These will be the display outputs used for visual stimulation.\n'); end outputNumbers = ''; while isempty(outputNumbers) || ~all(ismember(outputNumbers, remainingOutputs)) answer = input('Enter space-separated list of numbers of outputs to use, RETURN to finish: ', 's'); outputNumbers = str2num(answer); end % Ok, outputNumbers contains the outputs that this screen should use. % Remove them from list of unassigned outputs: remainingOutputs = setdiff(remainingOutputs, outputNumbers); % Add them to list of outputs for this screen: xscreenoutputs{screenNumber + 1} = outputNumbers; Screen('CloseAll'); % Setup another screen? if length(remainingOutputs) > 0 % Possible, as there are unassigned outputs: fprintf('\nThere are %i unassigned active video outputs left.\n', length(remainingOutputs)); answer = ''; while isempty(answer) || ~ismember(answer, ['y', 'n']) answer = input('Do you want to create another X-Screen for some of these? [y/n] ', 's'); end if answer == 'n' anotherScreen = 0; else screenNumber = screenNumber + 1; xscreenoutputs{screenNumber + 1} = []; end end end % Ok, we have a selection for each screen: fprintf('\n\n'); fprintf('Will create %i X-Screens with the following output assignment:\n', screenNumber + 1); totalAssignedOutputCnt = 0; for i = 0:screenNumber fprintf('X-Screen %i: ', i); for j=1:length(xscreenoutputs{i + 1}) scanout = outputs{(xscreenoutputs{i + 1}(j))}; if j == 1 ZaphodHeads{i+1} =; else ZaphodHeads{i+1} = [ZaphodHeads{i+1} ',']; end totalAssignedOutputCnt = totalAssignedOutputCnt + 1; end fprintf('%s\n', ZaphodHeads{i+1}); end end % Setup of special driver options? answer = ''; while isempty(answer) || ~ismember(answer, ['y', 'n']) answer = input('Do you want to configure special/advanced settings? [y/n] ', 's'); end % Auto-choice of modesetting-ddx or not: modesetting = 'd'; usegamma = -1; asyncflipsecondaries = 'd'; vrhmdondesktop = 0; if answer == 'n' % Nope. Just use the "don't care" settings: depth30bpp = 'd'; vrrsupport = 'd'; % Keep using modesetting if it is already in use: if modesettingddxactive xdriver = 'modesetting'; end else % Ask questions for setup of advanced options: % Depth 30 is not supported on old Broadcom VideoCore-4 of RaspberryPi 1/2/3, otherwise give it a shot: if ~strcmp(winfo.GPUCoreId, 'VC4') || videoCoreDeepColor % 10 bpc depth 30 deep color for 1 billion colors wanted? All AMD, Intel and NVidia gpu's support this, % both with open-source and proprietary (NVidia) drivers, also with modesetting-ddx. Some SoC gpu's also % support it, but not all. fprintf('\n\nDo you want to setup a 30 bit framebuffer for 10 bpc precision per color channel?\n'); fprintf('All AMD, Intel and NVidia gpus since at least 2010, sometimes since 2005 support this,\n'); fprintf('The RaspberryPi 4 and later support 10 bpc with Linux 5.15 + Mesa 23.3.1 and later.\n'); fprintf('Some other modern SoC gpus from ARM, Qualcomm and others may support it as well.\n'); fprintf('If your desktop GUI fails to work, or Psychtoolbox gives lots of timing or page-flip related warnings,\n'); fprintf('then your system and hardware may not be ready for this depth 30 mode. On AMD hardware sold from the\n'); fprintf('years 2005 to ~2019, up to and including AMD Polaris, but *not* anymore for AMD Vega, Navi RX 5000 or AMD Ryzen\n'); fprintf('processor integrated graphics or later models, depth 30 will always work, even without the need to set\n'); fprintf('it up here, at least for PsychImaging native 10 bit framebuffer tasks, albeit at potentially slightly\n'); fprintf('lower performance. These slightly older AMD gpus have special support by Psychtoolbox in this sense.\n'); fprintf('Also note that not all gpus can output true 10 bpc on all types of video outputs. Check carefully with a photometer!\n'); depth30bpp = ''; while isempty(depth30bpp) || ~ismember(depth30bpp, ['y', 'n', 'd']) depth30bpp = input('Use a 30 bpp, 10 bpc framebuffer [y for yes, n for no, d for don''t care]? ', 's'); end % Some Intel gpus need a force-enable of use of GAMMA_LUT's by the modesetting ddx % for deep color mode, because the legacy lut's would only provide insufficient 8 bpc % precision, and the high precision GAMMA_LUT's won't get auto-enabled on some gpus. % We assume we are running on Linux 5.15 or later, and the Intel gpus requiring this % would be Gen-11 Icelake, and all Gen-12 gpus, e.g., Tigerlake, DG-1, Alderlake-S. % These are considered broken by X-Server 21 modesetting ddx, but we know they have % been fixed as of Linux 5.15 / Ubuntu 22.04, so we force-enable GAMMA_LUT's. % usegamma will only have an effect under modesetting ddx, so this only affects % Intel gpus under modesetting ddx. And yes, gamma handling on the latest Intel gens % is a frickin mess, if you haven't guessed it already... if depth30bpp == 'y' && strcmp(xdriver, 'intel') usegamma = 1; end % Depth 30 on multi-x-screen setup requested? if depth30bpp == 'y' && multixscreen depth30bpp = ''; while isempty(depth30bpp) || isempty(str2num(depth30bpp)) || ~isnumeric(str2num(depth30bpp)) depth30bpp = input('Enter a space-separated list of screen numbers for which 30 bit color depth should be used: ', 's'); end end else % Unsupported gpu - Don't care means no: depth30bpp = 'd'; end % Mesa FOSS graphics driver on top of open-source Linux DRM/KMS? And definitely not a gpu+driver combo that can't do VRR? if ~isempty(strfind(winfo.GLVersion, 'Mesa')) && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'nouveau') && ~(strcmp(xdriver, 'intel') && ~modesettingddxactive) % Possibly VRR capable Mesa driver + Linux DRM/KMS driver: fprintf('\n\nDo you want to allow use of so called VRR Variable Refresh Rate Mode?\n'); fprintf('This is also known as FreeSync or DisplayPort adaptive sync. It allows to control\n'); fprintf('visual stimulus onset with more fine-grained timing (see ''help VRRSupport'' for more infos).\n'); fprintf('This currently only works on AMD Sea Islands gpus and later or Intel Gen-11 Icelake gpus and later,\n'); fprintf('with suitable displays and cables. It also needs at least Linux 5.2 for AMD gpus or at least\n'); fprintf('Linux 5.12 for Intel Gen-12 Tigerlake gpus and at least Linux 5.17 for Intel Gen-11 Icelake gpus.\n'); vrrsupport = ''; while isempty(vrrsupport) || ~ismember(vrrsupport, ['y', 'n', 'd']) vrrsupport = input('Allow use of VRR Variable Refresh Rate mode [y for yes, n for no, d for don''t care]? ', 's'); end else vrrsupport = 'd'; end if ~strcmp(xdriver, 'nvidia') % AsyncFlipSecondaries capable Linux DRM/KMS driver: fprintf('\n\nDo you want to allow use of so called AsyncFlipSecondaries Mode?\n'); fprintf('This takes effect whenever you present a fullscreen onscreen window\n'); fprintf('on an X-Screen with multiple video outputs / displays connected and\n'); fprintf('active.\n'); fprintf('\n'); fprintf('It is most useful if you have a setup where the visual stimulus is shown\n'); fprintf('in a mirrored/cloned configuration on both, a display for your subject,\n'); fprintf('and a "monitoring" display for the experimenter, e.g., a fMRI setup\n'); fprintf('with a monitor/projector displaying the stimulus to the subject in the\n'); fprintf('scanner bore, and another control monitor in the control room. If both\n'); fprintf('displays are not perfectly synchronized, this can cause presentation\n'); fprintf('timing judder/problems or degraded performance. This option allows you\n'); fprintf('to get best timing and performance and quality on the subject display,\n'); fprintf('e.g., the projector in the fMRI scanner, by sacrificing quality for the\n'); fprintf('experimenter display in the control room, e.g., getting some tearing.\n'); fprintf('If you have such a setup, enabling this mode may make sense. Timing\n'); fprintf('will be preserved tear-free for the highest resolution display in a\n'); fprintf('mirror configuration, or in the case of all displays having the same\n'); fprintf('resolution, for the user designated primary display.\n'); fprintf('\n'); fprintf('If you intend to only use a single display per x-screen, or have perfectly\n'); fprintf('synchronized displays then this option is useless and answering n or d is best.\n'); asyncflipsecondaries = ''; while isempty(asyncflipsecondaries) || ~ismember(asyncflipsecondaries, ['y', 'n', 'd']) asyncflipsecondaries = input('Use AsyncFlipSecondaries mode for multi-display setups [y for yes, n for no, d for don''t care]? ', 's'); end end if strcmp(xdriver, 'nvidia') % Expose VR HMD's on X11 desktop with NVidia proprietary driver? Only useful with % PsychOpenHMDVR and PsychOculusVR: fprintf('\n\nDo you want to use Virtual Reality HMDs of type Rift-DK1/DK2 or with OpenHMD?\n'); fprintf('Say yes if you want to drive a Oculus Rift DK1 or DK2, or use other VR HMDs with\n'); fprintf('the old OpenHMD VR driver, instead of the modern OpenXR driver. This will expose the\n'); fprintf('HMD as regular desktop display on NVidia graphics, so our old OculusVR and OpenHMD\n'); fprintf('drivers can use it, preferrably in a multi-X-Screen setup with separate X-Screen for the\n'); fprintf('HMD. This will disable any meaningful use of Vulkan displays under NVidia, and disable\n'); fprintf('use of VR HMDs with the modern OpenXR driver, e.g., with Monado or SteamVR.\n'); fprintf('Answering (n)o or (d)ont care is usually the right choice.\n'); vrhmdondesktop = ''; while isempty(vrhmdondesktop) || ~ismember(vrhmdondesktop, ['y', 'n', 'd']) vrhmdondesktop = input('Use VR HMD with OpenHMD or OculusVR [y for yes, n for no, d for don''t care]? ', 's'); end if vrhmdondesktop == 'y' vrhmdondesktop = 1; else vrhmdondesktop = 0; end end % Use or non-use of modesetting ddx possible on this gpu hardware? if expertmode && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'nvidia') && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'modesetting') % Yes: The xf86-video-modesetting driver is an option that supports DRI3/Present well. fprintf('\n\nDo you want to use the modesetting driver xf86-video-modesetting?\n'); fprintf('This is a driver which works in principle with all open-source kernel display drivers.\n'); fprintf('Your operating system will have made the optimal choice of driver for most conceivable use cases,\n'); fprintf('so rarely will there be a justified need to override this automatic choice.\n'); fprintf('Therefore if you do not have a good reason otherwise, just answer d for don''t care as a safe choice.\n'); if multixscreen && ~modesettingddxactive fprintf('CAUTION: When setting up a multi-x-screen setup with modesetting, you must do this in two separate\n'); fprintf('CAUTION: steps. First run this script followed by XOrgConfSelector to select modesetting in a\n'); fprintf('CAUTION: single x-screen setup, then logout and login again. Then run XOrgConfCreator again, selecting\n'); fprintf('CAUTION: a multi-x-screen setup with the modesetting driver selected again. If you do not follow this\n'); fprintf('CAUTION: order you would end up with a dysfunctional graphical user interface!\n'); fprintf('CAUTION: If you answer ''yes'' below, i will modify your choice, so you can safely execute\n'); fprintf('CAUTION: the first step of this procedure, so no worries...\n'); end usemodesetting = ''; while isempty(usemodesetting) || ~ismember(usemodesetting, ['y', 'n', 'd']) usemodesetting = input('Use modesetting driver [y for yes, n for no, d for don''t care - d IS RECOMMENDED]? ', 's'); end % Force-Choose modesetting on explicit yes: if usemodesetting == 'y' xdriver = 'modesetting'; modesetting = 'y'; end % If the user explicitly does not want modesetting, and there are no forcing circumstances to use or not use it, % (aka modesetting == 'd') and use of another driver is possible, then force modesetting off. As of Ubuntu 20.04, % the distro will select modesetting-ddx by default for everything except for AMD gpu's (radeon-ddx/amdgpu-ddx) % or NVidia gpu's with proprietary nvidia-ddx, so we need a config file to opt-out of modesetting-ddx, not to opt-in. if (usemodesetting == 'n') && (modesetting == 'd') && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'modesetting') modesetting = 'n'; end end % Map a "Don't care" about modesetting to choice of modesetting if modesetting is already active. % We'd do this anyway below in an override, but doing it early allows to skip all those redundant questions below: if (modesetting == 'd') && modesettingddxactive xdriver = 'modesetting'; end % End of advanced configuration. end catch fprintf('Sorry, something went wrong. Aborting. The error message was:\n'); % Close all windows: Screen('CloseAll'); % Restore old Screen settings: Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldSyncTests); Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', oldVerbosity); psychrethrow(psychlasterror); end fprintf('\n\n'); % Close all windows: Screen('CloseAll'); % Restore old Screen settings: Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldSyncTests); Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', oldVerbosity); % We have all information and answers we wanted. Synthesize a xorg.conf: % Do we need to enforce modesetting-ddx for AsyncFlipSecondaries mode, because the % gpu is not a modern amdgpu-kms powered AMD, and so can't use amdgpu-ddx, and only % modesetting-ddx does the AsyncFlipSecondaries trick for such other gpu's? if asyncflipsecondaries == 'y' && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'amdgpu') && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'amdgpu-pro') && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'modesetting') fprintf('Override: AsyncFlipSecondaries mode is requested on something else than a modern AMD gpu.\n'); fprintf('Override: This requires use of the modesetting-ddx, but modesetting-ddx is not currently\n'); fprintf('Override: selected as driver. Switching driver from %s-ddx to modesetting-ddx.\n', xdriver); fprintf('Override: This may invalidate a multi-x-screen configuration, requiring a two-step switch\n'); fprintf('Override: with logout, login and rerun of XOrgConfCreator, lets see...\n\n'); xdriver = 'modesetting'; modesetting = 'y'; end % Is a ddx in use which doesn't default to DRI3? if strcmp(xdriver, 'intel') || strcmp(xdriver, 'nouveau') % Yes. Enforce DRI3/Present to get best performance, reliability and also % well working PRIME renderoffload for hybrid graphics machines: dri3 = 'y'; else % No. Nothing to do: dri3 = 'd'; end % Actually any xorg.conf for non-standard settings needed? if noautoaddgpu == 0 && multixscreen == 0 && dri3 == 'd' && modesetting == 'd' && ... ~isempty(intersect(depth30bpp, 'nd')) && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'nvidia') && vrrsupport ~= 'y' && ... usegamma == -1 && asyncflipsecondaries ~= 'y' && ~IsARM % All settings are for a single X-Screen setup with auto-detected outputs % and all driver settings on default and not on a NVidia proprietary driver. % There isn't any need or purpose for a xorg.conf file, so we are done. fprintf('With the settings you requested, there is no need for a xorg.conf file at all,\n'); fprintf('so i will not create one and we are done. Bye!\n\n'); return; end % Multi X-Screen ZaphodHeads setup defined while modesetting-ddx was active, but user does % not want modesetting-ddx? Or vice versa user wants modesetting-ddx but ZaphodHeads was % created while a different ddx was active? In those cases, the determined ZaphodHead output % names would be wrong for the chosen ddx, resulting in X-Server startup failure! % Therefore, disable multi-x-screen ZaphodHeads and ask user for a two-step transition instead, % so user is not left with a dysfunctional multi x-screen setup: if (multixscreen > 0) && (modesetting == 'n') && modesettingddxactive multixscreen = 0; fprintf('Override: Ignoring request for multi X-Screen configuration, as modesetting-ddx\n'); fprintf('Override: is not wanted, but was active while creating this config. This would\n'); fprintf('Override: create an invalid configuration. Generating a single-x-screen config now\n'); fprintf('Override: without modesetting-ddx. Please repeat the multi-x-screen setup without modesetting,\n'); fprintf('Override: after logging out and in again with this new configuration selected.\n'); elseif (multixscreen > 0) && (modesetting == 'y') && ~modesettingddxactive multixscreen = 0; fprintf('Override: Ignoring request for multi X-Screen configuration, as modesetting-ddx\n'); fprintf('Override: is requested, but was not active while creating this config. This would\n'); fprintf('Override: create an invalid configuration. Generating a single-x-screen modesetting\n'); fprintf('Override: config now. Please repeat the multi-x-screen + modesetting setup after logging\n'); fprintf('Override: out and in again with this new configuration selected.\n'); end % Define filename of output file: fdir = PsychtoolboxConfigDir ('XorgConfs'); if multixscreen > 0 fname = [fdir sprintf('90-ptbconfig_%i_xscreens_%i_outputs_%s.conf', screenNumber+1, totalAssignedOutputCnt, xdriver)]; else fname = [fdir sprintf('90-ptbconfig_single_xscreen_%s.conf', xdriver)]; end fprintf('Ready to write the config file. I propose this filename and location:\n'); fprintf('%s\n', fname); answer = input('Type ENTER/RETURN to accept, or provide an alternative filename: ', 's'); if ~isempty(answer) fname = answer; fprintf('Will store at this location instead:\n%s\n\n', fname); end % Need a xorg.conf file, so create one: [fid, errmsg] = fopen(fname, 'w'); if fid == -1 fprintf('ERROR: Could not create xorg.conf output file "%s".\n', fname); fprintf('ERROR: The OS said: %s\n', errmsg); error('Game over.'); end % Header: fprintf(fid, '# Auto generated xorg.conf - Created by Psychtoolbox XOrgConfCreator.\n\n'); if noautoaddgpu > 0 fprintf(fid, 'Section "ServerFlags"\n'); if noautoaddgpu fprintf(fid, ' Option "AutoAddGPU" "false"\n'); end fprintf(fid, 'EndSection\n\n'); end if multixscreen == 0 && dri3 == 'd' && modesetting == 'd' && asyncflipsecondaries ~= 'y' && ... ~isempty(intersect(depth30bpp, 'nd')) && (~strcmp(xdriver, 'nvidia') || ~vrhmdondesktop) && ... vrrsupport ~= 'y' && usegamma == -1 && ~IsARM % Done writing the file: fclose(fid); else % Multi X-Screen setup requested? Then we need the full show: if multixscreen > 0 % General server layout: Which X-Screens to use, their relative % spatial location wrt. each other: fprintf(fid, 'Section "ServerLayout"\n'); fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "PTB-Hydra"\n'); fprintf(fid, ' Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0\n'); for i = 1:screenNumber fprintf(fid, ' Screen %i "Screen%i" RightOf "Screen%i"\n', i, i, i-1); end fprintf(fid, 'EndSection\n\n'); % Monitor sections, one for each assigned video output. Monitor's within % a given X-Screen are ordered relative to each other left to right in the % order their corresponding ZaphodHeads outputs were defined by the user: for i = 0:screenNumber for j=1:length(xscreenoutputs{i + 1}) scanout = outputs{(xscreenoutputs{i + 1}(j))}; fprintf(fid, 'Section "Monitor"\n'); fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "%s"\n',; if j > 1 scanout = outputs{(xscreenoutputs{i + 1}(j-1))}; fprintf(fid, ' Option "RightOf" "%s"\n',; end fprintf(fid, 'EndSection\n\n'); end end % Create device sections, one for each x-screen aka the driver instance % associated with that x-screen: for i = 0:screenNumber WriteGPUDeviceSection(fid, xdriver, usegamma, asyncflipsecondaries, vrrsupport, dri3, i, ZaphodHeads{i+1}, xscreenoutputs{i+1}, outputs); end % One screen section per x-screen, mapping screen i to card i: for i = 0:screenNumber fprintf(fid, 'Section "Screen"\n'); fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "Screen%i"\n', i); fprintf(fid, ' Device "Card%i"\n', i); % If there's exactly one ZaphodHead for this screen then % explicitly assign the Monitor id here. This is also done % in the Device section per ZaphodHead, and doing it here % as well doesn't make sense to me, but that's what is % mysteriously needed on XUbuntu 16.04, according to a user % report. Lets hope this only helps but doesn't hurt. if length(xscreenoutputs{i + 1}) == 1 scanout = outputs{(xscreenoutputs{i + 1}(1))}; fprintf(fid, ' Monitor "%s"\n',; end if ismember('y', depth30bpp) || ismember(num2str(i), depth30bpp) fprintf(fid, ' DefaultDepth 30\n'); end % On NVidia ddx, optionally tell the driver to also expose HMD's, e.g., % for use with our OpenHMD VR driver, instead of hiding them. This will % disable Vulkan direct display mode and modern OpenXR: if strcmp(xdriver, 'nvidia') && vrhmdondesktop fprintf(fid, ' Option "AllowHMD" "yes"\n'); end fprintf(fid, 'EndSection\n\n'); end else % Only a single X-Screen. % We only need to create a single device section with override Option % values for the gpu driving that single X-Screen. WriteGPUDeviceSection(fid, xdriver, usegamma, asyncflipsecondaries, vrrsupport, dri3, [], [], []); if ismember('y', depth30bpp) || ismember('0', depth30bpp) || strcmp(xdriver, 'nvidia') || ... (strcmp(xdriver, 'modesetting') && IsARM) fprintf(fid, 'Section "Screen"\n'); fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "Screen%i"\n', 0); fprintf(fid, ' Device "Card%i"\n', 0); if ismember('y', depth30bpp) || ismember('0', depth30bpp) fprintf(fid, ' DefaultDepth 30\n'); end % On NVidia ddx, optionally tell the driver to also expose HMD's, e.g., % for use with our OpenHMD VR driver, instead of hiding them. This will % disable Vulkan direct display mode and modern OpenXR: if strcmp(xdriver, 'nvidia') && vrhmdondesktop fprintf(fid, ' Option "AllowHMD" "yes"\n'); end fprintf(fid, 'EndSection\n\n'); end end % Done writing the file: fclose(fid); end fprintf('\n\nWe are done. Now you can run XOrgConfSelector any time to select this configuration\n'); fprintf('file to setup your system, or to switch back to the default setup of your system. Bye!\n\n'); end function WriteGPUDeviceSection(fid, xdriver, usegamma, asyncflipsecondaries, vrrsupport, dri3, screenNumber, ZaphodHeads, xscreenoutputs, outputs) fprintf(fid, 'Section "Device"\n'); if isempty(screenNumber) fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "Card0"\n'); else fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "Card%i"\n', screenNumber); end % Override our label with actual ddx module name: if strcmp(xdriver, 'amdgpu-pro') xdriver = 'amdgpu'; end fprintf(fid, ' Driver "%s"\n', xdriver); if vrrsupport ~= 'd' if vrrsupport == 'y' vrrsupport = 'on'; else vrrsupport = 'off'; end fprintf(fid, ' Option "VariableRefresh" "%s"\n', vrrsupport); end if asyncflipsecondaries ~= 'd' if asyncflipsecondaries == 'y' asyncflipsecondaries = 'on'; else asyncflipsecondaries = 'off'; end fprintf(fid, ' Option "AsyncFlipSecondaries" "%s"\n', asyncflipsecondaries); end if dri3 ~= 'd' if dri3 == 'y' dri3 = '3'; else dri3 = '2'; end fprintf(fid, ' Option "DRI" "%s"\n', dri3); end % RaspberryPi with VideoCore4 needs AccelMethod override to glamor, because % RaspberryPi OS 11, as of late 2022, disables glamor, and thereby any % hardware acceleration for OpenGL on VideoCore4 to conserve RAM, something % that doesn't fly with our use case: if strcmp(xdriver, 'modesetting') && IsARM fprintf(fid, ' Option "AccelMethod" "glamor"\n'); end % modesetting ddx in use and explicit UseGammaLUT setup wanted? if strcmp(xdriver, 'modesetting') && (usegamma ~= -1) if usegamma == 1 fprintf(fid, ' Option "UseGammaLUT" "on"\n'); else fprintf(fid, ' Option "UseGammaLUT" "off"\n'); end end if ~isempty(screenNumber) if ~isempty(ZaphodHeads) if strcmp(xdriver, 'nvidia') fprintf(fid, ' Option "UseDisplayDevice" "%s"\n', ZaphodHeads); else fprintf(fid, ' Option "ZaphodHeads" "%s"\n', ZaphodHeads); end for i=1:length(xscreenoutputs) scanout = outputs{(xscreenoutputs(i))}; fprintf(fid, ' Option "Monitor-%s" "%s"\n',,; end end fprintf(fid, ' Screen %i\n', screenNumber); end fprintf(fid, 'EndSection\n\n'); end function xdriver = DetectDDX(winfo) if ~isempty(strfind(winfo.DisplayCoreId, 'Intel')) % Intel part -> intel ddx: fprintf('Intel GPU detected. '); xdriver = 'intel'; elseif ~isempty(strfind(winfo.DisplayCoreId, 'NVidia')) && ~isempty(strfind(winfo.GLVendor, 'nouveau')) % NVidia part under nouveau -> nouveau ddx: fprintf('Nvidia GPU with open-source driver detected. '); xdriver = 'nouveau'; elseif ~isempty(strfind(winfo.DisplayCoreId, 'NVidia')) && ~isempty(strfind(winfo.GLVendor, 'NVIDIA')) % NVidia part under binary blob -> nvidia ddx: fprintf('Nvidia GPU with proprietary driver detected. '); xdriver = 'nvidia'; elseif ~isempty(strfind(winfo.DisplayCoreId, 'AMD')) % Some AMD/ATI Radeon/Fire series part: if ~isempty(strfind(winfo.GLVersion, 'Mesa')) % Controlled by the open-source drivers. GPU minor % type defines the DCE generation and that in turn % usually predicts the x driver well: if winfo.GPUMinorType >= 100 || winfo.GPUMinorType == -1 % DCE-10 or later, ergo "Volcanic Islands" family or later. Or a brand-new % DCN class gpu (Ryzen+ APU's, Navi+, ...) or later -> amdgpu ddx: fprintf('Recent AMD GPU with open-source driver detected. '); xdriver = 'amdgpu'; elseif (winfo.GPUMinorType < 100 && winfo.GPUMinorType >= 80) && exist('/sys/module/amdgpu/parameters/cik_support', 'file') % DCE-8 and amdgpu-kms loaded. Is it used for DCE-8 Sea Islands (cik)? [rc, msg] = system('cat /sys/module/amdgpu/parameters/cik_support'); if rc == 0 && length(msg) >= 1 && msg(1) == '1' % Seems amdgpu-kms is driving the gpu, ergo amdgpu-ddx is in use! fprintf('Sea Islands AMD GPU with open-source amdgpu-kms driver detected. '); xdriver = 'amdgpu'; else % amdgpu-kms not in the drivers seat - radeon-kms and ergo ati/radeon-ddx is in use: fprintf('Sea Islands AMD GPU with open-source radeon-kms driver detected. '); xdriver = 'ati'; end else % DCE-8 or earlier under radeon-kms => ati ddx: fprintf('Classic AMD GPU with open-source radeon-kms driver detected. '); xdriver = 'ati'; end else fprintf('AMD GPU with hybrid free+proprietary amdgpu-pro driver detected. '); xdriver = 'amdgpu-pro'; end else % Warn if we use modesetting ddx because we can not identify gpu, otherwise % we still use modesetting ddx for known gpu's if we end here, but we don't % warn about it because we know this is the right ddx for those known gpus: if ~strcmp(winfo.GPUCoreId, 'VC4') warning('Could not identify your graphics driver. Will use modesetting driver as fallback.'); fprintf('GPU with unknown driver detected. '); end xdriver = 'modesetting'; end end function [multigpu, suitable, fullysupported] = DetectHybridGraphics(winfo, xdriver) % Be pessimistic to start with: suitable = 0; fullysupported = 0; multigpu = 0; % Does this machine have multiple gpu's, e.g., hybrid graphics laptop? if IsOctave && ~exist('/dev/dri/card1','file') % Nope: return; end % Multi-gpu check for Matlab, because Matlab exist() can not check device files: if ~IsOctave [rc, ~] = system('stat /dev/dri/card1'); if rc == 1 % Nope: return; end end % Yes, likely a hybrid graphics laptop: multigpu = 1; % Display gpu not Intel or AMD? if ~strcmp(xdriver, 'intel') && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'amdgpu') && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'amdgpu-pro') && ~strcmp(xdriver, 'ati') % Then the display gpu must be Nvidia or such. % Confirm that primary and secondary gpu are from the same vendor to match that % pattern, otherwise we might be dealing with a mux'ed laptop currently switched % to the discrete NVidia or unknown gpu: if ~exist('/sys/class/drm/card0/device/vendor','file') || ~exist('/sys/class/drm/card1/device/vendor','file') return; end [status, out] = system ('diff /sys/class/drm/card0/device/vendor /sys/class/drm/card1/device/vendor'); if status ~= 0 || ~isempty(out) % Mismatched gpu vendors. Play it safe and assume this is not muxless Optimus or Enduro: return; end end fprintf('This seems to be a hybrid graphics laptop.\n'); c = Screen('Computer'); osrelease = sscanf(c.kern.osrelease, '%i.%i'); % Primary display gpu is Intel? if strcmp(xdriver, 'intel') % These work well with both NVidia (Optimus) and AMD (Enduro) discrete % gpu's as of X-Server 1.18, Mesa with well working DRI3/Present support, % and Linux kernel 4.5 and later. if ~(osrelease(1) > 4 || (osrelease(1) == 4 && osrelease(2) >=5)) % Kernel too old to provide proper PRIME sync: fprintf('Your Linux kernel %s is too old to support proper hybrid graphics with Intel graphics chips.\n', c.kern.osrelease); fprintf('However, upgrading an Ubuntu Linux flavor or derivative to a suitable 4.5+ kernel is trivial.\n'); fprintf('Some small subset of hybrid graphics laptops would allow you to utilize the powerful gpu\n'); fprintf('in a dual X-Screen configuration for the external video outputs nonetheless, although this\n'); fprintf('assistant can not help you with setting them up.\n'); fprintf('Check ''help HybridGraphics'' and the Psychtoolbox website for instructions, follow them, then retry.\n\n'); return; else suitable = 1; fullysupported = 1; end end % Primary display gpu is modern AMD? if strcmp(xdriver, 'amdgpu') || strcmp(xdriver, 'amdgpu-pro') % These work well with other AMD discrete gpu's as of X-Server 21 and Linux kernel 5.11 and later. if ~(osrelease(1) > 5 || (osrelease(1) == 5 && osrelease(2) >= 11)) % Kernel too old to provide proper PRIME sync: fprintf('Your Linux kernel %s is too old to support proper hybrid graphics with AMD iGPU graphics chips.\n', c.kern.osrelease); fprintf('However, upgrading an Ubuntu Linux flavor or derivative to a suitable 5.11+ kernel is trivial.\n'); fprintf('Some small subset of hybrid graphics laptops would allow you to utilize the powerful gpu\n'); fprintf('in a dual X-Screen configuration for the external video outputs nonetheless, although this\n'); fprintf('assistant can not help you with setting them up.\n'); fprintf('Check ''help HybridGraphics'' and the Psychtoolbox website for instructions, follow them, then retry.\n\n'); return; else suitable = 1; if exist('/sys/class/drm/card0/device/vendor','file') && exist('/sys/class/drm/card1/device/vendor','file') [status, out] = system ('diff /sys/class/drm/card0/device/vendor /sys/class/drm/card1/device/vendor'); if status == 0 && isempty(out) % Same gpu vendor for iGPU and dGPU, both AMD. Pageflipping for PRIME should work. fullysupported = 1; end end end end if suitable % DRI3/Present PRIME render offloading is possible on this setup. fprintf('This hardware + software setup should allow use of the discrete gpu for faster rendering.\n'); fprintf('Enabling DRI3/Present support is needed for that, and I will do that for you.\n'); if fullysupported fprintf('Most likely this setup will allow direct pageflipping for great timing and performance.\n'); else fprintf('You will probably not achieve reliable timing or timestamping though. See runtime output\n'); fprintf('relating to use of NETWM timing mode under GNOME or Ubuntu desktop for possible workarounds.\n'); end fprintf('You will also need to setup your system to use the powerful gpu with Matlab or Octave.\n'); fprintf('Check ''help HybridGraphics'' and the Psychtoolbox website for instructions, how to do that.\n'); fprintf('While with most modern hybrid graphics laptops it should then just work, some more exotic\n'); fprintf('models may still not be able to output anything with good timing to external video outputs.\n'); fprintf('I can not detect myself if your laptop is such an exotic machine or not, so you will have to try.\n'); fprintf('Such models can then be set up in a dual-X-Screen configuration to make them work with\n'); fprintf('research grade timing, but this assistant can not set them up automatically, so you would\n'); fprintf('have to do it manually. See ''help HybridGraphics'' and the Psychtoolbox website for instructions.\n\n'); return; end return; end