function varargout = PsychOculusVR1(cmd, varargin) % PsychOculusVR1 - A high level driver for Oculus VR hardware using the Version 1.16+ runtime. % % Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Mario Kleiner. Licensed under the MIT license. % The underlying PsychOculusVRCore1 mex driver uses the Oculus SDK, which is % “Copyright © Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.” % A copy of the Oculus SDK license, its terms of use and thereby redistribution % terms for the PsychOculusVRCore1 mex file can be found in the PsychtoolboxRoot() % folder under: % Psychtoolbox/PsychHardware/PsychVRToolbox/LICENSE_OculusSDK1.txt % % Oculus VR's trademarks, e.g., Oculus, Oculus Rift, etc. are registered trademarks % owned by Oculus VR, LLC. % % Note: If you want to write VR code that is portable across % VR headsets of different vendors, then use the PsychVRHMD() % driver instead of this driver. The PsychVRHMD driver will use % this driver as appropriate when connecting to a Oculus Rift % or similar Oculus device, but it will also automatically work % with other head mounted displays. This driver does however % expose a few functions specific to Oculus hardware, so you can % mix calls to this driver with calls to PsychVRHMD to do some % mix & match. % % For setup instructions for Oculus HMDs see "help OculusVR". % % % Usage: % % oldverbosity = PsychOculusVR1('Verbosity' [, newverbosity]); % - Get/Set level of verbosity for driver status messages, warning messages, % error messages etc. 'newverbosity' is the optional new verbosity level, % 'oldverbosity' is the currently set verbosity level - ie. before changing % it. Valid settings are: 0 = Silent, 1 = Errors only, 2 = Warnings, 3 = Info, % 4 = Debug. % % % hmd = PsychOculusVR1('AutoSetupHMD' [, basicTask='Tracked3DVR'][, basicRequirements][, basicQuality=0][, deviceIndex]); % - Open a Oculus HMD, set it up with good default rendering and % display parameters and generate a PsychImaging('AddTask', ...) % line to setup the Psychtoolbox imaging pipeline for proper display % on the HMD. This will also cause the device connection to get % auto-closed as soon as the onscreen window which displays on % the HMD is closed. Returns the 'hmd' handle of the HMD on success. % % By default, the first detected HMD will be used and if no VR HMD % is connected, it will return an empty [] hmd handle. You can override % this default choice of HMD by specifying the optional 'deviceIndex' % parameter to choose a specific HMD. However, only one HMD per machine is % supported, so the 'deviceIndex' will probably be only useful in the future. % % More optional parameters: 'basicTask' what kind of task should be implemented. % The default is 'Tracked3DVR', which means to setup for stereoscopic 3D % rendering, driven by head motion tracking, for a fully immersive experience % in some kind of 3D virtual world. This is the default if omitted. The task % 'Stereoscopic' sets up for display of stereoscopic stimuli, but without % head tracking. 'Monoscopic' sets up for display of monocular stimuli, ie. % the HMD is just used as a special kind of standard display monitor. In 'Monoscopic' % and 'Stereoscopic' mode, both eyes will be presented with an identical field of view, % to make sure pure 2D drawing works, without the need for setup of special per-eye % projection transformations. In 'Tracked3DVR' mode, each eye will have a different % field of view, optimized to maximize the viewable area while still avoiding occlusion % artifacts due to the nose of the wearer of the HMD. % % 'basicRequirements' defines basic requirements for the task. Currently % defined are the following strings which can be combined into a single % 'basicRequirements' string: % % 'DebugDisplay' = Show the output which is displayed on the HMD inside the % Psychtoolbox onscreen window as well. This will have a negative impact on % performance, latency and timing of the HMD visual presentation, so should only % be used for debugging, as it may cause a seriously degraded VR experience. % By default, no such debug output is produced and the Psychtoolbox onscreen % window is not actually displayed on the desktop. % % 'Float16Display' = Request rendering, compositing and display in 16 bpc float % format. This will ask Psychtoolbox to render and post-process stimuli in 16 bpc % linear floating point format, and allocate 16 bpc half-float textures as final % renderbuffers to be sent to the VR compositor. If the VR compositor takes advantage % of the high source image precision is at the discretion of the compositor and HMD. % By default, if this request is omitted, processing and display in sRGB format is % requested from Psychtoolbox and the compositor, ie., a roughly gamma 2.2 8 bpc % format is used, which is optimized for the gamma response curve of at least the Oculus % Rift CV1 display. % % 'ForceSize=widthxheight' = Enforce a specific fixed size of the stimulus % image buffer in pixels, overriding the recommmended value by the runtime, % e.g., 'ForceSize=2200x1200' for a 2200 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high % image buffer. By default the driver will choose values that provide good % quality for the given Oculus display device, which can be scaled up or down % with the optional 'pixelsPerDisplay' parameter for a different quality vs. % performance tradeoff in the function PsychOpenXR('SetupRenderingParameters'); % The specified values are clamped against the maximum values supported by % the given hardware + driver combination. % % 'PerEyeFOV' = Request use of per eye individual and asymmetric fields of view even % when the 'basicTask' was selected to be 'Monoscopic' or 'Stereoscopic'. This allows % for wider field of view in these tasks, but requires the usercode to adapt to these % different and asymmetric fields of view for each eye, e.g., by selecting proper 3D % projection matrices for each eye. % % 'TimingSupport' = Use high precision and reliability timing for presentation. % Useless, as this driver always has presentation timing that has to be considered % *not trustworthy*, unreliable and unprecise! % % 'basicQuality' defines the basic tradeoff between quality and required % computational power. A setting of 0 gives lowest quality, but with the % lowest performance requirements. A setting of 1 gives maximum quality at % maximum computational load. Values between 0 and 1 change the quality to % performance tradeoff. % % % hmd = PsychOculusVR1('Open' [, deviceIndex], ...); % - Open HMD with index 'deviceIndex'. See PsychOculusVRCore1 Open? % for help on additional parameters. % % % PsychOculusVR1('SetAutoClose', hmd, mode); % - Set autoclose mode for HMD with handle 'hmd'. 'mode' can be % 0 (this is the default) to not do anything special. 1 will close % the HMD 'hmd' when the onscreen window is closed which displays % on the HMD. 2 will do the same as 1, but close all open HMDs and % shutdown the complete driver and Oculus runtime - a full cleanup. % % % isOpen = PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', hmd); % - Returns 1 if 'hmd' corresponds to an open HMD, 0 otherwise. % % % PsychOculusVR1('Close' [, hmd]); % - Close provided HMD device 'hmd'. If no 'hmd' handle is provided, % all HMDs will be closed and the driver will be shutdown. % % % PsychOculusVR1('Controllers', hmd); % - Return a bitmask of all connected controllers: Can be the bitand % of the OVR.ControllerType_XXX flags described in 'GetInputState'. % This does not detect if controllers are hot-plugged or unplugged after % the HMD was opened. Iow. only probed at 'Open'. % % % info = PsychOculusVR1('GetInfo', hmd); % - Retrieve a struct 'info' with information about the HMD 'hmd'. % The returned info struct contains at least the following standardized % fields with information: % % handle = Driver internal handle for the specific HMD. % driver = Function handle to the actual driver for the HMD, e.g., @PsychOculusVR1. % type = Defines the type/vendor of the device, e.g., 'Oculus'. % modelName = Name string with the name of the model of the device, e.g., 'Rift DK2'. % separateEyePosesSupported = 1 if use of PsychOculusVR1('GetEyePose') will improve % the quality of the VR experience, 0 if no improvement % is to be expected, so 'GetEyePose' can be avoided % to save processing time without a loss of quality. % This always returns 1 for at least the Rift DK1 and DK2, % as use of that function can enhance the quality of the % VR experience with fast head movements. % % The returned struct may contain more information, but the fields mentioned % above are the only ones guaranteed to be available over the long run. Other % fields may disappear or change their format and meaning anytime without % warning. See 'help PsychVRHMD' for more detailed info about available fields. % % % isSupported = PsychOculusVR1('Supported'); % - Returns 1 if the Oculus driver is functional, 0 otherwise. The % driver is functional if the VR runtime library was successfully % initialized and a connection to the VR server process has been % established. It would return 0 if the server process would not be % running, or if the required runtime library would not be correctly % installed. % % % [isVisible, playAreaBounds, OuterAreaBounds] = PsychOculusVR1('VRAreaBoundary', hmd [, requestVisible]); % - Request visualization of the VR play area boundary for 'hmd' and returns its % current extents. % % 'requestVisible' 1 = Request showing the boundary area markers, 0 = Don't % request showing the markers. % The driver can not prevent the boundaries to be visualized if some external % setting asks for their visibility. It can cancel its own request for visibility % though via 'requestVisible' setting 0. % % Returns in 'isVisible' the current visibility status of the VR area boundaries. % % 'playAreaBounds' is a 3-by-n matrix defining the play area boundaries. Each % column represents the [x;y;z] coordinates of one 3D definition point. Connecting % successive points by line segments defines the boundary, as projected onto the % floor. Points are listed in clock-wise direction. An empty return argument means % that the play area is so far undefined. % % 'OuterAreaBounds' defines the outer area boundaries in the same way as % 'playAreaBounds'. % % % [isTriggering, closestDistance, closestPointxyz, surfaceNormal] = PsychOculusVR1('TestVRBoundary', oculusPtr, trackedDeviceType, boundaryType); % - Return if a tracked device of type 'trackedDeviceType' and associated with 'hmd' is % colliding with VR area boundaries of 'boundaryType'. This needs the requested devices % to be online, and the boundaries set up properly, in order to provide meaningful results. % % 'trackedDeviceType' is a bit-mask (sum) of the following possible constants: % OVR.TrackedDevice_HMD = The HMD headset itself, % OVR.TrackedDevice_LTouch = Left touch controller / left hand. % OVR.TrackedDevice_RTouch = Right touch controller / right hand. % OVR.TrackedDevice_Touch = Any/Both of left and right touch controllers. % OVR.TrackedDevice_Object0 - OVR.TrackedDevice_Object3 = Tracked objects 0 - 3. % OVR.TrackedDevice_All = All connected tracked devices. % % 'boundaryType' 0 = Play area, 1 = Outer boundary. % % Return values: % 'isTriggering' 1 if collision is imminent, 0 otherwise. % 'closestDistance' Distance to closest point on boundary. % 'closestPointxyz' [x;y;z] 3D position of closest point on the boundary. % 'surfaceNormal' [nx;ny;nz] 3D surface normal of closest point. % % % [isTriggering, closestDistance, closestPointxyz, surfaceNormal] = PsychOculusVR1('TestVRBoundaryPoint', oculusPtr, pointxyz, boundaryType); % - Return if a 3D point 'pointxyz' is colliding with VR area boundaries of 'boundaryType' % on device 'hmd'. This needs the boundaries set up properly, in order to provide meaningful % results. % % 'pointxyz' = [x,y,z] 3D point position vector. % 'boundaryType' 0 = Play area, 1 = Outer boundary. % % 'isTriggering' 1 if 'pointxyz' is colliding / close, 0 otherwise. % 'closestDistance' Distance to closest point on boundary. % 'closestPointxyz' [x;y;z] 3D position of closest point on the boundary. % 'surfaceNormal' [nx;ny;nz] 3D surface normal of closest point. % % % input = PsychOculusVR1('GetInputState', hmd, controllerType); % - Get input state of controller 'controllerType' associated with HMD 'hmd'. % % 'controllerType' can be one of OVR.ControllerType_LTouch, OVR.ControllerType_RTouch, % OVR.ControllerType_Touch, OVR.ControllerType_Remote, OVR.ControllerType_XBox, or % OVR.ControllerType_Active for selecting whatever controller is currently active. % % Return argument 'input' is a struct with fields describing the state of buttons and % other input elements of the specified 'controllerType'. It has the following fields: % % 'Valid' = 1 if 'input' contains valid results, 0 if input status is invalid/unavailable. % 'ActiveInputs' = Bitmask defining which of the following struct elements do contain % meaningful input from actual physical input source devices. This is a more fine-grained % reporting of what 'Valid' conveys, split up into categories. The following flags will be % logical or'ed together if the corresponding input category is valid, ie. provided with % actual input data from some physical input source element, controller etc.: % % +1 = 'Buttons' gets input from some real buttons or switches, ie. Touch / XBox / Oculus remote controller. % +2 = 'Touches' gets input from some real touch sensors or gesture recognizers, e.g., Touch controller. % +4 = 'Trigger' gets input from some real analog trigger sensor, e.g., Touch or XBox controller. % +8 = 'Grip' gets input from Touch controllers. % +16 = 'Thumbstick' gets input from some real thumbstick, e.g., from Touch controllers or XBox controller. % % 'Time' Time of last input state change of controller. % 'Buttons' Vector with button state on the controller, similar to the 'keyCode' % vector returned by KbCheck() for regular keyboards. Each position in the vector % reports pressed (1) or released (0) state of a specific button. Use the OVR.Button_XXX % constants to map buttons to positions. % % 'Touches' Like 'Buttons' but for touch buttons. Use the OVR.Touch_XXX constants to map % touch points to positions. % % 'Trigger'(1/2) = Left (1) and Right (2) trigger: Value range 0.0 - 1.0, filtered and with dead-zone. % 'TriggerNoDeadzone'(1/2) = Left (1) and Right (2) trigger: Value range 0.0 - 1.0, filtered. % 'TriggerRaw'(1/2) = Left (1) and Right (2) trigger: Value range 0.0 - 1.0, raw values unfiltered. % 'Grip'(1/2) = Left (1) and Right (2) grip button: Value range 0.0 - 1.0, filtered and with dead-zone. % 'GripNoDeadzone'(1/2) = Left (1) and Right (2) grip button: Value range 0.0 - 1.0, filtered. % 'GripRaw'(1/2) = Left (1) and Right (2) grip button: Value range 0.0 - 1.0, raw values unfiltered. % % 'Thumbstick' = 2x2 matrix: Column 1 contains left thumbsticks [x;y] axis values, column 2 contains % right sticks [x;y] axis values. Values are in range -1 to +1, filtered and with deadzone applied. % 'ThumbstickNoDeadzone' = Like 'Thumbstick', filtered, but without a deadzone applied. % 'ThumbstickRaw' = 'Thumbstick' raw date without deadzone or filtering applied. % % % pulseEndTime = PsychOculusVR1('HapticPulse', hmd, controllerType [, duration=2.5][, freq=1.0][, amplitude=1.0]); % - Trigger a haptic feedback pulse, some controller vibration, on the specified 'controllerType' % associated with the specified 'hmd'. 'duration' is pulse duration in seconds, by default a maximum % of 2.5 seconds is executed. 'freq' is normalized frequency in range 0.0 - 1.0. A value of 0 will % disable an ongoing pulse. As of Oculus runtime version 1.11, only freq values 0.5 and 1.0 are % reproduced. Other freq values will be clamped/quantized to those values. 'amplitude' is the % amplitude of the vibration in normalized 0.0 - 1.0 range. % % NOTE: As of November 2018, Oculus SDK 1.16, runtime 1.32, this works very unreliably, and % often not at all at least with the tested XBox controller! % % 'pulseEndTime' returns the expected stop time of vibration in seconds, given the parameters. % Currently the function will return immediately for a (default) 'duration' of 2.5 seconds, and the pulse % will end after 2.5 seconds. Smaller 'duration' values will block the execution of the function % until the 'duration' has passed on some types of controllers. % % % state = PsychOculusVR1('PrepareRender', hmd [, userTransformMatrix][, reqmask=1][, targetTime]); % - Mark the start of the rendering cycle for a new 3D rendered stereoframe. % Return a struct 'state' which contains various useful bits of information % for 3D stereoscopic rendering of a scene, based on head tracking data. % % 'hmd' is the handle of the HMD which delivers tracking data and receives the % rendered content for display. % % 'reqmask' defines what kind of information is requested to be returned in % struct 'state'. Only query information you actually need, as computing some % of this info is expensive! See below for supported values for 'reqmask'. % % 'targetTime' is the expected time at which the rendered frame will display. % This could potentially be used by the driver to make better predictions of % camera/eye/head pose for the image. Omitting the value will use a target time % that is implementation specific, but known to give generally good results, % e.g., the midpoint of scanout of the next video frame. % % 'userTransformMatrix' is an optional 4x4 right hand side (RHS) transformation % matrix. It gets applied to the tracked head pose as a global transformation % before computing results based on head pose like, e.g., camera transformations. % You can use this to translate the "virtual head" and thereby the virtual eyes/ % cameras in the 3D scene, so observer motion is not restricted to the real world % tracking volume of your headset. A typical 'userTransformMatrix' would be a % combined translation and rotation matrix to position the observer at some % 3D location in space, then define his/her global looking direction, aka as % heading angle, yaw orientation, or rotation around the y-axis in 3D space. % Head pose tracking results would then operate relative to this global transform. % If 'userTransformMatrix' is left out, it will default to an identity transform, % in other words, it will do nothing. % % % state always contains a field state.tracked, whose bits signal the status % of head tracking for this frame. A +1 flag means that head orientation is % tracked. A +2 flag means that head position is tracked via some absolute % position tracker like, e.g., the Oculus Rift DK2 or Rift CV1 camera. A +128 % flag means the HMD is actually strapped onto the subjects head and displaying % our visual content. Lack of this flag means the HMD is off and thereby blanked % and dark, or we lost access to it to another application. % % state also always contains a field state.SessionState, whose bits signal general % VR session status: % +1 = Our rendering goes to the HMD, ie. we have control over it. Lack of this could % mean the Health and Safety warning is displaying at the moment and waiting for % acknowledgement, or the Oculus GUI application is in control. % +2 = HMD is present and active. % +4 = HMD is strapped onto users head. A Rift CV1 would switch off/blank if not on the head. % +8 = DisplayLost condition! Some hardware/software malfunction, need to completely quit this % Psychtoolbox session to recover from this. % +16 = ShouldQuit The user interface / user asks us to voluntarily terminate this session. % +32 = ShouldRecenter = The user interface asks us to recenter/recalibrate our tracking origin. % % 'reqmask' defaults to 1 and can have the following values added together: % % +1 = Return matrices for left and right "eye cameras" which can be directly % used as OpenGL GL_MODELVIEW matrices for rendering the scene. 4x4 matrices % for left- and right eye are contained in state.modelView{1} and {2}. % % Return position and orientation 4x4 camera view matrices which describe % position and orientation of the "eye cameras" relative to the world % reference frame. They are the inverses of state.modelView{}. These % matrices can be directly used to define cameras for rendering of complex % 3D scenes with the Horde3D 3D engine. Left- and right eye matrices are % contained in state.cameraView{1} and state.cameraView{2}. % % Additionally tracked/predicted head pose is returned in state.localHeadPoseMatrix % and the global head pose after application of the 'userTransformMatrix' is % returned in state.globalHeadPoseMatrix - this is the basis for computing % the camera transformation matrices. % % +2 = Return matrices for tracked left and right hands of user, ie. of tracked positions % and orientations of left and right Oculus touch controllers, if any. % % state.handStatus(1) = Tracking status of left hand: 0 = Untracked, 1 = Orientation % tracked, 2 = Position tracked, 3 = Orientation and position % tracked. If handStatus is == 0 then all the following information % is invalid and can not be used in any meaningful way. % state.handStatus(2) = Tracking status of right hand. % % state.localHandPoseMatrix{1} = 4x4 OpenGL right handed reference frame matrix with % hand position and orientation encoded to define a % proper GL_MODELVIEW transform for rendering stuff % "into"/"relative to" the oriented left hand. % state.localHandPoseMatrix{2} = Ditto for the right hand. % % state.globalHandPoseMatrix{1} = userTransformMatrix * state.localHandPoseMatrix{1}; % Left hand pose transformed by passed in userTransformMatrix. % state.globalHandPoseMatrix{2} = Ditto for the right hand. % % state.globalHandPoseInverseMatrix{1} = Inverse of globalHandPoseMatrix{1} for collision % testing/grasping of virtual objects relative to % hand pose of left hand. % state.globalHandPoseInverseMatrix{2} = Ditto for right hand. % % More flags to follow... % % % eyePose = PsychOculusVR1('GetEyePose', hmd, renderPass [, userTransformMatrix][, targetTime]); % - Return a struct 'eyePose' which contains various useful bits of information % for 3D stereoscopic rendering of the stereo view of one eye, based on head % tracking data. This function provides essentially the same information as % the 'PrepareRender' function, but only for one eye. Therefore you will need % to call this function twice, once for each of the two renderpasses, at the % beginning of each renderpass. % % 'hmd' is the handle of the HMD which delivers tracking data and receives the % rendered content for display. % % 'renderPass' defines if information should be returned for the 1st renderpass % (renderPass == 0) or for the 2nd renderpass (renderPass == 1). The driver will % decide for you if the 1st renderpass should render the left eye and the 2nd % pass the right eye, or if the 1st renderpass should render the right eye and % then the 2nd renderpass the left eye. The ordering depends on the properties % of the video display of your HMD, specifically on the video scanout order: % Is it right to left, left to right, or top to bottom? For each scanout order % there is an optimal order for the renderpasses to minimize perceived lag. % % 'targetTime' is the expected time at which the rendered frame will display. % This could potentially be used by the driver to make better predictions of % camera/eye/head pose for the image. Omitting the value will use a target time % that is implementation specific, but known to give generally good results. % % 'userTransformMatrix' is an optional 4x4 right hand side (RHS) transformation % matrix. It gets applied to the tracked head pose as a global transformation % before computing results based on head pose like, e.g., camera transformations. % You can use this to translate the "virtual head" and thereby the virtual eyes/ % cameras in the 3D scene, so observer motion is not restricted to the real world % tracking volume of your headset. A typical 'userTransformMatrix' would be a % combined translation and rotation matrix to position the observer at some % 3D location in space, then define his/her global looking direction, aka as % heading angle, yaw orientation, or rotation around the y-axis in 3D space. % Head pose tracking results would then operate relative to this global transform. % If 'userTransformMatrix' is left out, it will default to an identity transform, % in other words, it will do nothing. % % Return values in struct 'eyePose': % % 'eyeIndex' The eye for which this information applies. 0 = Left eye, 1 = Right eye. % You can pass 'eyeIndex' into the Screen('SelectStereoDrawBuffer', win, eyeIndex) % to select the proper eye target render buffer. % % 'modelView' is a 4x4 RHS OpenGL matrix which can be directly used as OpenGL % GL_MODELVIEW matrix for rendering the scene. % % 'cameraView' contains a 4x4 RHS camera matrix which describes position and % orientation of the "eye camera" relative to the world reference % frame. It is the inverse of eyePose.modelView. This matrix can % be directly used to define the camera for rendering of complex % 3D scenes with the Horde3D 3D engine or other engines which want % absolute camera pose instead of the inverse matrix. % % % trackers = PsychOculusVR1('GetTrackersState', hmd); % - Return a struct array with infos about all connected tracking cameras/sensors % for 'hmd'. % % % success = PsychOculusVR1('RecenterTrackingOrigin', hmd); % - Recenter the tracking origin for the 'hmd', based on its current position and % orientation. Returns 'success' = 1 on success, 0 on failure to recenter. One % reason for failure could be that the HMD wasn't roughly level, but instead was % facing upward or downward, which is not allowed. This function also gets automatically % triggered if the Oculus GUI or other user input requests a recenter. Recenter would then % be auto-triggered during a call to 'PrepareRender'. % % % oldType = PsychOculusVR1('TrackingOriginType', hmd [, newType]); % - Specify the type of tracking origin for Oculus device 'oculusPtr'. % This returns the current type of tracking origin in 'oldType'. % Optionally you can specify a new tracking origin type as 'newType'. % Type must be either: % 0 = Origin is at eye height (HMD height). % 1 = Origin is at floor height. % The eye height or floor height gets defined by the system during % calls to 'RecenterTrackingOrigin' and during sensor calibration in % the Oculus GUI application. % % % [adaptiveGpuPerformanceScale, frameStats, anyFrameStatsDropped, aswIsAvailable] = PsychOculusVR1('GetPerformanceStats', hmd); % - Return global and per-frame performance statistics for the given 'hmd'. % % % PsychOculusVR1('SetupRenderingParameters', hmd [, basicTask='Tracked3DVR'][, basicRequirements][, basicQuality=0][, fov=[HMDRecommended]][, pixelsPerDisplay=1]) % - Query the HMD 'hmd' for its properties and setup internal rendering % parameters in preparation for opening an onscreen window with PsychImaging % to display properly on the HMD. See section about 'AutoSetupHMD' above for % the meaning of the optional parameters 'basicTask', 'basicRequirements' % and 'basicQuality'. % % 'fov' Optional field of view in degrees, from line of sight: [leftdeg, rightdeg, % updeg, downdeg]. If 'fov' is omitted, the HMD runtime will be asked for a % good default field of view and that will be used. The field of view may be % dependent on the settings in the HMD user profile of the currently selected % user. % % 'pixelsPerDisplay' Ratio of the number of render target pixels to display pixels % at the center of distortion. Defaults to 1.0 if omitted. Lower values can % improve performance, at lower quality. % % % PsychOculusVR1('SetBasicQuality', hmd, basicQuality); % - Set basic level of quality vs. required GPU performance. % % % oldValues = PsychOculusVR1('FloatsProperty', hmd, property [, newValues]); % - Get current values 'oldValues' and optionally set new values 'newValues' % for a floating point array property with name 'property' on 'hmd'. % % 'property' name strings are defined under OVR.KEY_XXX. As of SDK version 1.11, % the following floats properties exist: % OVR.KEY_PLAYER_HEIGHT = [Height] of subject in meters. % OVR.KEY_EYE_HEIGHT = [Height] of eyes of subject above ground in meters. % OVR.KEY_NECK_TO_EYE_DISTANCE = [horizontal, vertical] neck to eye distance in meters. % OVR.KEY_EYE_TO_NOSE_DISTANCE = [horizontal, vertical] eye to nose distance in meters. % % % oldString = PsychOculusVR1('StringProperty', hmd, property [, defaultString][, newString]); % - Get current string 'oldString' and optionally set new string 'newString' % for a string property with name 'property' on 'hmd'. If the property does not % exist yet or does not have a string value assigned, optionally return 'defaultString'. % % 'property' name strings are defined under OVR.KEY_XXX. As of SDK version 1.11, % the following string properties exist: % OVR.KEY_USER = User name. % OVR.KEY_NAME = Name. % OVR.KEY_GENDER = Gender 'Male', 'Female', or 'Unknown'. % OVR.KEY_DEFAULT_GENDER = 'Unknown'. % % % oldSetting = PsychOculusVR1('SetFastResponse', hmd [, enable]); % - Return old setting for 'FastResponse' mode in 'oldSetting', % optionally disable or enable the mode via specifying the 'enable' % parameter as 0 or greater than zero. % % Deprecated: This function does nothing. It just exists for (backwards) % compatibility with the old Oculus driver and PsychVRHMD. % % % oldSetting = PsychOculusVR1('SetTimeWarp', hmd [, enable]); % - Return old setting for 'TimeWarp' mode in 'oldSetting', % optionally enable or disable the mode via specifying the 'enable' % parameter as 1 or 0. % % Deprecated: This function does nothing. It just exists for (backwards) % compatibility with the old Oculus driver and PsychVRHMD. % % % oldSetting = PsychOculusVR1('SetLowPersistence', hmd [, enable]); % - Return old setting for 'LowPersistence' mode in 'oldSetting', % optionally enable or disable the mode via specifying the 'enable' % parameter as 1 or 0. % % Deprecated: This function does nothing. It just exists for (backwards) % compatibility with the old Oculus driver and PsychVRHMD. % % % oldSettings = PsychOculusVR1('PanelOverdriveParameters', hmd [, newparams]); % Deprecated: This function does nothing. It just exists for (backwards) % compatibility with the old Oculus driver and PsychVRHMD. % % - Return old settings for panel overdrive mode in 'oldSettings', % optionally set new settings in 'newparams'. This changes the operating % parameters of OLED panel overdrive on the Rift DK-2 if 'FastResponse' % mode is active. newparams is a vector [upscale, downscale, gamma] with % the following meaning: gamma = 1 Use gamma/degamma pass to perform % overdrive boost in gamma 2.2 corrected space. This is the startup default. % upscale = How much should rising pixel color intensity values be boosted. % Default is 0.10 for a 10% boost. % downscale = How much should rising pixel color intensity values be reduced. % Default is 0.05 for a 5% reduction. % The Rift DK-2 OLED panel controller is slower on rising intensities than on % falling intensities, therefore the higher boost on rising than on falling % direction. % % % PsychOculusVR1('SetHSWDisplayDismiss', hmd [, dismissTypes=1+2+4]); % - Set how the user can dismiss the "Health and safety warning display". % Deprecated: This function does nothing. It just exists for (backwards) % compatibility with the old Oculus driver and PsychVRHMD. The current OculusVR % runtime 1.0 enforces display of the Health and Safety Warning at the beginning % of each VR session. % % % PsychOculusVR1('SetHUDState', hmd, mode); % - Set mode of operation for the builtin head up display (HUD) for performance % information. The HUD is automatically displayed and updated by the VR compositor % if enabled, and can be in one of the following selectable 'mode's: % % 0 = Head up display HUD off ie. invisible. % 1 = HUD shows performance summary. % 2 = HUD shows latency timing. % 3 = HUD shows application render timing. % 4 = HUD shows VR compositor render timing. % 5 = HUD shows Version information of different components. % 6 = HUD shows Asynchronous time warp (ASW) stats. % Higher numbers may do something useful in the future. % % % [bufferSize, imagingFlags, stereoMode] = PsychOculusVR1('GetClientRenderingParameters', hmd); % - Retrieve recommended size in pixels 'bufferSize' = [width, height] of the client % renderbuffer for each eye for rendering to the HMD. Returns parameters % previously computed by PsychOculusVR1('SetupRenderingParameters', hmd). % % Also returns 'imagingFlags', the required imaging mode flags for setup of % the Screen imaging pipeline. Also returns the needed 'stereoMode' for the % pipeline. % % % needPanelFitter = PsychOculusVR1('GetPanelFitterParameters', hmd); % - 'needPanelFitter' is 1 if a custom panel fitter tasks is needed, and 'bufferSize' % from the PsychVRHMD('GetClientRenderingParameters', hmd); defines the size of the % clientRect for the onscreen window. 'needPanelFitter' is 0 if no panel fitter is % needed. % % % [winRect, ovrfbOverrideRect, ovrSpecialFlags, ovrMultiSample, screenid] = PsychOculusVR1('OpenWindowSetup', hmd, screenid, winRect, ovrfbOverrideRect, ovrSpecialFlags, ovrMultiSample); % - Compute special override parameters for given input/output arguments, as needed % for a specific HMD. Take other preparatory steps as needed, immediately before the % Screen('OpenWindow') command executes. This is called as part of PsychImaging('OpenWindow'), % with the user provided hmd, screenid, winRect etc. % % % isOutput = PsychOculusVR1('IsHMDOutput', hmd, scanout); % - Returns 1 (true) if 'scanout' describes the video output to which the % HMD 'hmd' is connected. 'scanout' is a struct returned by the Screen % function Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'Scanout', screenid, outputid); % This allows probing video outputs to find the one which feeds the HMD. % Deprecated: This function does nothing. It just exists for (backwards) % compatibility with the old Oculus driver and PsychVRHMD. % % % [headToEyeShiftv, headToEyeShiftMatrix] = PsychOculusVR1('GetEyeShiftVector', hmd, eye); % - Retrieve 3D translation vector [tx, ty, tz] that defines the 3D position of the given % eye 'eye' for the given HMD 'hmd', relative to the origin of the local head/HMD % reference frame. This is needed to translate a global head pose into a eye % pose, e.g., to translate the output of PsychOculusVR1('GetEyePose') into actual % tracked/predicted eye locations for stereo rendering. % % In addition to the 'headToEyeShiftv' vector, a corresponding 4x4 translation % matrix is also returned in 'headToEyeShiftMatrix' for convenience. % % % Global GL handle for access to OpenGL constants needed in setup: global GL; global OVR; persistent firsttime; persistent oldShieldingLevel; persistent hmd; if nargin < 1 || isempty(cmd) help PsychOculusVR1; fprintf('\n\nAlso available are functions from PsychOculusVRCore1:\n'); PsychOculusVRCore1; return; end % Fast-Path function 'EndFrameRender' - Queues new frames to Compositor: if cmd == 0 handle = varargin{1}; t1 = GetSecs; % At this point, the FBO of the right eye texture in stereomode or mono texture % in mono mode is bound. Detach its color attachment texture: % MK: Not needed: glFramebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0); % Submit/Commit just unbound textures to texture swap-chains: PsychOculusVRCore1('EndFrameRender', hmd{handle}.handle, varargin{2}); t2 = GetSecs; % Define parameters for the ongoing Psychtoolbox onscreen window flip operation: if hmd{handle}.mirrorTexture > 0 % Debug output of compositor mirror texture into PTB onscreen window requested. % - Ask to skip flip's regular OpenGL swap completion timestamping, but instead % to accept future injected timestamps from us. % % - Ask to disable vsync of the OpenGL bufferswap for display of the mirror texture % in the onscreen window. We don't want to get swap-throttled to the refresh rate % of the operator desktop GUI display. Screen('Hookfunction', hmd{handle}.win, 'SetOneshotFlipFlags', '', kPsychSkipWaitForFlipOnce + kPsychSkipVsyncForFlipOnce + kPsychSkipTimestampingForFlipOnce); else % No debug output from VR compositor wanted. Skip the OpenGL bufferswap for the % onscreen window completely, ergo also skip timestamping and allow timestamp % injection from us instead: Screen('Hookfunction', hmd{handle}.win, 'SetOneshotFlipFlags', '', kPsychSkipWaitForFlipOnce + kPsychSkipSwapForFlipOnce + kPsychSkipTimestampingForFlipOnce); end t3 = GetSecs; %fprintf('EndFrameRender: %f ms, SetNext/Flags %f ms ... \n', 1000 * (t2 - t1), 1000 * (t3 - t2)); % If usercode requests a dontsync flag > 0 in Screen('Flip', window, when, dontclear, dontsync) % then switch to low precision/reliability timestamping, otherwise use timestampHighPrecision setting: if (varargin{3} > 0) hmd{handle}.doTimestamp = 0; else hmd{handle}.doTimestamp = hmd{handle}.timestampHighPrecision; end return; end % Fast-Path function 'PresentFrame' - Present frame to VR compositor, % wait for present completion, render debug mirror texture if needed, % inject present completion timestamps: if cmd == 1 handle = varargin{1}; tWhen = varargin{2}; t1 = GetSecs; [frameTiming, predictedOnset, refFrameIndex] = PsychOculusVRCore1('PresentFrame', hmd{handle}.handle, hmd{handle}.doTimestamp, tWhen); t2 = GetSecs; % Get fresh set of backing textures for next Screen() post-flip drawing/render % cycle from the OculusVR texture swap chains: texLeft = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetNextTextureHandle', hmd{handle}.handle, 0); if hmd{handle}.StereoMode > 0 texRight = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetNextTextureHandle', hmd{handle}.handle, 1); else texRight = []; end % XXX NOTE: Without the following glFinish(), we get an invalid operation % OpenGL error during exec of 'PresentFrame' from within the Oculus VR % runtime, which however seems to have no negative consequence for % presentation?! This may be a bug in the OculusVR runtime at least as % of version 1.11: % Not needed anymore: glFinish; % Attach them as new backing textures, detach the previously bound ones, so they % are ready for submission to the VR compositor: [oldL, oldR] = Screen('Hookfunction', hmd{handle}.win, 'SetDisplayBufferTextures', '', texLeft, texRight); t3 = GetSecs; % Debug output from mirror texture requested? mirrorTex = hmd{handle}.mirrorTexture; if mirrorTex > 0 % Yes. Render into onscreen windows viewport: width = hmd{handle}.mirrorWidth; height = hmd{handle}.mirrorHeight; glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glMatrixMode(GL.PROJECTION); glPushMatrix; glLoadIdentity; gluOrtho2D(0, width, 0, height); glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, mirrorTex); glEnable(GL.TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL.QUADS); glColor4f(1,1,1,1); glTexCoord2f(0,1); glVertex2i(0,0); glTexCoord2f(1,1); glVertex2i(width,0); glTexCoord2f(1,0); glVertex2i(width,height); glTexCoord2f(0,0); glVertex2i(0,height); glEnd(); glDisable(GL.TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0); glPopMatrix; glMatrixMode(GL.MODELVIEW); end t4 = GetSecs; if hmd{handle}.doTimestamp % Assign return values for vblTime and stimulusOnsetTime for Screen('Flip'): if refFrameIndex > 0 Screen('Hookfunction', hmd{handle}.win, 'SetOneshotFlipResults', '', frameTiming(refFrameIndex).VBlankTime, frameTiming(refFrameIndex).StimulusOnsetTime); else fprintf('Warning: No proper timestamp, faking it with predictedOnset.\n\n'); Screen('Hookfunction', hmd{handle}.win, 'SetOneshotFlipResults', '', predictedOnset, predictedOnset); end else % Use made up values for timestamps of 'Flip': %Screen('Hookfunction', hmd{handle}.win, 'SetOneshotFlipResults', '', GetSecs, GetSecs); Screen('Hookfunction', hmd{handle}.win, 'SetOneshotFlipResults', '', predictedOnset, predictedOnset); end t5 = GetSecs; %fprintf('Present %f ms, Get/Set %f ms, Mirror %f ms, SetRes %f ms\n', 1000 * (t2 - t1), 1000 * (t3 - t2), 1000 * (t4 - t3), 1000 * (t5 - t4)); %disp(frameTiming(1)); % dT = 1e3 * (frameTiming(1).HMDTime - frameTiming(1).StimulusOnsetTime) frameTiming = []; return; end % Fast-Path function 'Cleanup' - Cleans up before onscreen window close/GL shutdown: if cmd == 2 handle = varargin{1}; % Reattach old backing textures, so onscreen window can get properly destroyed: Screen('Hookfunction', hmd{handle}.win, 'SetDisplayBufferTextures', '', hmd{handle}.oldglLeftTex, hmd{handle}.oldglRightTex); hmd{handle}.oldglLeftTex = []; hmd{handle}.oldglRightTex = []; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'PrepareRender') % Get and validate handle - fast path open coded: myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~((length(hmd) >= myhmd.handle) && (myhmd.handle > 0) && hmd{myhmd.handle}.open) error('PsychOculusVR1:PrepareRender: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end % Get 'userTransformMatrix' if any: if length(varargin) >= 2 && ~isempty(varargin{2}) userTransformMatrix = varargin{2}; else % Default: Identity transform to do nothing: userTransformMatrix = diag([1 1 1 1]); end % Valid: Get request mask of information to return: if length(varargin) >= 3 && ~isempty(varargin{3}) reqmask = varargin{3}; else % Default to: Provide basic tracking status flags, and directly useable % GL_MODELVIEW matrices for the cameras for rendering the left- and right-eye: reqmask = 1; end % Get target time for predicted camera poses, head poses etc.: if length(varargin) >= 4 && ~isempty(varargin{4}) targetTime = varargin{4}; else % Default: Provide predicted value for the midpoint of the next video frame: targetTime = []; end % Mark start of a new frame render cycle for the runtime and get the data % predicted for next scanout time: [eyePose{1}, eyePose{2}] = PsychOculusVRCore1('StartRender', myhmd.handle); % Get predicted head pose, tracking state and hand poses (if supported) for targetTime: [state, touch] = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetTrackingState', myhmd.handle, targetTime); myhmd.state = state; % Always return basic tracking status: result.tracked = state.Status; result.SessionState = state.SessionState; if bitand(state.SessionState, 8) % DisplayLost condition! This is an unrecoverable error. Trigger % a forced session shutdown: error('OculusVR runtime reports loss of hardware (disconnected?) or serious malfunction. Forcing abort of this session.'); end % Check if UX wants us to recenter the tracking origin: if bitand(state.SessionState, 32) % User wants us to recenter the tracking origin, so do it. Retry until it succeeds: while ~PsychOculusVRCore1('RecenterTrackingOrigin', myhmd.handle) WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.25); end end % As a bonus we return the raw eye pose vectors, given that we have them anyway: result.rawEyePose7{1} = eyePose{1}; result.rawEyePose7{2} = eyePose{2}; % Want matrices which take a usercode supplied global transformation into account? if bitand(reqmask, 1) % Yes: We need tracked + predicted head pose, so we can apply the user % transform, and then per-eye transforms: % Bonus feature: HeadPose as 7 component translation + orientation quaternion vector: result.headPose = state.HeadPose; % Convert head pose vector to 4x4 OpenGL right handed reference frame matrix: result.localHeadPoseMatrix = eyePoseToCameraMatrix(state.HeadPose); % Premultiply usercode provided global transformation matrix: result.globalHeadPoseMatrix = userTransformMatrix * result.localHeadPoseMatrix; % Compute per-eye global pose matrices: result.cameraView{1} = result.globalHeadPoseMatrix * hmd{myhmd.handle}.eyeShiftMatrix{1}; result.cameraView{2} = result.globalHeadPoseMatrix * hmd{myhmd.handle}.eyeShiftMatrix{2}; % Compute inverse matrices, useable as OpenGL GL_MODELVIEW matrices for rendering: result.modelView{1} = inv(result.cameraView{1}); result.modelView{2} = inv(result.cameraView{2}); end % Want matrices with tracked position and orientation of touch controllers ~ users hands? if bitand(reqmask, 2) % Yes: We need tracked + predicted hand pose, so we can apply the user % transform, and then per-eye transforms: % Oculus 1.x SDK/runtime supports exactly 2 tracked touch controllers atm. to track users hands: for i=1:2 result.handStatus(i) = touch(i).Status; % Bonus feature: HandPoses as 7 component translation + orientation quaternion vectors: result.handPose{i} = touch(i).HandPose; % Convert hand pose vector to 4x4 OpenGL right handed reference frame matrix: result.localHandPoseMatrix{i} = eyePoseToCameraMatrix(touch(i).HandPose); % Premultiply usercode provided global transformation matrix: result.globalHandPoseMatrix{i} = userTransformMatrix * result.localHandPoseMatrix{i}; % Compute inverse matrix, maybe useable for collision testing / virtual grasping of virtual bjects: % Provides a transform that maps absolute geometry into geometry as "seen" from the pov of the hand. result.globalHandPoseInverseMatrix{i} = inv(result.globalHandPoseMatrix{i}); end end varargout{1} = result; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetEyePose') % Get and validate handle - fast path open coded: myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~((length(hmd) >= myhmd.handle) && (myhmd.handle > 0) && hmd{myhmd.handle}.open) error('PsychOculusVR1:GetEyePose: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end % Valid: Get view render pass for which to return information: if length(varargin) < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) error('PsychOculusVR1:GetEyePose: Required ''renderPass'' argument missing.'); end renderPass = varargin{2}; % Get 'userTransformMatrix' if any: if length(varargin) >= 3 && ~isempty(varargin{3}) userTransformMatrix = varargin{3}; else % Default: Identity transform to do nothing: userTransformMatrix = diag([1 1 1 1]); end % Get target time for predicted camera poses, head poses etc.: % NOTE: Currently not used, as Oculus SDK v1 does not support passing % targetTime into the underlying SDK function for 'GetEyePose'. The % Oculus runtime predicts something meaningful internally. % % if length(varargin) >= 4 && ~isempty(varargin{4}) % targetTime = varargin{4}; % else % % Default: Provide predicted value for the midpoint of the next video % % refresh cycle - assuming we hit the flip deadline for the next video % % frame, so that point in time will be exactly in the middle of both % % eyes: % targetTime = []; % end % Get eye pose for this renderPass, or more exactly the headPose from which this % renderPass eyePose will get computed: [result.eyePose, result.eyeIndex] = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetEyePose', myhmd.handle, renderPass); % Convert head pose vector to 4x4 OpenGL right handed reference frame matrix: result.localEyePoseMatrix = eyePoseToCameraMatrix(result.eyePose); % Premultiply usercode provided global transformation matrix: result.globalEyePoseMatrix = userTransformMatrix * result.localEyePoseMatrix; % Compute per-eye global pose matrix for this eyeIndex: result.cameraView = result.globalEyePoseMatrix; % Compute inverse matrix, useable as OpenGL GL_MODELVIEW matrix for rendering: result.modelView = inv(result.cameraView); varargout{1} = result; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetTrackersState') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~((length(hmd) >= myhmd.handle) && (myhmd.handle > 0) && hmd{myhmd.handle}.open) error('PsychOculusVR1:GetTrackersState: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end varargout{1} = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetTrackersState', myhmd.handle); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetInputState') % Get and validate handle - fast path open coded: myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~((length(hmd) >= myhmd.handle) && (myhmd.handle > 0) && hmd{myhmd.handle}.open) error('PsychOculusVR1:GetInputState: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end if length(varargin) < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) error('PsychOculusVR1:GetInputState: Required ''controllerType'' argument missing.'); end varargout{1} = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetInputState', myhmd.handle, double(varargin{2})); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'HapticPulse') % Get and validate handle - fast path open coded: myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~((length(hmd) >= myhmd.handle) && (myhmd.handle > 0) && hmd{myhmd.handle}.open) error('PsychOculusVR1:HapticPulse: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end if length(varargin) < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) error('PsychOculusVR1:HapticPulse: Required ''controllerType'' argument missing.'); end varargout{1} = PsychOculusVRCore1('HapticPulse', myhmd.handle, double(varargin{2}), varargin{3:end}); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'TestVRBoundary') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('TestVRBoundary: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end [varargout{1}, varargout{2}, varargout{3}, varargout{4}] = PsychOculusVRCore1('TestVRBoundary', myhmd.handle, varargin{2:end}); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'TestVRBoundaryPoint') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('TestVRBoundaryPoint: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end [varargout{1}, varargout{2}, varargout{3}, varargout{4}] = PsychOculusVRCore1('TestVRBoundaryPoint', myhmd.handle, varargin{2:end}); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'VRAreaBoundary') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('VRAreaBoundary: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end [varargout{1}, varargout{2}, varargout{3}] = PsychOculusVRCore1('VRAreaBoundary', myhmd.handle, varargin{2:end}); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'FloatsProperty') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('FloatsProperty: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end varargout{1} = PsychOculusVRCore1('FloatsProperty', myhmd.handle, varargin{2:end}); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'StringProperty') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('StringProperty: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end varargout{1} = PsychOculusVRCore1('StringProperty', myhmd.handle, varargin{2:end}); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'RecenterTrackingOrigin') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~((length(hmd) >= myhmd.handle) && (myhmd.handle > 0) && hmd{myhmd.handle}.open) error('PsychOculusVR1:RecenterTrackingOrigin: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end varargout{1} = PsychOculusVRCore1('RecenterTrackingOrigin', myhmd.handle); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'TrackingOriginType') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~((length(hmd) >= myhmd.handle) && (myhmd.handle > 0) && hmd{myhmd.handle}.open) error('PsychOculusVR1:TrackingOriginType: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end varargout{1} = PsychOculusVRCore1('TrackingOriginType', myhmd.handle, varargin{2:end}); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetPerformanceStats') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~((length(hmd) >= myhmd.handle) && (myhmd.handle > 0) && hmd{myhmd.handle}.open) error('PsychOculusVR1:GetPerformanceStats: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end [varargout{1}, varargout{2}, varargout{3}, varargout{4}] = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetPerformanceStats', myhmd.handle); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'Supported') % Check if the Oculus VR runtime 1.x is supported and active on this % installation, so it can be used to open connections to real HMDs, % or at least to emulate a HMD for simple debugging purposes: try if IsWin(1) && exist('PsychOculusVRCore1', 'file') && PsychOculusVRCore1('GetCount') >= 0 varargout{1} = 1; else varargout{1} = 0; end catch varargout{1} = 0; end return; end % Autodetect first connected HMD and open a connection to it. Open a % emulated one, if none can be detected. Perform basic setup with % default configuration, create a proper PsychImaging task. if strcmpi(cmd, 'AutoSetupHMD') % Do we have basic runtime support? if ~PsychOculusVR1('Supported') % Nope: Game over. fprintf('PsychOculusVR1:AutoSetupHMD: Could not initialize Oculus V1 driver. Game over!\n'); % Return an empty handle to signal lack of VR HMD support to caller, % so caller can cope with it somehow: varargout{1} = []; return; end % Basic task this HMD should fulfill: if length(varargin) >= 1 && ~isempty(varargin{1}) basicTask = varargin{1}; else basicTask = 'Tracked3DVR'; end % Basic basicRequirements to choose: if length(varargin) >= 2 && ~isempty(varargin{2}) basicRequirements = varargin{2}; else basicRequirements = ''; end % Basic quality/performance tradeoff to choose: if length(varargin) >= 3 && ~isempty(varargin{3}) basicQuality = varargin{3}; else basicQuality = 0; end % HMD device selection: if length(varargin) >= 4 && ~isempty(varargin{4}) deviceIndex = varargin{4}; newhmd = PsychOculusVR1('Open', deviceIndex); else % Check if at least one Oculus HMD is connected and available: if PsychOculusVR1('GetCount') > 0 % Yes. Open and initialize connection to first detected HMD: fprintf('PsychOculusVR1: Opening the first connected Oculus VR headset.\n'); newhmd = PsychOculusVR1('Open', 0); else % TODO: HMD emulation under 1.x runtime possible? % No. Open an emulated/simulated HMD for basic testing and debugging: %fprintf('PsychOculusVR1: No Oculus HMD detected. Opening a simulated HMD.\n'); %newhmd = PsychOculusVR1('Open', -1); fprintf('PsychOculusVR1: No Oculus HMD detected. Game over.\n'); varargout{1} = []; return; end end % Trigger an automatic device close at onscreen window close for the HMD display window: PsychOculusVR1('SetAutoClose', newhmd, 1); % Setup default rendering parameters: PsychOculusVR1('SetupRenderingParameters', newhmd, basicTask, basicRequirements, basicQuality); % Add a PsychImaging task to use this HMD with the next opened onscreen window: PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'UseVRHMD', newhmd); % Return the device handle: varargout{1} = newhmd; % Ready. return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SetAutoClose') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('PsychOculusVR1:SetAutoClose: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end % Assign autoclose flag: hmd{myhmd.handle}.autoclose = varargin{2}; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SetHSWDisplayDismiss') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('PsychOculusVR1:SetHSWDisplay: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end % Method of dismissing HSW display: if length(varargin) < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) % Default is keyboard, mouse click, or HMD tap: hmd{myhmd.handle}.hswdismiss = 1 + 2 + 4; else hmd{myhmd.handle}.hswdismiss = varargin{2}; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SetHUDState') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('PsychOculusVR1:SetHUDState: Specified handle does not correspond to an open HMD!'); end % Method of dismissing HSW display: if length(varargin) < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) error('PsychOculusVR1:SetHUDState: Required mode argument missing!'); end PsychOculusVRCore1('SetHUDState', myhmd.handle, varargin{2}); return; end % Open a HMD: if strcmpi(cmd, 'Open') if isempty(firsttime) firsttime = 1; fprintf('Copyright (c) 2018 - 2023 Mario Kleiner. Licensed under the MIT license.\n'); fprintf('The underlying PsychOculusVRCore1 mex driver uses the Oculus SDK, which is\n'); fprintf('“Copyright © Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.”\n'); fprintf('A copy of the Oculus SDK license, its terms of use and thereby redistribution\n'); fprintf('terms for the PsychOculusVRCore1 mex file can be found in the PsychtoolboxRoot()\n'); fprintf('folder under:\n'); fprintf('Psychtoolbox/PsychHardware/PsychVRToolbox/LICENSE_OculusSDK1.txt\n\n\n'); end [handle, modelName, panelXRes, panelYRes, panelHz, controllerTypes] = PsychOculusVRCore1('Open', varargin{:}); newhmd.handle = handle; newhmd.driver = @PsychOculusVR1; newhmd.type = 'Oculus'; newhmd.subtype = 'Oculus-1'; = 1; newhmd.modelName = modelName; newhmd.separateEyePosesSupported = 0; newhmd.panelXRes = panelXRes; newhmd.panelYRes = panelYRes; newhmd.videoRefreshDuration = 1 / panelHz; newhmd.controllerTypes = controllerTypes; newhmd.VRControllersSupported = 1; newhmd.handTrackingSupported = 1; newhmd.hapticFeedbackSupported = 1; newhmd.eyeTrackingSupported = 0; % Default autoclose flag to "no autoclose": newhmd.autoclose = 0; % By default allow user to dismiss HSW display via key press, % mouse click, or HMD tap: newhmd.hswdismiss = 1 + 2 + 4; % Setup basic task/requirement/quality specs to "nothing": newhmd.basicQuality = 0; newhmd.basicTask = ''; newhmd.basicRequirements = ''; if isempty(OVR) % Define global OVR.XXX constants: OVR.ControllerType_LTouch = hex2dec('0001'); OVR.ControllerType_RTouch = hex2dec('0002'); OVR.ControllerType_Touch = OVR.ControllerType_LTouch + OVR.ControllerType_RTouch; OVR.ControllerType_Remote = hex2dec('0004'); OVR.ControllerType_XBox = hex2dec('0010'); OVR.ControllerType_Object0 = hex2dec('0100'); OVR.ControllerType_Object1 = hex2dec('0200'); OVR.ControllerType_Object2 = hex2dec('0400'); OVR.ControllerType_Object3 = hex2dec('0800'); OVR.ControllerType_Active = hex2dec('ffffffff'); OVR.Button_A = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000001')); OVR.Button_B = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000002')); OVR.Button_RThumb = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000004')); OVR.Button_RShoulder = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000008')); OVR.Button_X = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000100')); OVR.Button_Y = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000200')); OVR.Button_LThumb = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000400')); OVR.Button_LShoulder = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000800')); OVR.Button_Up = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00010000')); OVR.Button_Down = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00020000')); OVR.Button_Left = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00040000')); OVR.Button_Right = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00080000')); OVR.Button_Enter = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00100000')); OVR.Button_Back = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00200000')); OVR.Button_VolUp = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00400000')); OVR.Button_VolDown = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00800000')); OVR.Button_Home = 1 + log2(hex2dec('01000000')); OVR.Button_Private = [OVR.Button_VolUp, OVR.Button_VolDown, OVR.Button_Home]; OVR.Button_RMask = [OVR.Button_A, OVR.Button_B, OVR.Button_RThumb, OVR.Button_RShoulder]; OVR.Button_LMask = [OVR.Button_X, OVR.Button_Y, OVR.Button_LThumb, OVR.Button_LShoulder, OVR.Button_Enter]; OVR.Button_MicMute = 1 + log2(hex2dec('02000000')); % PTB extension, not in original OVR spec. OVR.Touch_A = OVR.Button_A; OVR.Touch_B = OVR.Button_B; OVR.Touch_RThumb = OVR.Button_RThumb; OVR.Touch_RThumbRest = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000008')); OVR.Touch_RIndexTrigger = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000010')); OVR.Touch_RButtonMask = [OVR.Touch_A, OVR.Touch_B, OVR.Touch_RThumb, OVR.Touch_RThumbRest, OVR.Touch_RIndexTrigger]; OVR.Touch_X = OVR.Button_X; OVR.Touch_Y = OVR.Button_Y; OVR.Touch_LThumb = OVR.Button_LThumb; OVR.Touch_LThumbRest = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000800')); OVR.Touch_LIndexTrigger = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00001000')); OVR.Touch_LButtonMask = [OVR.Touch_X, OVR.Touch_Y, OVR.Touch_LThumb, OVR.Touch_LThumbRest, OVR.Touch_LIndexTrigger]; OVR.Touch_RIndexPointing = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000020')); OVR.Touch_RThumbUp = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00000040')); OVR.Touch_LIndexPointing = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00002000')); OVR.Touch_LThumbUp = 1 + log2(hex2dec('00004000')); OVR.Touch_RPoseMask = [OVR.Touch_RIndexPointing, OVR.Touch_RThumbUp]; OVR.Touch_LPoseMask = [OVR.Touch_LIndexPointing, OVR.Touch_LThumbUp]; OVR.TrackedDevice_HMD = hex2dec('0001'); OVR.TrackedDevice_LTouch = hex2dec('0002'); OVR.TrackedDevice_RTouch = hex2dec('0004'); OVR.TrackedDevice_Touch = OVR.TrackedDevice_LTouch + OVR.TrackedDevice_RTouch; OVR.TrackedDevice_Object0 = hex2dec('0010'); OVR.TrackedDevice_Object1 = hex2dec('0020'); OVR.TrackedDevice_Object2 = hex2dec('0040'); OVR.TrackedDevice_Object3 = hex2dec('0080'); OVR.TrackedDevice_All = hex2dec('FFFF'); OVR.KEY_USER = 'User'; OVR.KEY_NAME = 'Name'; OVR.KEY_GENDER = 'Gender'; OVR.KEY_DEFAULT_GENDER = 'Unknown'; OVR.KEY_PLAYER_HEIGHT = 'PlayerHeight'; OVR.KEY_EYE_HEIGHT = 'EyeHeight'; OVR.KEY_NECK_TO_EYE_DISTANCE = 'NeckEyeDistance'; OVR.KEY_EYE_TO_NOSE_DISTANCE = 'EyeToNoseDist'; newhmd.OVR = OVR; evalin('caller','global OVR'); end % High precision (and potentially high overhead) timestamping by default: % TODO FIXME Use low precision timestamping to avoid one cause of hangs atm. newhmd.timestampHighPrecision = 0; % Store in internal array: hmd{handle} = newhmd; % Return device struct: varargout{1} = newhmd; varargout{2} = modelName; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'Controllers') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('Controllers: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end varargout{1} = myhmd.controllerTypes; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'IsOpen') myhmd = varargin{1}; if (length(hmd) >= myhmd.handle) && (myhmd.handle > 0) && hmd{myhmd.handle}.open varargout{1} = 1; else varargout{1} = 0; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetInfo') % Ok, cheap trick: We just return the passed in 'hmd' struct - the up to date % internal copy that is: if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', varargin{1}) error('GetInfo: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end myhmd = varargin{1}; varargout{1} = hmd{myhmd.handle}; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'Close') % We need to perform a wait for a second here, so the VR compositor does not % act up. Otherwise the whole HMD display will go through a "white flash" % animation for about half a second before the session terminates, which is % quite bright and irritating. Why? We don't know, maybe a OculusVR runtime bug? WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 1); if ~isempty(varargin) && ~isempty(varargin{1}) % Close a specific hmd device: myhmd = varargin{1}; % This function can be called with the raw index handle by % the autoclose code path. In that case, map index back into % full handle struct: if ~isstruct(myhmd) if length(hmd) >= myhmd myhmd = hmd{myhmd}; else return; end end if (length(hmd) >= myhmd.handle) && (myhmd.handle > 0) && hmd{myhmd.handle}.open PsychOculusVRCore1('Close', myhmd.handle); hmd{myhmd.handle}.open = 0; end else % Shutdown whole driver: PsychOculusVRCore1('Close'); hmd = []; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'IsHMDOutput') myhmd = varargin{1}; %#ok scanout = varargin{2}; % This does not make much sense on the OculusVR 1.0 version, as that runtime % only supports direct output mode, ie. an output completely separate from the % regular desktop and windowing system display space. But lets leave the legacy % code for the DK2 in place. % Is this a Rift DK2 panel? if (scanout.width == 1080) && (scanout.height == 1920) varargout{1} = 1; else varargout{1} = 0; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SetBasicQuality') myhmd = varargin{1}; handle = myhmd.handle; basicQuality = varargin{2}; basicQuality = min(max(basicQuality, 0), 1); hmd{handle}.basicQuality = basicQuality; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SetFastResponse') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('SetFastResponse: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end handle = myhmd.handle; % FastResponse has no meaningful implementation on the OculusVR 1.0 runtime, % so just return a constant old value of 1 for "fast response always enabled": varargout{1} = 1; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SetTimeWarp') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('SetTimeWarp: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end % SetTimeWarp determined use of GPU accelerated 2D texture sampling % warp on the Rift DK1/DK2 with old v0.5 SDK. On the 1.0 SDK we no % longer have any programmatic control over timewarping,so leave this % in place as dummy. % Return constant old setting of "TimeWarp always on": varargout{1} = 1; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SetLowPersistence') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('SetLowPersistence: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end % SetLowPersistence determined use of low persistence mode on the Rift DK2 with % the v0.5 SDK. We don't have control over this on the v1.0 runtime anymore. % Return constant old setting "Always low persistence": varargout{1} = 1; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetStaticRenderParameters') myhmd = varargin{1}; if ~PsychOculusVR1('IsOpen', myhmd) error('GetStaticRenderParameters: Passed in handle does not refer to a valid and open HMD.'); end % Retrieve projL and projR from driver: [varargout{1}, varargout{2}] = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetStaticRenderParameters', myhmd.handle, varargin{2:end}); % Get cached values of fovL and fovR, for compatibility with OpenXR driver: varargout{3} = deg2rad([-hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovL(1), hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovL(2), hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovL(3), -hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovL(4)]); varargout{4} = deg2rad([-hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovR(1), hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovR(2), hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovR(3), -hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovR(4)]); return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'SetupRenderingParameters') myhmd = varargin{1}; % Basic task this HMD should fulfill: if length(varargin) >= 2 && ~isempty(varargin{2}) basicTask = varargin{2}; else basicTask = 'Tracked3DVR'; end % Basic requirements to choose: if length(varargin) >= 3 && ~isempty(varargin{3}) basicRequirements = varargin{3}; else basicRequirements = ''; end % Basic quality/performance tradeoff to choose: if length(varargin) >= 4 && ~isempty(varargin{4}) basicQuality = varargin{4}; else basicQuality = 0; end hmd{myhmd.handle}.basicTask = basicTask; hmd{myhmd.handle}.basicRequirements = basicRequirements; PsychOculusVR1('SetBasicQuality', myhmd, basicQuality); % Get optimal client renderbuffer size - the size of our virtual framebuffer for left eye: [hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbwidth, hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbheight, hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovL] = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetFovTextureSize', myhmd.handle, 0, varargin{5:end}); % Get optimal client renderbuffer size - the size of our virtual framebuffer for right eye: [hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbwidth, hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbheight, hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovR] = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetFovTextureSize', myhmd.handle, 1, varargin{5:end}); % If the basic task is not a 3D VR rendering one (with or without HMD tracking), % and the special requirement 'PerEyeFOV' is not set, then assume usercode wants % to do pure 2D rendering (monocular, or stereoscopic), e.g., with the Screen() % 2D drawing commands, and doesn't set up per-eye projection and modelview matrices. % In this case we must use a field of view that is identical for both eyes, and % both vertically and horizontally symmetric, ie. no special treatment of the nose % facing field of view! Why? Because standard 2D mono/stereo drawing code doesn't % know about/can't use per eye view projection matrices, which are needed for proper % results for asymmetric per-eye FOV. It would cause weird shifts in display on the % HMD. This effect is almost imperceptible/negligible on the Rift DK1/DK2, but very % disturbing on the Rift CV1. if isempty(strfind(hmd{myhmd.handle}.basicTask, 'Tracked3DVR')) && ... isempty(strfind(hmd{myhmd.handle}.basicTask, '3DVR')) && ... isempty(strfind(hmd{myhmd.handle}.basicRequirements, 'PerEyeFOV')) % Need identical, symmetric FOV for both eyes. Build one that has the same % vertical FOV as proposed by the runtime, but horizontally uses the minimal % left/right FOV extension of both per-eye FOV's, so we get a symmetric FOV % identical for both eyes, guaranteed to lie within the view cone not occluded % by the nose of the user. fov(1) = min(hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovL(1), hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovR(1)); fov(2) = min(hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovL(2), hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovR(2)); fov(3) = min(hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovL(3), hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovR(3)); fov(4) = min(hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovL(4), hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovR(4)); % Recompute parameters based on override fov: [hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbwidth, hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbheight, hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovL] = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetFovTextureSize', myhmd.handle, 0, fov, varargin{6:end}); [hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbwidth, hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbheight, hmd{myhmd.handle}.fovR] = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetFovTextureSize', myhmd.handle, 1, fov, varargin{6:end}); end % No good way to find the supported maximum, and this driver is on its way % to retirement anyway, so set it to infinity and let nature run its course: hmd{myhmd.handle}.maxrbwidth = Inf; hmd{myhmd.handle}.maxrbheight = Inf; % Forced override size of framebuffer provided? rbOvrSize = strfind(basicRequirements, 'ForceSize='); if ~isempty(rbOvrSize) rbOvrSize = sscanf(basicRequirements(min(rbOvrSize):end), 'ForceSize=%ix%i'); if length(rbOvrSize) ~= 2 || ~isvector(rbOvrSize) || ~isreal(rbOvrSize) sca; error('SetupRenderingParameters(): Invalid ''ForceSize='' string in ''basicRequirements'' specified! Must be of the form ''ForceSize=widthxheight'' pixels.'); end % Clamp to valid range and assign: hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbwidth = max(1, min(ceil(rbOvrSize(1) * pixelsPerDisplay), hmd{myhmd.handle}.maxrbwidth)); hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbheight = max(1, min(ceil(rbOvrSize(2) * pixelsPerDisplay), hmd{myhmd.handle}.maxrbheight)); if hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbwidth ~= rbOvrSize(1) || hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbheight ~= rbOvrSize(2) warning('SetupRenderingParameters(): Had to clamp ''ForceSize=widthxheight'' requested pixelbuffer size to fit into valid range! Result may look funky.'); end end % Debug display of HMD output into onscreen window requested? if isempty(strfind(basicRequirements, 'DebugDisplay')) && isempty(oldShieldingLevel) % No. Set to be created onscreen window to be invisible: oldShieldingLevel = Screen('Preference', 'WindowShieldingLevel', -1); end % HUD display requested? if ~isempty(strfind(basicRequirements, 'HUD=')) % Yes. Set it: hudmodestring = basicRequirements(strfind(basicRequirements, 'HUD='):end); mode = sscanf(hudmodestring, 'HUD=%i'); PsychOculusVR1('SetHUDState', myhmd, mode); end % Use low precision timestamps if usercode requests them, because they can be % computed with much lower overhead: if ~isempty(strfind(basicRequirements, 'FastLowPrecisionTimestamps')) hmd{myhmd.handle}.timestampHighPrecision = 0; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetClientRenderingParameters') myhmd = varargin{1}; varargout{1} = [hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbwidth, hmd{myhmd.handle}.rbheight]; % We need fast backing store support for imaging pipeline with virtual framebuffers, % also output redirection for providing final output to us, instead of displaying % into the standard onscreen window. The OculusVR 1.x runtime generates its own % textures to be used as externally injected color buffer backing textures: imagingMode = mor(kPsychNeedFastBackingStore, kPsychNeedFinalizedFBOSinks, kPsychUseExternalSinkTextures); % Usercode wants a 16 bpc half-float rendering pipeline? if ~isempty(strfind(hmd{myhmd.handle}.basicRequirements, 'Float16Display')) % Request a 16 bpc float framebuffer from Psychtoolbox: imagingMode = mor(imagingMode, kPsychNeed16BPCFloat); else % Standard RGBA8 images: Use sRGB format for rendering/blending/compositing/display: imagingMode = mor(imagingMode, kPsychEnableSRGBRendering); end if ~strcmpi(hmd{myhmd.handle}.basicTask, 'Monoscopic') % We must use stereomode 12, so we get separate draw buffers for left and % right eye, and separate stream processing into our VR runtime provided % separate backing textures / texture swap chains per eye, with all internal % buffers at at least full VR compositor input resolution. stereoMode = 12; else % Monoscopic presentation will do: stereoMode = 0; end varargout{2} = imagingMode; varargout{3} = stereoMode; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetPanelFitterParameters') % We don't need custom PanelFitter task for the v1.0+ Oculus SDK/Runtime: varargout{1} = 0; return; end % [winRect, ovrfbOverrideRect, ovrSpecialFlags, ovrMultiSample, screenid] = PsychOculusVR1('OpenWindowSetup', hmd, screenid, winRect, ovrfbOverrideRect, ovrSpecialFlags, ovrMultiSample); if strcmpi(cmd, 'OpenWindowSetup') myhmd = varargin{1}; screenid = varargin{2}; winRect = varargin{3}; ovrfbOverrideRect = varargin{4}; ovrSpecialFlags = varargin{5}; if isempty(ovrSpecialFlags) ovrSpecialFlags = 0; end ovrMultiSample = varargin{6}; % The current design iteration requires the PTB parent onscreen windows % effective backbuffer (from the pov of the imaging pipeline) to have the % same size (width x height) as the renderbuffer for one eye, so enforce % that constraint by setting ovrfbOverrideRect accordingly. % Get required output buffer size: clientRes = myhmd.driver('GetClientRenderingParameters', myhmd); % Set as fbOverrideRect for window: ovrfbOverrideRect = [0, 0, clientRes(1), clientRes(2)]; fprintf('PsychOculusVR1-Info: Overriding onscreen window framebuffer size to %i x %i pixels for use with VR-HMD direct output mode.\n', ... clientRes(1), clientRes(2)); % As the onscreen window is not used for displaying on the HMD, but % either not at all, or just for debug output, make it a regular GUI % window, managed by the window manager, so user can easily get it out % of the way: ovrSpecialFlags = mor(ovrSpecialFlags, kPsychGUIWindow + kPsychGUIWindowWMPositioned); % Skip all visual timing sync tests and calibrations, as display timing % of the onscreen window doesn't matter, only the timing on the HMD direct % output matters - and that can't be measured by our standard procedures: Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 2); varargout{1} = winRect; varargout{2} = ovrfbOverrideRect; varargout{3} = ovrSpecialFlags; varargout{4} = ovrMultiSample; varargout{5} = screenid; return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'GetEyeShiftVector') myhmd = varargin{1}; if varargin{2} == 0 varargout{1} = hmd{myhmd.handle}.HmdToEyeViewOffsetLeft; varargout{2} = hmd{myhmd.handle}.eyeShiftMatrix{1}; else varargout{1} = hmd{myhmd.handle}.HmdToEyeViewOffsetRight; varargout{2} = hmd{myhmd.handle}.eyeShiftMatrix{2}; end return; end if strcmpi(cmd, 'PerformPostWindowOpenSetup') % Must have global GL constants: if isempty(GL) varargout{1} = 0; warning('PTB internal error in PsychOculusVR1: GL struct not initialized?!?'); return; end % Oculus device handle: myhmd = varargin{1}; handle = myhmd.handle; % Onscreen window handle: win = varargin{2}; winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', win); hmd{handle}.StereoMode = winfo.StereoMode; % Keep track of window handle of associated onscreen window: hmd{handle}.win = win; % Restore shielding level for new windows after "our" onscreen window is now open: if ~isempty(oldShieldingLevel) Screen('Preference', 'WindowShieldingLevel', oldShieldingLevel); oldShieldingLevel = []; end % Set override window parameters with pixel size (color depth) and refresh % interval in seconds as provided by the VR runtime: Screen('HookFunction', win, 'SetWindowBackendOverrides', [], 24, hmd{handle}.videoRefreshDuration); % Need to know user selected clearcolor: clearcolor = varargin{3}; % Compute effective size of per-eye input buffer for undistortion render. % The input buffers for undistortion are the finalizedDrawbufferFBO's, ie. % the final output buffers of Psychtoolbox imaging pipeline. % This means [inputWidth, inputHeight] == [rbwidth, rbheight]. hmd{handle}.inputWidth = hmd{handle}.rbwidth; hmd{handle}.inputHeight = hmd{handle}.rbheight; % Query undistortion parameters for left eye view: [hmd{handle}.rbwidth, hmd{handle}.rbheight, vx, vy, vw, vh, ptx, pty, hsx, hsy, hsz] = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetUndistortionParameters', handle, 0, hmd{handle}.inputWidth, hmd{handle}.inputHeight, hmd{handle}.fovL); hmd{handle}.viewportLeft = [vx, vy, vw, vh]; hmd{handle}.PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenterLeft = [ptx, pty]; hmd{handle}.HmdToEyeViewOffsetLeft = [hsx, hsy, hsz]; % Query parameters for right eye view: [hmd{handle}.rbwidth, hmd{handle}.rbheight, vx, vy, vw, vh, ptx, pty, hsx, hsy, hsz] = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetUndistortionParameters', handle, 1, hmd{handle}.inputWidth, hmd{handle}.inputHeight, hmd{handle}.fovR); hmd{handle}.viewportRight = [vx, vy, vw, vh]; hmd{handle}.PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenterRight = [ptx, pty]; hmd{handle}.HmdToEyeViewOffsetRight = [hsx, hsy, hsz]; % Convert head to eye shift vectors into 4x4 matrices, as we'll need % them frequently: EyeT = diag([1 1 1 1]); EyeT(1:3, 4) = hmd{handle}.HmdToEyeViewOffsetLeft'; hmd{handle}.eyeShiftMatrix{1} = EyeT; EyeT = diag([1 1 1 1]); EyeT(1:3, 4) = hmd{handle}.HmdToEyeViewOffsetRight'; hmd{handle}.eyeShiftMatrix{2} = EyeT; % Create texture swap chains to provide textures to be used for % frame submission to the VR compositor: if ~isempty(strfind(hmd{myhmd.handle}.basicRequirements, 'Float16Display')) % Linear RGBA16F half-float textures as target framebuffers: floatFlag = 1; else % sRGB RGBA8 textures as target framebuffers: floatFlag = 0; end % Left eye / mono chain: [width, height, numTextures] = PsychOculusVRCore1('CreateRenderTextureChain', hmd{handle}.handle, 0, hmd{handle}.inputWidth, hmd{handle}.inputHeight, floatFlag); % Create 2nd chain for right eye in stereo mode: if winfo.StereoMode > 0 if winfo.StereoMode ~=12 sca; error('Invalid Screen() StereoMode in use for OculusVR HMD! Must be 12 or 0.'); end [width, height, numTextures] = PsychOculusVRCore1('CreateRenderTextureChain', hmd{handle}.handle, 1, hmd{handle}.inputWidth, hmd{handle}.inputHeight, floatFlag); end % Query currently bound finalizedFBO backing textures, to keep them around as % backups for restoration when closing down the session: [hmd{handle}.oldglLeftTex, hmd{handle}.oldglRightTex, textarget, texformat, texmultisample, texwidth, texheight] = Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'GetDisplayBufferTextures'); if (textarget ~= GL.TEXTURE_2D) || (texformat ~= GL.RGBA8 && texformat ~= GL.RGBA16F) || (texmultisample ~= 0) sca; error('Invalid Screen() backing textures required. Non-matching texture target, format or multisample setting.'); end if (texwidth ~= width) || (texheight ~= height) sca; error('Invalid Screen() backing textures required. Non-matching width x height.'); end if hmd{handle}.oldglRightTex == 0 hmd{handle}.oldglRightTex = []; end % Get and clear all backing textures from the VR compositor: clearvalues = ones(4, texwidth, texheight, 'single'); for i=1:numTextures % Get backing textures provided by the textures swap chains of the OculusVR compositor % and clear them to black color by zero-filling: texLeft = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetNextTextureHandle', hmd{handle}.handle, 0); glBindTexture(textarget, texLeft); glTexSubImage2D(textarget, 0, 0, 0, texwidth, texheight, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, clearvalues); if winfo.StereoMode > 0 texRight = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetNextTextureHandle', hmd{handle}.handle, 1); glBindTexture(textarget, texRight); glTexSubImage2D(textarget, 0, 0, 0, texwidth, texheight, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, clearvalues); else texRight = []; end glBindTexture(textarget, 0); % Execute VR Present: Submit just unbound textures, start render/warp/presentation % on HMD at next possible point in time: PsychOculusVRCore1('EndFrameRender', hmd{handle}.handle, 0); PsychOculusVRCore1('PresentFrame', hmd{handle}.handle, 0, -1); end clear clearvalues; if ~isempty(strfind(hmd{myhmd.handle}.basicTask, 'Tracked3DVR')) % 3D head tracked VR rendering task: Start tracking as a convenience: PsychOculusVRCore1('Start', handle); else % No 3D head tracked closed-loop mode: Kick off the presenter thread via % this 'Start' -> 'Stop' sequence: PsychOculusVRCore1('Start', handle); PsychOculusVRCore1('Stop', handle); end Screen('GetWindowInfo', win); % Get first textures for actual use in PTB's imaging pipeline: texLeft = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetNextTextureHandle', hmd{handle}.handle, 0); if hmd{handle}.StereoMode > 0 texRight = PsychOculusVRCore1('GetNextTextureHandle', hmd{handle}.handle, 1); else texRight = []; end % Assign them to Screen(): Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'SetDisplayBufferTextures', '', texLeft, texRight); % Go back to user requested clear color, now that all our buffers % are cleared to black: Screen('FillRect', win, clearcolor); % Store true size of onscreen window as mirrorWidth x mirrorHeight: winGRect = Screen('GlobalRect', win); hmd{handle}.mirrorWidth = RectWidth(winGRect); hmd{handle}.mirrorHeight = RectHeight(winGRect); % Debug display of HMD output into onscreen window requested? if ~isempty(strfind(hmd{handle}.basicRequirements, 'DebugDisplay')) % Yes. Create OpenGL mirror texture which receives VR compositor images: hmd{handle}.mirrorTexture = PsychOculusVRCore1('CreateMirrorTexture', hmd{handle}.handle, hmd{handle}.panelXRes, hmd{handle}.panelYRes); else hmd{handle}.mirrorTexture = 0; end % Need to call the PsychOculusVR1(0) callback at each Screen('Flip') to get the % imaging pipelines post-processed final output frames for left/right eye and commit % them to the VR-Compositors texture swap-chain(s), then setting up new target textures % as buffers for next cycle. This happens at the end of preflip operations, as part of % the implicit 'DrawingFinished': cmdString = sprintf('PsychOculusVR1(0, %i, IMAGINGPIPE_FLIPTWHEN, IMAGINGPIPE_FLIPVBLSYNCLEVEL);', handle); if winfo.StereoMode > 0 % In stereo mode we also need to detach the left eye texture as commit prep: %detachCmd = 'glFramebufferTexture2D(36160, 36064, 3553, 0, 0);'; %Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'AppendMFunction', 'LeftFinalizerBlitChain', 'OculusVR left texture detach Operation', detachCmd); %Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'Enable', 'LeftFinalizerBlitChain'); % In stereo mode, use right finalizer chain for right texture detach and both textures commit, as it executes last: Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'AppendMFunction', 'RightFinalizerBlitChain', 'OculusVR Stereo commit Operation', cmdString); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'Enable', 'RightFinalizerBlitChain'); else % In mono mode, use left finalizer chain for texture detach and commit, as it executes only - and therefore last: Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'AppendMFunction', 'LeftFinalizerBlitChain', 'OculusVR Mono commit Operation', cmdString); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'Enable', 'LeftFinalizerBlitChain'); end % Need to call the PsychOculusVR1(1) callback at each Screen('Flip') to submit the % output frames to the VR-Compositor for presentation on the HMD asap. This gets % called immediately before an OpenGL bufferswap (if any) + timestamping + validation % will happen, iow. at t >= tWhen for Screen('Flip', win, tWhen); % It is supposed to block until image presentation on the HMD has happened, and to % inject proper Present timestamps for 'Flip': % TODO FIXME: Nope, change of strategy: We set the kPsychSkipWaitForFlipOnce flag in % 'EndFrameRender', so PreSwapbuffersOperations does not wait until tWhen, but executes % immediately. We pass in the tWhen timestamp to this fast-path callback, which will pass % it on to 'PresentFrame', and then it is the job of the PsychOculusVRCore1 drivers thread % to wait until the right moment to submit the new frame to the VR compositor. This allows % to use a single-threaded presentation model, where the single thread busy-waits until the % right point in time. We retain the ability to 'Flip' as fast as possible for closed-loop % tracked VR presentation, and the ability to do timed open-loop presentation with 'tWhen' % target times, and avoid all the multi-threading misery the Oculus runtime brings to us. % Downside is the inability to avoid the sandclock warning if usercode truly does not execute % any Flip's for more than a second, but this has to do as a stepping stone for now: cmdString = sprintf('PsychOculusVR1(1, %i, IMAGINGPIPE_FLIPTWHEN);', handle); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'AppendMFunction', 'PreSwapbuffersOperations', 'OculusVR Present Operation', cmdString); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'Enable', 'PreSwapbuffersOperations'); % Attach shutdown procedure on onscreen window close: cmdString = sprintf('PsychOculusVR1(2, %i);', handle); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'PrependMFunction', 'CloseOnscreenWindowPreGLShutdown', 'OculusVR cleanup', cmdString); Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'Enable', 'CloseOnscreenWindowPreGLShutdown'); % Does usercode request auto-closing the HMD or driver when the onscreen window is closed? if hmd{handle}.autoclose > 0 % Attach a window close callback for Device teardown at window close time: if hmd{handle}.autoclose == 2 % Shutdown driver completely: Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'AppendMFunction', 'CloseOnscreenWindowPreGLShutdown', 'Shutdown window callback into PsychOculusVR1 driver.', 'PsychOculusVR1(''Close'');'); else % Only close this HMD: Screen('Hookfunction', win, 'PrependMFunction', 'CloseOnscreenWindowPreGLShutdown', 'Shutdown window callback into PsychOculusVR1 driver.', sprintf('PsychOculusVR1(''Close'', %i);', handle)); end Screen('HookFunction', win, 'Enable', 'CloseOnscreenWindowPreGLShutdown'); end % Return success result code 1: varargout{1} = 1; return; end % Dummy implementation for compatibility with other drivers: if strcmpi(cmd, 'View2DParameters') varargout{1} = [NaN, NaN, NaN]; varargout{2} = [NaN, NaN]; varargout{3} = [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN]; return; end % 'cmd' so far not dispatched? Let's assume it is a command % meant for PsychOculusVRCore1: if (length(varargin) >= 1) && isstruct(varargin{1}) myhmd = varargin{1}; handle = myhmd.handle; [ varargout{1:nargout} ] = PsychOculusVRCore1(cmd, handle, varargin{2:end}); else [ varargout{1:nargout} ] = PsychOculusVRCore1(cmd, varargin{:}); end return; end