function varargout = PsychHID(varargin) %#ok % % returnValues=PsychHID(subcommand, arg1 [,arg2] ...) % % PsychHID is a MEX file that communicates with any USB device that is % HID-compliant. The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is quite popular, and there % are many USB devices that conform to the Human Interface Device (HID) % class. Typical HID devices are keyboards, mice and joysticks. That is % what the HID class was designed for, but manufacturers of more exotic % input and output devices, including audio breakout boxes and data % acquisition devices, have also opted to be HID-compliant. % % PsychHID also supports certain low-level operations on USB devices which are not % HID-compliant. Currently synchronous USB control transfers, interrupt transfers, % and bulk transfers are supported. PsychHID uses libusb-1.0 for these operations. % Abilities and limitations of low-level access, and various required setup steps % to enable low-level access to specific USB devices, vary by operating system, % available operating system or 3rd party (device manufacturer) device drivers, % and the specific type and capabilities of USB devices. In general, things should % work nicely on Linux if a suitable udev.rules file is installed for your device. % Things should work on macOS if neither macOS itself nor 3rd parties (e.g., the % device manufacturer of your USB device) have a kernel driver attached to your % device for exclusive use. In case of attached kernel drivers, only various painful % measures and hacks will make it maybe possible to access the device. See the % libusb FAQ here: % % % % On MS-Windows, abilities depend on specific type of device. Some will work plug % and play out of the box without limitations, others will have limitations and/or % require installation of dedicated kernel drivers. E.g., USB-HID devices which are % accessed by the libusb HID backend can not support USB control transfers as of % libusb version 1.0.26. See these FAQ's for setup info: % % % % % NOT RESPONDING? If PsychHID is not responding, try quitting and % restarting MATLAB. We find that this reliably restores normal % communication. % % % Additional software requirements: % % PsychHID uses the free/open-source libusb-1.0 library ( % as a backend for low-level device control. libusb is licensed under % LGPLv2+ license. PsychHID also uses the BSD licensed HIDAPI library % ( as backend for USB-HID access. % % On Linux and Windows, not all PsychHID subfunctions are implemented, as % certain functionality can be handled in a better or different way on % those systems. USB-HID low-level access, and USB low-level access is % implemented though. % % Linux: libusb-1 is part of a standard operating system installation, so % nothing to do for you. % % macOS: You must manually install the libusb-1.0.dylib library on your % system to use PsychHID for low-level USB access and communication, e.g., % for synchronous USB control transfers, bulk- and interrupt transfers. % % One good source of libusb-1.0.dylib is the HomeBrew package manager from % After setting up HomeBrew you can install libusb-1 via: % % brew install libusb % % MS-Windows: PsychHID will use a working version of libusb-1.0.dll which is % contained in the Psychtoolbox/PsychContributed/x64 folder. This library is % only infrequently updated by us. More recent versions of the library may be % downloaded from the official project website: % -> Download link, or Git repository releases section... % % % % HELP: Like Screen, PsychHID has built-in help. For a list of PsychHID % subcommands enter "PsychHID" at the MATLAB command line: % % >> PsychHID % Usage: % numberOfDevices=PsychHID('NumDevices') % numberOfElements=PsychHID('NumElements',deviceNumber) % numberOfCollections=PsychHID('NumCollections',deviceNumber) % devices=PsychHID('Devices') % elements=PsychHID('Elements',deviceNumber) % collections=PsychHID('Collections',deviceNumber) % elementState=PsychHID('RawState',deviceNumber,elementNumber) % elementState=PsychHID('CalibratedState',deviceNumber,elementNumber) % [keyIsDown,secs,keyCode]=PsychHID('KbCheck',[deviceNumber]) % [report,err]=PsychHID('GetReport',deviceNumber,reportType,reportID,reportBytes) % err=PsychHID('SetReport',deviceNumber,reportType,reportID,report) % usbHandle = PsychHID('OpenUSBDevice', vendorID, deviceID [, configurationId=0]) % PsychHID('CloseUSBDevice' [, usbHandle]) % PsychHID('USBClaimInterface', usbHandle, interfaceId) % [recData, count] = PsychHID('USBControlTransfer', usbHandle, bmRequestType, bRequest, wValue, wIndex, wLength [, outData][, timeOutMSecs=10000]) % [countOrRecData] = PsychHID('USBBulkTransfer', usbHandle, endPoint, length [, outData][, timeOutMSecs=10000]) % [countOrRecData] = PsychHID('USBInterruptTransfer', usbHandle, endPoint, length [, outData][, timeOutMSecs=10000]) % % For help on a specific PsychHID subcommand, call PsychHID with the % subcommand suffixed with a question mark, for example: % % >> PsychHID NumDevices? % Usage: % numberOfDevices=PsychHID('NumDevices') % Return the the number of USB HID devices connected to your computer. % % History: % % In the OS9 and Win Psychtoolbox, most functions that accepted user input % were implemented as device-specific mex files. In Psychtoolbox-3 they are % M files that all call PsychHID, just one MEX for the many kinds of input % device. For example, Gamepad (formerly named "Joystick") and KbCheck are % M functions that call PsychHID. For user programs, it is easier to call % these special-purpose functions (with self-documenting names), which call % PsychHID, than to call PsychHID directly. PsychHID is more general, but % also more complicated. However, if you acquire a novel input/output % device that is HID-compliant, you can access it through PsychHID. % PsychHID can distinguish between multiple devices of the same type by % their serialNumber or locationID. % % More technical background infos: % % PsychHID on macOS links against Apples HID Utilities library. For information on % how to program HID devices on OS X in C or Objective C see the HID % utilities project, its companion project, HID Explorer and related: % % % % _________________________________________________________________________ % % See also: DaqTest, KbCheck, Gamepad, PsychHardware. AssertMex('PsychHID.m');