function retval = PR655init(portNumber) % retval = PR655init(portNumber, [enableHandshaking]) % % Initialize serial port for talking to colorimeter. % Returns whatever character is sent by colorimeter % % Per PhotoResearch, handshaking is disabled. % % 11/26/07 mpr added timeout if nothing is returned within 10 seconds. % 01/16/09 tbc Adapted from PR650Toolbox for use with PR655 % % It seems the iterative CMCheckInit method of initialization is not % necessary with the PR655, so one run of this seems to do the trick. % "usbmodem*" seems to cover every instance I've run into. Not sure about % the prevalance of using usbmodem as a generic identifier, but if you can % afford the PR655, you're probably on some more respectable form of internet % connection. -TBC % global g_serialPort; if nargin == 0 % This seems to be the default name on OS/X. We don't know about other % operating systems defaults: portNumber = FindSerialPort('usbmodem', 1); end % Only open if we haven't already. if isempty(g_serialPort) % IOPort has above port settings 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, % 1 stopbit, no handshake (aka FlowControl=none) already as % built-in defaults, so no need to pass them: oldverbo = IOPort('Verbosity', 2); if IsOSX % Must flush on write, ie., not don't flush on write, at least with PR655 % on OSX 10.10, as reported in forum message #19808 for more reliable % connections: g_serialPort = IOPort('OpenSerialPort', portNumber, 'Lenient DontFlushOnWrite=0'); else % On at least Linux (status on Windows is unknown atm.), we must not flush % on write - the opposite of OSX behaviour (see forum msg thread #15565): g_serialPort = IOPort('OpenSerialPort', portNumber, 'Lenient DontFlushOnWrite=1'); end IOPort('Verbosity', oldverbo); end % Put in Remote Mode --No [CR] after 'PHOTO' rm = 'PHOTO'; for i = 1:5 IOPort('write', g_serialPort, rm(i)); end StartTime = GetSecs; retval = []; while isempty(retval) && GetSecs-StartTime < 10 retval = PR655read; end return;