% Psychtoolbox:PsychHardware:PsychGamepad. % % help Psychtoolbox % For an overview, triple-click me & hit enter. % % Gamepad - Read any USB game controller % AxisCenter - Return a constant for the axis center position, 0. % AxisDown - Return a constant for the axis in the extreme down position, 32767. % AxisLeft - Return the value for axis in extreme left position, -32768. % AxisMax - Returns the maximum value for an axis, 32767. % AxisMin - Returns the minimum value for an axis, -32768. % AxisRight - Returns the value for an axis in the extreme right position, 32767 % AxisUp - Returns a constant for the axis in the extreme up position, -32768 % HatCenter - Return a constant for hat center position. % HatUp - Return a constant for hat up position. % HatRight - Return a constant for hat right position. % HatDown - Return a constant for hat down position. % HatLeft - Return a constant for hat left position % HatRightUp - Return a constant for hat right and up position % HatRightDown - Return a constant for hat right and down position % HatLeftUp - Return a constant for hat left and up position % HatLeftDown - Return a constant for the hat left and down position