function [status, errormsg] = NetStation(varargin) % % NetStation - Basic control of the EGI/NetStation EEG recording system via % TCP/IP network connection. (See % % This function was developed and contributed to Psychtoolbox by Gergely Csibra, 2006-2008. % Code is based on Rick Gilmore's routines, 2005. Thanks! % Code adapted to PCs (and Macs with Intel architecture) by Zhao Fan, 2008. % % % General syntax % % [status, errormsg] = NetStation('command', ...) % % if status == 0, the command has been succesfully executed % otherwise see string "errormsg" for error message % % Commands % % NetStation('Connect', host [, port]) % % Establishes TCP/IP connection to the NetStation host computer. % "host" is the hostname as a string (e.g., '' or '') % "port" is the ethernet port to be used. Default is 55513. % % NetStation('Disconnect') % % Disconnects from NetStation host. % % NetStation('Synchronize' [, SynchLimit]) % % Synchronize to the connected host. "SynchLimit" could specify the maximum allowed difference % IN MILLISECONDS. Default is 2.5 ms. % % NetStation( 'GetNTPSynchronize', ntpserver ) % % Synchronize to the amps built-in NTP server using EGI N-type % synchronization (eci_NTPClockSynch method). So far only tested % for 400 series amps with NetStation 5.3 and Psychtoolbox on % Linux! ntpserver is the amp ip, e.g. ''. % % NTP synchronization might possibly also work for 300 series % amps (using the NetStation PC as NTP server) and other % NetStation versions and OS. Please report on the Psychtoolbox % mailing list if you could test other versions (EGI photodiode % and AV tester box required). % % Note that Psychtoolbox client time is NOT required to be % adjusted to NTP server time. Rather current NTP server (i.e. % amp) time is queried at event time (using the GetNTP client). % Possible delays between event and NTP request times and network % delays are accounted for. NTP synchronization is expected to be % considerably more accurate than regular synchronization on % quiet local networks. % % NetStation('StartRecording') % % Instructs NetStation to start recording. % % NetStation('StopRecording') % % Instructs NetStation to stop recording. % % NetStation('Event' [,code] [,starttime] [,duration] [,keycode1] [,keyvalue1] [...]) % NetStation('EventNoAck' [,code] [,starttime] [,duration] [,keycode1] [,keyvalue1] [...]) % % Send an event to the NetStation host. The 'EventNoAck' variant doesn't % wait for acknowledgement of reception of the event, whereas the 'Event' % version does. Note that the 'EventNoAck' command is included for % completeness. It is not a good practice to skip waiting for % acknowledgements. If time is an important factor, Event commands can be sent % at a later opportunity within a session (e.g., in blocks at the end % of experiments). % % "code" The 4-char event code (e.g., 'STIM') % Default: 'EVEN' % "starttime" The time IN SECONDS when the event started. The VBL time % returned by Screen('Flip') can be passed here as a parameter. % Default: current time. % "duration" The duration of the event IN SECONDS. % Default: 0.001. % "keycode" The 4-char code of a key (e.g., 'tria'). % "keyvalue" The value of the key (any number or string) % The keycode-keyvalue pairs can be repeated arbitrary times. % % NetStation('FlushReadbuffer'); % % Flushes the read buffer. % % Uses a modified version of the TCP/UDP/IP Toolbox 2.0.5, a third party GPL'ed % open source toolbox, which is included in Psychtoolbox, % but also available from the Mathworks website: % % % The toolbox has been modified for lower communication latency. % % Created by Gergely Csibra, 2006-2008 % Based on Rick Gilmore's routines, 2005 % Adapted to PC by Zhao Fan, 2008 % This function was modified by Matt Mollison to accommodate sending more than just int16s to Net Station % Improved by Justin Ales 2014. % Consolidated by Gergely Csibra, 2015 % Improved by Justin Ales 2017. % GetNTPSynchronize added by Andreas Widmann, 2017 %% persistent NSIDENTIFIER; persistent NSSTATUS; persistent NSRECORDING; persistent SYNCHEPOCH; %This is to fix the bug that large epochs (like unix) overflows the int32 value --JMA persistent NTPSOCK GETNTPSYNCED NTPLOG; DefaultSynchLimit = 2.5; % The accuracy of synchronization in milliseconds if nargin < 1 if(isempty(NSSTATUS)) status = -1; else status = NSSTATUS; end else switch lower(varargin{1}) case 'connect' if(nargin < 2) status = 2; else NetStationPCHostName = varargin{2}; if (~isempty(NSIDENTIFIER)) && (NSIDENTIFIER > 0) send(NSIDENTIFIER,'X'); rep = receive(NSIDENTIFIER,1); pnet( NSIDENTIFIER, 'close' ); NSIDENTIFIER = 0; end port=55513; if nargin > 2 port = varargin{3}; end c = pnet( 'tcpconnect', NetStationPCHostName, port ); if(c < 0) status = 3; else NSIDENTIFIER = c; NSRECORDING = 0; send(NSIDENTIFIER,'QMAC-'); rep = receive(NSIDENTIFIER,1); switch char(rep) case 'F' status = 4; case 'I' vers = receive(NSIDENTIFIER,1); if(int8(vers) ~= 1) status = 5; else status = 0; end end if status ~= 0 pnet( NSIDENTIFIER, 'close' ); NSIDENTIFIER = 0; end SYNCHEPOCH = 0; GETNTPSYNCED = 0; end end case 'disconnect' if isempty(NSIDENTIFIER) || (NSIDENTIFIER < 0) status = 1; else if NSRECORDING WaitSecs(.5); send(NSIDENTIFIER,'E'); rep=receive(NSIDENTIFIER,1); NSRECORDING = 0; end WaitSecs(1.); send( NSIDENTIFIER,'X'); rep=receive(NSIDENTIFIER,1); WaitSecs(.5); pnet( NSIDENTIFIER, 'close' ); if ~isempty( NTPSOCK ) GetNTP( 'close', NTPSOCK ); NTPSOCK = []; end NSIDENTIFIER = -1; status = 0; end case 'synchronize' if isempty(NSIDENTIFIER) || (NSIDENTIFIER < 0) status = 1; else NSSynchLimit = DefaultSynchLimit; SYNCHEPOCH = GetSecs(); if nargin > 1 NSSynchLimit = varargin{2}; end if NSSynchLimit < .5 || NSSynchLimit > 50, NSSynchLimit = DefaultSynchLimit; end df = 10000; n = 1; while df > NSSynchLimit && n < 100 send(NSIDENTIFIER,'A'); receive(NSIDENTIFIER,1); now = GetSecs()-SYNCHEPOCH; send(NSIDENTIFIER,'T',int32(now*1000)); receive(NSIDENTIFIER,1); ack = GetSecs()-SYNCHEPOCH; df = 1000*(ack-now); status = 0; n = n + 1; end if n >= 100 warning('\nNetStationPC synchronization did not succeed within %.1f ms\nSynchronizatoin accuracy is %.1f ms\n',NSSynchLimit,df); end GETNTPSYNCED = 0; end case 'getntpsynchronize' if isempty(NSIDENTIFIER) || (NSIDENTIFIER < 0) status = 1; else % Open UDP socket for NTP server connection if isempty( NTPSOCK ) if nargin < 2 || isempty( varargin { 2 } ) error( 'NetStation-ERROR: NTP server host name required.' ); end NTPSOCK = GetNTP( 'open', varargin{ 2 } ); end % Get initial drift estimate NTPLOG = []; fprintf( 'NetStation-INFO: Estimating drift...\n' ); for iQuery = 1:5 Ntp = GetNTP( 'read', NTPSOCK ); NTPLOG( end + 1, : ) = [ Ntp.timestamps( 1:2 ) Ntp.delay ]; %#ok WaitSecs( 1 ); end send( NSIDENTIFIER, 'A' ); % Attention! receive( NSIDENTIFIER, 1 ); % Return byte Ntp = GetNTP( 'read', NTPSOCK ); % Use current NTP timestamp for synchronization. Actually arbitrary sendTimestamp( 1 ) = floor( Ntp.timestamps(2) ); % Important! Send 0 for fractions of seconds. With NetStation 5.3 drifts % and offsets are observed otherwise (presumably due to improper handling % of the fractions of seconds part) sendTimestamp( 2 ) = 0; pnet( NSIDENTIFIER, 'write', 'N'); pnet( NSIDENTIFIER, 'write', uint32( sendTimestamp( 1 ) ), 'network' ); pnet( NSIDENTIFIER, 'write', uint32( sendTimestamp( 2 ) ), 'network' ); rep = receive( NSIDENTIFIER, 1 ); if strcmp( 'Z', rep ) fprintf( 'NetStation-INFO: GetNTP synchronization successful. Synchronization timestamp is UTC %s.\n', datestr( datenum( [ 1900 1 1 0 0 sendTimestamp( 1 ) ] ), 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF' ) ); else error( 'NetStation-ERROR: GetNTP synchronization failed. NetStation acquisition ON?!' ); end SYNCHEPOCH = sendTimestamp( 1 ); GETNTPSYNCED = 1; status = 0; end case 'startrecording' if isempty(NSIDENTIFIER) || (NSIDENTIFIER < 0) status = 1; else if ~NSRECORDING send(NSIDENTIFIER,'B'); rep = receive(NSIDENTIFIER,1); NSRECORDING = 1; end status=0; end case 'stoprecording' if isempty(NSIDENTIFIER) || (NSIDENTIFIER < 0) status = 1; else if NSRECORDING WaitSecs(.5); send(NSIDENTIFIER,'E'); rep = receive(NSIDENTIFIER,1); NSRECORDING=0; end status = 0; end case { 'event' 'eventnoack' } if isempty(NSIDENTIFIER) || (NSIDENTIFIER < 0) status = 1; else if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{2}) event = 'EVEN'; else event = [char(varargin{2}) ' ']; end if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{3}) start = GetSecs(); else start = varargin{3}; end if GETNTPSYNCED Ntp = GetNTP( 'read', NTPSOCK ); DELAY_THRESH = 0.002; DELAY_COUNT_THRESH = 5; DELAY_COUNT = 0; while Ntp.delay > DELAY_THRESH && DELAY_COUNT < DELAY_COUNT_THRESH Ntp = GetNTP( 'read', NTPSOCK ); DELAY_COUNT = DELAY_COUNT + 1; end if DELAY_COUNT >= DELAY_COUNT_THRESH warning( 'Reduced event timestamp precision due to network delay.' ); end NTPLOG( end + 1, : ) = [ Ntp.timestamps( 1:2 ) Ntp.delay ]; % Keep at max. 50 timestamps to compensate clock wander if size( NTPLOG, 1 ) > 50 NTPLOG( 1:end - 50, : ) = []; end x = linreg( ( NTPLOG( :, 2 ) - NTPLOG( :, 3 ) / 2 )', NTPLOG( :, 1 )' ); % NTP server receive timestamp - half delay - drift corrected delta start = Ntp.timestamps( 2 ) - Ntp.delay / 2 - x( 2 ) * ( Ntp.timestamps( 1 ) - start ) - SYNCHEPOCH; else start = start - SYNCHEPOCH; end if nargin < 4 || isempty(varargin{4}) duration=.001; else duration=varargin{4}; end if isnumeric(duration) if duration > 3600 duration=.001; end else duration = .001; end %IF there's only a key and no value return % error message if ( nargin>4 && mod(nargin,2)) status = 8; errormsg=nserr(status); return end if nargin > 4 keyn = floor((nargin - 4) / 2); else keyn = 0; end keylength = 0; realkeyn = 0; for k = 1:keyn len = keycodedata(varargin{k*2+4}); if len > 0 keylength = keylength + len + 10; realkeyn = realkeyn + 1; end end send(NSIDENTIFIER,'D',uint16(15+keylength),int32(start*1000),uint32(duration*1000),event(1:4),int16(0),uint8(realkeyn)); for k = 1 : keyn id = [char(varargin{(k-1)*2+5}) ' ']; [len, code, val] = keycodedata(varargin{k*2+4}); if len > 0 send(NSIDENTIFIER,id(1:4),code,uint16(len),val); end end if strcmpi(varargin{1},'event') rep = receive(NSIDENTIFIER,1); end status=0; end case 'flushreadbuffer' data='1'; bufferCount=0; while ~isempty(data), data=pnet(NSIDENTIFIER,'read',1 ,'char',[],[],'noblock'); bufferCount = bufferCount+1; end; status = 0; otherwise status = 7; end end errormsg=nserr(status); end function send(con,varargin) i=1; while i <= nargin-1 % pnet(con,'write',varargin{i},'native'); % original pnet(con,'write',varargin{i},'network'); i = i+1; end end function rep=receive(con,len) rep=pnet(con,'read',len,'char'); end function errstr=nserr(status) switch status case -1 errstr='NetStation has not been initialized'; case 0 errstr='No error'; case 1 errstr='NetStation host not connected'; case 2 errstr='NS connect: NetStation host name must be specified'; case 3 errstr='NS connect: Unable to connect to host'; case 4 errstr='NS connect: ECI error'; case 5 errstr='NS connect: Unknown ECI version'; case 6 errstr='NS event: Unsuccesful'; case 7 errstr='Unknown NetStation command'; case 8 errstr='Incorrect event calling parameters'; otherwise errstr='NS unknown error'; end end function [len, code, val] = keycodedata(data) len = 0; d = data(1); switch class(d) case 'logical' val = int8(0); if(d) val = int8(1); end code = 'bool'; len = 1; case {'int8' 'uint8' 'int16' } val = int16(d); code = 'shor'; len = 2; case {'uint16' 'int32' } val = int32(d); code = 'long'; len = 4; case 'single' val = single(d); code = 'sing'; len = 4; case {'double' 'uint32' 'int64' 'uint64'} val = double(d); code = 'doub'; len = 8; case 'char' val = data(1:numel(data)); code = 'TEXT'; len = length(val); end end function x = linreg( B, A ) m_A = mean( A ); % Very large numbers involved; center to improve precision m_B = mean( B ); x = ( B - m_B ) / [ ones( 1, length( A ) ); A - m_A ]; x( 1 ) = m_B - m_A * x( 2 ); end