function VRInputStuffTest(withHapticFeedback, withMTStressTest, specialReqs, refSpace, withGazeTracking) % VRInputStuffTest([withHapticFeedback=0][, withMTStressTest=0][, specialReqs='DebugDisplay'][, refSpace][, withGazeTracking=0]) - Test input functionality related to VR devices. % % Tries to enumerate available controllers and other properties related to % input. After any key press or controller button press, reports live state % of buttons, sensors, triggers etc. of connected controllers. % % If the optional parameter 'withHapticFeedback' is set to 1, then also % exercises the haptic feedback functionality of any of the left and right % hand controllers, if the A/B or X/Y buttons are pressed for low/high % frequency rumble on right or left controller. Haptic feedback is not % exercised by default, as it empties the controllers batteries relatively % fast. % % The optional parameter 'withMTStressTest' if set to 1 will test % single-threading to multi-threading switching on the fly. Multi-threaded % mode is less efficient, more prone to skipped deadlines or lower % animation rates, but stabilizes visuals in 'Stop'ed 3D mode, and is % needed on most OpenXR runtimes to get even a semblance of correct frame % presentation timing and timestamping. % % The optional parameter 'specialReqs' allows to pass in extra % basicRequirments into the driver. Meaningful keywords could be: % % ForceSize=1230x4560 = Enforce a per-eye image size of 1230x4560 pixels. % Use2DViewsWhen3DStopped = Use different display mode for stopped 3D rendering. % 2DViewDistMeters=2.1 = Enforce 2D views to be 2.1 meters away from the % viewer, instead of the default of 1 meter. Allows scaling of 2D image % views. % DontCareAboutVisualGlitchesWhenStopped = Don't care about glitches when stopped. % ForbidMultiThreading = Do not use multi-threaded presentation ever. % DebugDisplay = Also show rendered stimuli on the experimenters monitor. % This is the default. % % The optional parameter 'refSpace', if provided and non-zero, allows to % select a specific OpenXR reference space under OpenXR. It is ignored % under other drivers. The most interesting values are 1 for head locked, 2 % for a local reference space, and 3 for a stage reference space. 3 often % enables additional goodies, but support for it is not mandatory for an % OpenXR runtime, so selecting 3 could fail. However, so far 4 out of 4 % tested OpenXR runtimes on Linux and Windows did support the stage % reference space, which provided a more natural coordinate system and also % visualization of the "play area". The driver default is 2 for local, as % that is always supported. % % The optional parameter 'withGazeTracking', if provided and non-zero, will % enable some basic tests of eye gaze tracking with VR HMD's which support % eye tracking. A setting of 1 will visualize the 2D gaze position, a setting of % 2 will visualize a 3D gaze ray in addition. % % After a keypress (or Enter/Back button press on the controller), % visualizes tracked hand position and orientation of hand controllers and % allows to do some nice visual effects based on trigger / grip button % presses, thumbsticks movement etc. % % Tested with XBox controller, Oculus remote, and the two Oculus touch % controllers of the Oculus Rift CV-1 on Windows-10 and Linux, with the % OculusVR v1 runtime on Windows, and with various OpenXR runtimes like % Monado, OculusVR, SteamVR. Additionally tested with the Vive Wand % controllers and builtin binocular eye gaze tracker of a HTC Vive Pro Eye. % Constants for use in VR applications: global OVR; %#ok % GL data structure needed for all OpenGL demos: global GL; %#ok % No testing of haptic feedback by default, as it sucks up batteries a lot: if nargin < 1 || isempty(withHapticFeedback) withHapticFeedback = 0; end % No single/multi-threading stress test by default: if nargin < 2 || isempty(withMTStressTest) withMTStressTest = 0; end % Use DebugDisplay by default, if specialReqs omitted: if nargin < 3 || isempty(specialReqs) specialReqs = 'DebugDisplay'; end % No specific reference space by default - Allow driver to do its thing: if nargin < 4 || isempty(refSpace) refSpace = 0; end % Disable test of eye gaze tracking by default: if nargin < 5 || isempty(withGazeTracking) withGazeTracking = 0; end if withGazeTracking % Tell that eyetracking is desired: specialReqs = [specialReqs ' Eyetracking ']; end canary = onCleanup(@sca); % Setup unified keymapping and unit color range: PsychDefaultSetup(2); % Setup Psychtoolbox for OpenGL 3D rendering support and initialize the % mogl OpenGL for Matlab/Octave wrapper: InitializeMatlabOpenGL; % Select screen with highest id as Oculus output display: screenid = max(Screen('Screens')); PsychDebugWindowConfiguration; % Open our fullscreen onscreen window with black background clear color: PsychImaging('PrepareConfiguration'); % Request Head-tracked 3D mode and tell driver that we don't care about % properly timed presentation or accurate/trustworthy stimulus onset % timestamps. We use timestamps for simple performance tests, but they are % not critical for our purpose. % Optional: Use2DViewsWhen3DStopped DontCareAboutVisualGlitchesWhenStopped ForbidMultiThreading hmd = PsychVRHMD('AutoSetupHMD', 'Tracked3DVR', ['NoTimingSupport NoTimestampingSupport ' specialReqs]); if isempty(hmd) fprintf('No VR HMDs connected. Game over!\n'); return; end [win, winRect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenid, [0 0 1]); hmdinfo = PsychVRHMD('GetInfo', hmd); if strcmpi(hmdinfo.type, 'OpenXR') && refSpace % Select different reference space: PsychOpenXR('ReferenceSpaceType', hmd, refSpace) end % OpenXR and Use2DViewsWhen3DStopped requested for stopped 3D rendering? if strcmpi(hmdinfo.type, 'OpenXR') && ~isempty(strfind(specialReqs, 'Use2DViewsWhen3DStopped')) %#ok % Set some default position for the 2D views that matches kleinerm's % eyes well and provides matching imaging geometry between 3D % projection layers and 2D quadviews, at least as tested with HTC Vive Pro Eye % under SteamVR: PsychVRHMD('View2DParameters', hmd, 0, [-0.098726, 0.000000, -1.000000]); PsychVRHMD('View2DParameters', hmd, 1, [+0.098726, 0.000000, -1.000000]); end % Retrieve the initial settings for position and size for 2D quad views: oldPositionL = PsychVRHMD('View2DParameters', hmd, 0); oldPositionR = PsychVRHMD('View2DParameters', hmd, 1); % Test of eye gaze tracking requested and eye tracking supported by this system? if withGazeTracking && hmdinfo.eyeTrackingSupported % Yes. Request gaze samples during calls to 'PrepareRender': reqMask = 1 + 2 + 4; else % No. Disable any eye gaze tracking: reqMask = 1 + 2; withGazeTracking = 0; end clc; % Mark our own tracking + rendering loop as stopped for initial section of test/demo: PsychVRHMD('Stop', hmd); if strcmpi(hmdinfo.subtype, 'Oculus-1') fprintf('Properties of our subject:\n\n'); fprintf('Player height: %f\n', PsychOculusVR1('FloatProperty', hmd, OVR.KEY_PLAYER_HEIGHT)); fprintf('Player eye height: %f\n', PsychOculusVR1('FloatProperty', hmd, OVR.KEY_EYE_HEIGHT)); fprintf('Player neck-to-eye: %f\n', PsychOculusVR1('FloatsProperty', hmd, OVR.KEY_NECK_TO_EYE_DISTANCE)); fprintf('Player eye-to-nose: %f\n', PsychOculusVR1('FloatsProperty', hmd, OVR.KEY_EYE_TO_NOSE_DISTANCE)); % Suppress error output during username query, as these properties are often undefined and % would spill pointless error messages: oldverbosity = PsychOculusVR1('Verbosity', 0); fprintf('User name: %s\n', PsychOculusVR1('StringProperty', hmd, OVR.KEY_USER, 'Hans')); fprintf('Player name: %s\n', PsychOculusVR1('StringProperty', hmd, OVR.KEY_NAME, 'Mueller')); PsychOculusVR1('Verbosity', oldverbosity); fprintf('Player gender: %s\n', PsychOculusVR1('StringProperty', hmd, OVR.KEY_GENDER, OVR.KEY_DEFAULT_GENDER)); fprintf('\n\n'); end if hmdinfo.VRControllersSupported fprintf('\n\nConnected controllers:\n\n'); controllerTypes = PsychVRHMD('Controllers', hmd); if bitand(controllerTypes, OVR.ControllerType_Remote) fprintf('Remote control connected.\n'); end if bitand(controllerTypes, OVR.ControllerType_XBox) fprintf('XBox controller connected.\n'); end if bitand(controllerTypes, OVR.ControllerType_LTouch) fprintf('Left hand controller connected.\n'); end if bitand(controllerTypes, OVR.ControllerType_RTouch) fprintf('Right hand controller connected.\n'); end fprintf('\n\n'); else controllerTypes = 0; end if hmdinfo.hapticFeedbackSupported && ~withHapticFeedback hmdinfo.hapticFeedbackSupported = 0; fprintf('\nHaptic feedback supported but disabled, to conserve battery life.\n'); end % Fetch play area / guardian boundaries: [~, playboundsxyz, outerboundsxyz] = PsychVRHMD('VRAreaBoundary', hmd); fprintf('\n\nPress any key or controller button to continue. Will continue in 10 seconds automatically.\n'); DrawFormattedText(win, 'Press any key or controller button to continue. Will continue in 10 seconds automatically.', 'center', 'center', [1 1 0], 20); Screen('Flip', win); timeout = GetSecs + 10; while 1 down = KbCheck(-1); istate = PsychVRHMD('GetInputState', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_Active); if any(istate.Buttons) || down || GetSecs > timeout break; end end KbReleaseWait(-1); while any(istate.Buttons) istate = PsychVRHMD('GetInputState', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_Active); end pulseEnd = 0; while 1 WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.1); clc; % Show instructions in HMD on how to continue: DrawFormattedText(win, sprintf('Press BackSpace key on keyboard, or Enter-Button or\nBack-Button on controller\n\n\nTime: %f', GetSecs), 'center', 'center', [1 1 0]); Screen('Flip', win); [~, ~, keycode] = KbCheck(-1); if keycode(KbName('BackSpace')) break; end % Query and display all input state: istate = PsychVRHMD('GetInputState', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_Active); if ~istate.Valid fprintf('No VR controller input available, possibly due to VR input focus loss.\n'); fprintf('Make sure our application has input focus and possibly that the HMD is on the users head.\n'); continue; end fprintf('Press Back button on remote control or other controllers, or Enter-Button on controller, or backspace key, to finish.\n'); fprintf('Delta now - controller update time in msecs: %f\n\n', 1000 * (GetSecs - istate.Time)); disp(istate); if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_A) fprintf('Button_A '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_B) fprintf('Button_B '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_X) fprintf('Button_X '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Y) fprintf('Button_Y '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_RThumb) fprintf('Button_RThumb '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_RShoulder) fprintf('Button_RShoulder '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_LThumb) fprintf('Button_LThumb '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_LShoulder) fprintf('Button_LShoulder '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Up) fprintf('Button_Up '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Down) fprintf('Button_Down '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Left) fprintf('Button_Left '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Right) fprintf('Button_Right '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Enter) fprintf('Button_Enter '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Back) fprintf('Button_Back '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_VolUp) fprintf('Button_VolUp '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_VolDown) fprintf('Button_VolDown '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_MicMute) fprintf('Button_MicMute '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Home) fprintf('Button_Home '); end if any(istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_RMask)) fprintf('Button_RMask '); end if any(istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_LMask)) fprintf('Button_LMask '); end if any(istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Private)) fprintf('Button_Private '); end if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Back) || istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Enter) || keycode(KbName('BackSpace')) break; end fprintf('\n'); % Oculus VR 1.11+ controlled VR setup? if strcmpi(hmdinfo.subtype, 'Oculus-1') % Get info about collisions of tracked devices with the VR play area boundaries: [isTriggering, closestDistance, closestPointxyz, surfaceNormal] = PsychOculusVR1('TestVRBoundary', hmd, OVR.TrackedDevice_All, 0); if isTriggering fprintf('VR collision: closestDistance %f m, point [%f,%f,%f], normal [%f,%f,%f]\n', closestDistance, closestPointxyz(1), closestPointxyz(2), ... closestPointxyz(3), surfaceNormal(1), surfaceNormal(2), surfaceNormal(3)); end % Get info about collision of test point with the VR play area boundaries: mypoint = [1, 2, 3]; [isTriggering, closestDistance, closestPointxyz, surfaceNormal] = PsychOculusVR1('TestVRBoundaryPoint', hmd, mypoint, 0); if isTriggering fprintf('VR mypoint collision: closestDistance %f m, point [%f,%f,%f], normal [%f,%f,%f]\n', closestDistance, closestPointxyz(1), closestPointxyz(2), ... closestPointxyz(3), surfaceNormal(1), surfaceNormal(2), surfaceNormal(3)); end end if (istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_A) || istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_B)) && hmdinfo.hapticFeedbackSupported if GetSecs < pulseEnd % Pressed A before end of previously initiated pulse. Abort current pulse: pulseEnd = PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_RTouch, [], 0, 0); else % Initiate new pulse: 0.75 seconds, 25% or 100% frequency, 0.8 amplitude: if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_B) pulseEnd = PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_RTouch, 0.75, 1.0, 0.8); else pulseEnd = PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_RTouch, 0.75, 0.25, 0.8); end % Debounce button: WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.1); end end if (istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_X) || istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Y)) && hmdinfo.hapticFeedbackSupported if GetSecs < pulseEnd % Pressed A before end of previously initiated pulse. Abort current pulse: pulseEnd = PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_LTouch, [], 0, 0); else % Initiate new pulse: 0.75 seconds, 25% or 100% frequency, 0.8 amplitude: if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Y) pulseEnd = PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_LTouch, 0.75, 1.0, 0.8); else pulseEnd = PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_LTouch, 0.75, 0.25, 0.8); end % Debounce button: WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.1); end end if (istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Up) || istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Down)) && hmdinfo.hapticFeedbackSupported if GetSecs < pulseEnd % Pressed A before end of previously initiated pulse. Abort current pulse: pulseEnd = PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_XBox, [], 0, 0); else % Initiate new pulse: 0.75 seconds, 25% or 100% frequency, 0.8 amplitude: if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Up) pulseEnd = PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_XBox, 0.75, 1.0, 0.8); else pulseEnd = PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_XBox, 0.75, 0.25, 0.8); end % Debounce button: WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.1); end end end while any(istate.Buttons) istate = PsychVRHMD('GetInputState', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_Active); end % Part 3: Actual hand tracking and visualisation: if hmdinfo.handTrackingSupported || withGazeTracking % Number of fountain particles whose positions are computed on the GPU: nparticles = 10000; % Diameter of particles in pixels: particleSize = 5; % 'StartPosition' is the 3D position where all particles originate. It is % faked to a position, so that the particles seem to originate from the % teapots "nozzle": % Lifetime for each simulated particle, is chosen so that there seems to be % an infinite stream of particles, although the same particles are recycled % over and over: particlelifetime = 2; % Amount of "flow": A value of 1 will create a continuous stream, whereas % smaller value create bursts of particles: flowfactor = 1; % Load and setup the vertex shader for particle fountain animation: shaderpath = [PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/OpenGL4MatlabDemos/GLSLDemoShaders/ParticleSimple']; glsl = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles(shaderpath,1); % Bind shader so it can be setup: glUseProgram(glsl); % Assign static 3D startposition for fountain at tip of nozzles: StartPosition = [0, 0, -0.4]; glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(glsl, 'StartPosition'), StartPosition(1), StartPosition(2), StartPosition(3)); % Assign lifetime: glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(glsl, 'LifeTime'), particlelifetime); % Assign simulated gravity constant 'g' for proper trajectory: glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(glsl, 'Acceleration'), 0.5); % Done with setup: glUseProgram(0); % Assign random RGB colors to the particles: The shader will use these, but % also assign an alpha value that makes the particles "fade out" at the end % of there lifetime: particlecolors = rand(3, nparticles); % Maximum speed for particles: maxspeed = 1.25; % Per-component speed: We select these to shape the fountain in our wanted % direction: vxmax = 0.1 * maxspeed; vymax = 0.1 * maxspeed; vzmax = maxspeed; % Assign random velocities in (vx,vy,vz) direction: Intervals chosen to % shape the beam into something visually pleasing for a teapot: particlesxyzt(1,:) = RandLim([1, nparticles], -vxmax, +vxmax); % Beam dispersion horizontal. particlesxyzt(2,:) = RandLim([1, nparticles], -vymax, +vymax); % Beam dispersion vertical. particlesxyzt(3,:) = RandLim([1, nparticles], -vzmax, -0.7 * vzmax); % Emission speed range. % The w-component (4th dimension) encodes the birthtime of the particle. We % assign random birthtimes within the possible particlelifetime to get a % nice continuous stream of particles. Well, kind of: The flowfactor % controls the "burstiness" of particle flow. A value of 1 will create a % continous stream, whereas smaller values will create bursts of particles, % as if the teapot is choking: particlesxyzt(4,:) = RandLim([1, nparticles], 0.0, particlelifetime * flowfactor); % Setup the OpenGL rendering context of the onscreen window for use by the % OpenGL wrapper. After this command, all following OpenGL commands will % draw into the onscreen window 'win': Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); % Set viewport properly: glViewport(0, 0, RectWidth(winRect), RectHeight(winRect)); % Setup default drawing color to yellow (R,G,B)=(1,1,0). This color only % gets used when lighting is disabled - if you comment out the call to % glEnable(GL.LIGHTING). glColor3f(1,1,0); % Enable the first local light source GL.LIGHT_0. glEnable(GL.LIGHT0); % Enable alpha-blending for smooth dot drawing: glEnable(GL.BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL.SRC_ALPHA, GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); % Retrieve and set camera projection matrix for optimal rendering on the HMD: [projMatrix{1}, projMatrix{2}] = PsychVRHMD('GetStaticRenderParameters', hmd); % Setup modelview matrix: This defines the position, orientation and % looking direction of the virtual camera: glMatrixMode(GL.MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity; % Set background clear color to 'black' (R,G,B,A)=(0,0,0,0): glClearColor(0,0,0,0); % Clear out the backbuffer: This also cleans the depth-buffer for % proper occlusion handling: You need to glClear the depth buffer whenever % you redraw your scene, e.g., in an animation loop. Otherwise occlusion % handling will screw up in funny ways... glClear; % Enable lighting: glEnable(GL.LIGHTING); % Enable proper occlusion handling via depth tests: glEnable(GL.DEPTH_TEST); % Predraw the particles. Here particlesxyzt does not encode position, but % speed -- this because our shader interprets positions as velocities! gld = glGenLists(1); glNewList(gld, GL.COMPILE); moglDrawDots3D(win, particlesxyzt, particleSize, particlecolors, [], 1); glEndList; % Finish OpenGL rendering into PTB window. This will switch back to the % standard 2D drawing functions of Screen and will check for OpenGL errors. Screen('EndOpenGL', win); % Make sure all keys are released: KbReleaseWait; % Realtime scheduling: %Priority(MaxPriority(win)); fcount = 0; globalPos = [0, 0, 3]; heading = 0; pulseEnd = []; if ~bitand(controllerTypes, OVR.ControllerType_LTouch + OVR.ControllerType_RTouch) [xc, yc] = RectCenter(winRect); SetMouse(xc,yc, screenid); [xo, yo] = GetMouse(screenid); else SetMouse(0, 0, screenid); end HideCursor(screenid); % Mark our own tracking + rendering loop as started for remainder of test/demo, % as from here on we do perform head tracking driven 3D rendering and presentation: PsychVRHMD('Start', hmd); % Initial flip to sync us to VBL and get start timestamp: vbl = Screen('Flip', win); tstart = vbl; % VR render loop: Runs until keypress: while ~KbCheck && ~(istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Back) || istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_Enter)) if ~bitand(controllerTypes, OVR.ControllerType_LTouch + OVR.ControllerType_RTouch) % Update global position (x,y,z) by mouse movement: [xm, ym, buttons] = GetMouse(screenid); if ~any(buttons) % x-movement: dx = (xm - xo); globalPos(1) = globalPos(1) + 0.005 * dx; % y-movement: dy = (yo - ym); globalPos(2) = globalPos(2) + 0.005 * dy; else if buttons(1) % z-movement: dz = (ym - yo); globalPos(3) = globalPos(3) + 0.005 * dz; end if buttons(2) % Heading, ie. looking direction: dh = (xm - xo); heading = heading + 0.01 * dh; end end % Reposition mouse cursor for next render cycle: SetMouse(xc,yc, screenid); [xo, yo] = GetMouse(screenid); end % Allow to use thumbsticks, if any, to move the teapot: if istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_LThumb) || istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_RThumb) thumbmult = 0.05; else thumbmult = 0.005; end if hmdinfo.VRControllersSupported globalPos(1) = globalPos(1) - thumbmult * istate.Thumbstick(1,1); globalPos(2) = globalPos(2) - thumbmult * istate.Thumbstick(2,1); globalPos(3) = globalPos(3) + thumbmult * istate.Thumbstick(2,2); oldPositionL(1) = oldPositionL(1) + 0.001 * istate.Thumbstick(1,2); oldPositionR(1) = oldPositionR(1) - 0.001 * istate.Thumbstick(1,2); end % Compute a transformation matrix to globally position and orient the % observer in the scene. This allows mouse control of observer position % and heading on top of the head tracking: globalHeadPose = PsychGetPositionYawMatrix(globalPos, heading); % Track and predict head + hands position and orientation, possibly also % eye gaze, depending on reqMask. Retrieve modelview camera matrices % for rendering of each eye. Apply some global transformation to % returned camera matrices. In this case a translation + rotation, as % defined by the PsychGetPositionYawMatrix() helper function: state = PsychVRHMD('PrepareRender', hmd, globalHeadPose, reqMask); %fprintf('HMD state.tracked %i = Controller tracked %i : %i\n', state.tracked, state.handStatus(1), state.handStatus(2)); % Get controller input state, buttons, triggers etc.: istate = PsychVRHMD('GetInputState', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_Active); % We render the scene separately for each eye: for renderPass = 0:1 % Selected 'view' to render (left- or right-eye): Screen('SelectStereoDrawbuffer', win, renderPass); % Extract modelView matrix for this renderPass's eye: modelView = state.modelView{renderPass + 1}; % Manually reenable 3D mode in preparation of eye draw cycle: Screen('BeginOpenGL', win); % Set per-eye projection matrix: This defines a perspective projection, % corresponding to the model of a pin-hole camera - which is a good % approximation of the human eye and of standard real world cameras -- % well, the best aproximation one can do with 2 lines of code ;-) glMatrixMode(GL.PROJECTION); glLoadMatrixd(projMatrix{renderPass+1}); % Setup camera position and orientation for this eyes view: glMatrixMode(GL.MODELVIEW); glLoadMatrixd(modelView); % Light position: glLightfv(GL.LIGHT0,GL.POSITION,[ 1 2 3 0 ]); glDisable(GL.LIGHTING); % Clear color and depths buffers: glClear; % Visualize projection of guardian "walls" to the floor, if any are defined: if ~isempty(outerboundsxyz) % Change color of guardian lines, depending if guardian grid visible or not: if PsychVRHMD('VRAreaBoundary', hmd) glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); else glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); end % Outer bounds - hard walls: glBegin(GL.LINE_LOOP); for i = 1:size(outerboundsxyz, 2) glVertex3dv(outerboundsxyz(:, i) + globalPos'); end glEnd; % Inner play area - a rectangle inscribed to the outer bounds: glBegin(GL.LINE_LOOP); for i = 1:size(playboundsxyz , 2) glVertex3dv(playboundsxyz(:, i) + globalPos'); end glEnd; end % Visualize 3D gaze direction if requested: if (withGazeTracking >= 2) && (length(state.gazeStatus) >= renderPass + 1) && ... (state.gazeStatus(renderPass + 1) >= 3) % Draw a 15 meters long gaze-ray, using the gaze ray equation % provided by gaze tracking, ie. global start position of the ray % 'tv', corresponding to the the estimated optical center of the % eye, and the gaze direction vector 'dv', along the optical axis / % looking direction of that eye -- equivalent to the negative % z-axis of the eye gaze reference frame: tv = state.gazeRayGlobal{renderPass + 1}.gazeC; dv = state.gazeRayGlobal{renderPass + 1}.gazeD; glColor3f(1,0,1); glBegin(GL.LINES); glVertex3dv(tv); vp = tv + dv * 15; glVertex3dv(vp); glEnd; end % Further rendering needs proper lighting: glEnable(GL.LIGHTING); glPushMatrix; % Compute simulation time for this draw cycle: telapsed = vbl - tstart; % Bring a bit of extra spin into this :-) glRotated(10 * telapsed, 0, 1, 0); glRotated(5 * telapsed, 1, 0, 0); % Draw a solid teapot of size 1.0: glutSolidTeapot(1); % Done drawing the mighty teapot: glPopMatrix; % Visualize users hands / hand controllers: for hand = 1:2 % Position and orientation of hand tracked? Otherwise we don't show them: if bitand(state.handStatus(hand), 3) == 3 % Yes: Lets visualize it: % Have fallback if controller trigger and grip buttons unsupported: if hmdinfo.VRControllersSupported tr = istate.Trigger(hand); di = istate.Grip(hand); else tr = 0.1; di = 0; end glPushMatrix; glMultMatrixd(state.globalHandPoseMatrix{hand}); glutSolidCone(0.1 * (1.1 - di), -0.4, 10, 10); if tr > 0.015 % Draw the particle fountain. We use a vertex shader in the shader % program glsl to compute the physics: glUseProgram(glsl); % Assign updated simulation time to shader: glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(glsl, 'Time'), telapsed); % Assign simulated gravity constant 'g' for proper trajectory: glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(glsl, 'Acceleration'), 1 - tr); % Draw the particles: We have preencoded them into a OpenGL display list % above for higher performance of drawing: glCallList(gld); % Done with shaded drawing: glUseProgram(0); end glPopMatrix; end end % Manually disable 3D mode before switching to other eye or to flip: Screen('EndOpenGL', win); % Visualize tracked left-eye 2D gaze position in left-eye view, if any: if withGazeTracking && (length(state.gazeStatus) >= renderPass + 1) && ... (state.gazeStatus(renderPass + 1) >= 3) Screen('DrawDots', win, state.gazePos{renderPass + 1}, 5, [1, 0, 0]); end % Repeat for renderPass of other eye: end % Head position tracked? if ~bitand(state.tracked, 2) % Nope, user out of cameras view frustum. Tell it like it is: DrawFormattedText(win, 'Vision based tracking lost\nGet back into the cameras field of view!', 'center', 'center', [1 0 0]); end if hmdinfo.hapticFeedbackSupported && hmdinfo.VRControllersSupported if (istate.Grip(1) > 0.5 || istate.Grip(2) > 0.5) && isempty(pulseEnd) % Initiate new pulse: 0.75 seconds, 25% or 100% frequency, 0.8 amplitude: if istate.Grip(2) > 0.5 controller = OVR.ControllerType_RTouch; else controller = OVR.ControllerType_LTouch; end PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, controller, [], 0.25, 0.8); % Set end time for pulse: pulseEnd = GetSecs + 0.75; elseif GetSecs > pulseEnd % End current pulse: pulseEnd = []; PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_RTouch, [], 0, 0); end end secs = GetSecs; if hmdinfo.hapticFeedbackSupported && hmdinfo.VRControllersSupported && ... istate.Buttons(OVR.Button_A) && (isempty(pulseEnd) || pulseEnd + 1 < secs) pulseEnd = PsychVRHMD('HapticPulse', hmd, OVR.ControllerType_XBox, [], 0.25, 0.8); KbReleaseWait; end if ~isempty(pulseEnd) && pulseEnd > secs DrawFormattedText(win, sprintf('t = %f secs.', pulseEnd - secs), 'center', 'center'); end % MT->ST->MT->... switching stress test, if enabled: if withMTStressTest % Apply horizontal deflection of right thumbstick to change % x-position of the 2D quad views, to change required vergence in % 'Stop' mode when 2D views are used: oldPositionL = PsychVRHMD('View2DParameters', hmd, 0, oldPositionL); oldPositionR = PsychVRHMD('View2DParameters', hmd, 1, oldPositionR); if mod(fcount, 360) == 0 PsychVRHMD('Stop', hmd); end if mod(fcount, 360) == 180 PsychVRHMD('Start', hmd); end end % Stimulus ready. Show it on the HMD. We don't clear the color buffer here, % as this is done in the next iteration via glClear() call anyway: vbl = Screen('Flip', win, [], 1); fcount = fcount + 1; end % Cleanup: Priority(0); % Stats for nerds: fprintf('Final settings for 2D views positionL = [%f, %f, %f] positionR = [%f, %f, %f]\n\n', ... oldPositionL(1), oldPositionL(2), oldPositionL(3), oldPositionR(1), oldPositionR(2), oldPositionR(3)); fps = fcount / (vbl - tstart); fprintf('Average framerate was %f fps. Bye!\n', fps); end % Close windows, shutdown HMD, show cursor, general visual cleanup: sca;