function spd = PR655parsespdstr(readStr, S) % spd = PR655parsespdstr(readStr,S) % % Parse the spectral power distribution string % returned by the PR655. % % 01/16/09 tbc Adapted from PR650Toolbox for use with PR655 % if nargin < 2 || isempty(S) S = [380 5 81]; end start = findstr(readStr,'380,'); for k= 1:101 %fprintf('k: %d, bi: %d, ed: %d\n', k, start+6+17*(k-1), start+6+9+17*(k-1)); spd(k) = str2num(readStr(start+4+16*(k-1):start+4+9+16*(k-1))); end % Convert to our units standard. spd = 4 * spd'; % Spline to desired wavelength sampling. spd = SplineSpd([380 4 101], spd, S); return