function HoritaTitler(command,varargin) % HoritaTitler(command [, arg1, arg2, ...]) % % This function establishes a serial port connection to the HORITA SCT-50 video % titler and compatible devices, and performs a number of commands. Commands are % based on the HORITA SCT-50 video titler user manual ( % % % Commands: % % HoritaTitler('Open' [, 'serialPort'][, 'HORITAaddress']) % % THIS FUNCTION SHOULD BE CALLED FIRST!! % % Initializes and opens the serial port which establishes communication to the HORITA. % If serialPort/HORITAaddress is ommitted or left empty, the defaultPort is 'COM4' on % MS-Windows, '/dev/tty.KeySerial1' on Apple macOS, and '/dev/ttyS0' on GNU/Linux. % The Psychtoolbox function FindSerialPort() can be helpful to automatically find a % connected serial port device. % % The default HORITAaddress is '02'. % % HoritaTitler('Close') % % Closes the serial connection with HORITA. % % HoritaTitler('SetAddress', 'HORITAaddress') % % Set the 'HORITAaddress' for the target HORITA titler device. Followup commands will % be sent to the new address. This allows to select between multiple daisy-chained % HORITA titler devices. Valid HORITAADDRESSes are between '00' and '99', with a default % address of '02'. The special address '00' broadcasts to / selects all connected HORITA % devices, so they all execute the same command simultaneously. % % HoritaTitler('Write' [, 'text', row, column]) % % Writes text at a specified position on the screen. Positions are numbered from 001 (top % left) to 180 (bottom right), and there are a total number of 9 rows and 20 columns % available. Text is automatically converted to uppercase. If row/colum are omitted or left % empty, the default is to write on row/column 1. If text is omitted, a blank space is % inserted at the specified position. If the text does not fit on one row, then it is % shortened. % % HoritaTitler('Write' [, number, row, column]) % % Writes numbers at a specified position on the screen. Numbers are converted from double % class to string class using mat2str(number). If row/column are omitted or left empty, the % default is to write on row/column 1. If number is omitted, a blank space is inserted at the % specified porition. % % HoritaTitler('WriteCont' [, 'text']) % % Writes text at the current position of the cursor. If no text is provided, a blank space is % inserted at the current position. % % HoritaTitler('WriteCont' [, number]) % % Writes numbers at the current position of the cursor. Numbers are converted from double % class to string class using mat2str(number). If no number is provided, a blank space is % inserted at the current position. % % HoritaTitler('Clear') % % Clears the display (requires 100 ms). % % HoritaTitler('ClearLine'[, row]) % % Clears the given row on the display. If the row number is omitted, clears the first line. % HORITA display has 9 rows, therefore row <= 9. % % HoritaTitler('Reset') % % Resets the HORITA titler (requires 300 ms). All variable data in the HORITA SCT-50 are set % to default values. % % HoritaTitler('TimeOn') % % Turns the time display on. % % HoritaTitler('TimeOff') % % Turns the time display off. % % HoritaTitler('TimeSet' [, 'hour', 'minute', 'second']) % % Sets the time. Hour/minute/second have to be 2 digits long. If hour/minute/second are % omitted or empty, the time is set based on the Matlab clock function. % % HoritaTitler('TimePosit' [, row, column, 'hour', 'minute', 'second']) % % SET THE TIME ON BEFORE! % % Sets the time and places it at the specified position. Time display has to be set on prior % to the positioning. If row/column are omitted or left empty, the time is placed on row/column 1. % Hour/minute/second have to be 2 digits long. If hour/minute/second are omitted or empty, the % time is set based on the Matlab clock function. % % HoritaTitler('TimeFormat' [, 'format']) % % Sets the time display format. There are 36 time display formats. The default time format is % 'hh:mm:ss AM' (i.e. format '05'). Format '02' will display hh:mm:ss. Format '03' will % display % % HoritaTitler('DateOn') % % Turns the date display on. % % HoritaTitler('DateOff') % % Turns the date display off. % % HoritaTitler('DateSet' [, 'day', 'month', 'year']) % % Sets the date. Month/day/year have to be 2 digits long. If month/day/year are omitted or % empty, the time is set based on the Matlab clock function. % % HoritaTitler('DatePosit' [, row, column, 'day', 'month', 'year']) % % SET THE DATE ON BEFORE! % % Sets the date and places it at the specified position. Date display has to be set on prior % to the positioning. If row/column are omitted or left empty, the date is placed on % row/column 1. Month/day/year have to be 2 digits long. If month/day/year are omitted or % empty, the date is set based on the Matlab clock function. % % HoritaTitler('DateFormat' [, 'format']) % % Sets the date display format. There are 60 display formats. The default date format is % 'dd/mo/yy' (i.e. format '10', 23/06/17). Format '11' will display 23/JUN/17. Format '59' % will display 23JUN17. % % HoritaTitler('BackgroundOn') % % Sets on the text background. % % HoritaTitler('BackgroundOff') % % Sets off the text background. % % HoritaTitler('TextWhite') % % Sets the text to white. % % HoritaTitler('TextWhite') % % Sets the text to black. % % HoritaTitler('DeleteSerial') % % Close all serial ports. Good to do this right at the beginning, before % initializing HORITA, in case a previous serial connection is still open. % % % =================================================================================== % Created by Natasa Ganea, 2017, Goldsmiths Infantlab (email: % Licensed to you under the MIT open-source license. % =================================================================================== % History: % % ??-???-2017 Natasa Ganea Written. % 09-May-2020 mk Ported from serial() to IOPort(), minor cross-platform % enhancements, new 'SetAddress' subfunction. % persistent HORITAADDRESS; % HORITA address; found in HORITA SETTINGS persistent DEVICE; % serial port object in Matlab; HORITA receives serial input from PC persistent HORITAMATRIX; % HORITA display matrix (9 rows, 20 columns) if nargin < 1 || isempty(command) help HoritaTitler; return; end %% %% HORITA Commands switch lower(command) case 'open' % Initializes the serial port object in Matlab and the HORITA positions matrix % Default serial port and HORITA address defaultAddress = '02'; % HORITA address found in HORITA Settings if IsWin defaultPort = 'COM4'; % serial port on Windows end if IsOSX defaultPort = '/dev/tty.KeySerial1'; % serial port on Mac end if IsLinux defaultPort = '/dev/ttyS0'; % serial port on Linux end % if serial port is omitted or empty, use default if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{1}) serialPort = defaultPort; else serialPort = varargin{1}; end DEVICE = IOPort('OpenSerialPort', serialPort, 'Lenient BaudRate=9600 DataBits=8'); % if HORITA address is omitted or empty, use default if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{2}) HORITAADDRESS = defaultAddress; else HORITAADDRESS = varargin{2}; end % initialize HORITA positions matrix (9 rows, 20 columns) HORITAMATRIX(1,:) = 1:20; HORITAMATRIX(2,:) = 1 .* 20 + HORITAMATRIX(1, :); HORITAMATRIX(3,:) = 2 .* 20 + HORITAMATRIX(1, :); HORITAMATRIX(4,:) = 3 .* 20 + HORITAMATRIX(1, :); HORITAMATRIX(5,:) = 4 .* 20 + HORITAMATRIX(1, :); HORITAMATRIX(6,:) = 5 .* 20 + HORITAMATRIX(1, :); HORITAMATRIX(7,:) = 6 .* 20 + HORITAMATRIX(1, :); HORITAMATRIX(8,:) = 7 .* 20 + HORITAMATRIX(1, :); HORITAMATRIX(9,:) = 8 .* 20 + HORITAMATRIX(1, :); case 'close' % Closes the HORITA titler if ~isempty(DEVICE) IOPort('Close', DEVICE); end DEVICE = []; case 'setaddress' % Assign new HORITAADDRESS HORITAADDRESS = varargin{1}; case 'write' % Writes text/digits at a given position To send command to HORITA we have to start % command with 27 = ASCII escape, and follow 27 with HORITAADDRESS (char) and HORITAcmd % (char). HORITAcmd = '28'; % if the HORITA text is omitted or empty, leave blank space if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{1}) HORITAtext = ' '; elseif isa(varargin{1}, 'double') HORITAtext = mat2str(varargin{1}); % if input is number, convert to string else HORITAtext = char(varargin{1}); HORITAtext = upper(HORITAtext); % HORITA likes capital letters :) end % if HORITA row is omitted or empty, row = 1 if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{2}) HORITArow = 1; else HORITArow = varargin{2}; end % if HORITA column is omitted or empty, column = 1 if nargin < 4 || isempty(varargin{3}) HORITAcolumn = 1; else HORITAcolumn = varargin{3}; end if (HORITArow >= 1) && (HORITArow <= 9) && (HORITAcolumn >= 1) && (HORITAcolumn <= 19)... && ~isempty(HORITAtext) % shorten text if it is longer than HORITA row if length(HORITAtext) > (20-HORITAcolumn) HORITAtext = HORITAtext(1: 20-HORITAcolumn); end % get HORITA cursor position and set it as 'string' HORITAposition = mat2str(HORITAMATRIX(HORITArow,HORITAcolumn)); if length(HORITAposition) < 2 % if position is < 10 put 2 zeros before HORITAposition = ['00' HORITAposition]; elseif length(HORITAposition) < 3 HORITAposition = ['0' HORITAposition]; % if position is < 100 put 1 zero before end % send text to HORITA at the specified location IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd HORITAposition HORITAtext])); else disp('Check: row (1st number) & column (2nd number)!') disp('Row should be < 9. HORITA has 9 rows.') disp('Column should be < 19. HORITA has 20 columns.') end case 'writecont' % Continue writing HORITAcmd = '27'; % if HORITA text is omitted, leave blank space if nargin < 2 HORITAtext = ' '; elseif isa(varargin{1}, 'double') HORITAtext = mat2str(varargin{1}); % if input is number, convert to string else HORITAtext = char(varargin{1}); HORITAtext = upper(HORITAtext); % HORITA likes capital letters :) end % send text to HORITA (at the current position of the HORITA cursor) IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd HORITAtext])); case 'clear' % Clears text from screen and HORITA memory HORITAcmd = '25'; IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd])); % HORITA manual: HORITA requires 100ms to clear all lines pause(.1); case 'clearline' % Clears text from specified row HORITAcmd = '24'; % if HORITA row is omitted, clear row 1 if nargin> 1 HORITArow = varargin{1}; else HORITArow = '1'; end % display error if row number is too big if (HORITArow >= 1) && (HORITArow <= 9) HORITArow = mat2str(HORITArow); IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd HORITArow])); else disp('Check row (row should be < 9)!') end case 'reset' % Resets the HORITA titler HORITAcmd = '00'; IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd])); % HORITA manual: HORITA requires 300ms to reset pause(.3) case 'timeon' % Turns on time display HORITAcmd = '34'; IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd])); case 'timeoff' % Turns off time display HORITAcmd = '35'; IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd])); case 'timeset' % Sets the time HORITAcmd = '36'; % check Matlab clock format shortg clockMatlab = fix(clock); % if hour is omitted or empty, get Matlab hour if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{1}) hh = clockMatlab(1,4); hh = mat2str(hh); % HORITA likes char/str else hh = varargin{1}; end % if minute is omitted or empty, get Matlab minute if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{2}) mm = clockMatlab(1,5); mm = mat2str(mm); else mm = varargin{2}; end % if second is omitted or empty, get Matlab second if nargin < 4 || isempty(varargin{3}) ss = clockMatlab(1,6); ss = mat2str(ss); else ss = varargin{3}; end % hour/minute/second have to be 2 digits long timeIn = {hh, mm, ss}; timeInCharNum = [length(hh), length(mm), length(ss)]; % check number of characters for i = 1:length(timeInCharNum) if timeInCharNum(i) < 2 % if number of characters < 2 timeIn(i) = strcat('0', timeIn(i)); % add a zero before hh/mm/ss end end HORITAtime = strcat(timeIn(1), timeIn(2), timeIn(3)); % time string (is 11 char long) HORITAtime = char(HORITAtime); %HORITA likes char input % send time to HORITA IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd HORITAtime])); case 'timeposit' % Sets the time and places it at a given location HORITAcmd = '37'; % if HORITA row is omitted or empty, row = 1 if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{1}) HORITArow = 1; else HORITArow = varargin{1}; end % if HORITA column is omitted or empty, column = 1 if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{2}) HORITAcolumn = 1; else HORITAcolumn = varargin{2}; end % position the time on the display (max time format = 11 char long) if (HORITArow >= 1) && (HORITArow <= 9) && (HORITAcolumn >= 1) && (HORITAcolumn <= 9) % get HORITA cursor position and set it as 'string' HORITAposition = mat2str(HORITAMATRIX(HORITArow,HORITAcolumn)); if length(HORITAposition) < 2 % if position is < 10 put 2 zeros before HORITAposition = ['00' HORITAposition]; elseif length(HORITAposition) < 3 % if position is < 100 put 1 zero before HORITAposition = ['0' HORITAposition]; end % setting the HORITA time (required) % check Matlab clock format shortg clockMatlab = fix(clock); % if hour is omitted or empty, get Matlab hour if nargin < 4 || isempty(varargin{3}) hh = clockMatlab(1,4); hh = mat2str(hh); % HORITA likes char/str else hh = varargin{3}; end % if minute is omitted or empty, get Matlab minute if nargin < 5 || isempty(varargin{4}) mm = clockMatlab(1,5); mm = mat2str(mm); else mm = varargin{4}; end % if second is omitted or empty, get Matlab second if nargin < 6 || isempty(varargin{5}) ss = clockMatlab(1,6); ss = mat2str(ss); else ss = varargin{5}; end % hour/minute/second have to be 2 digits long timeIn = {hh, mm, ss}; timeInCharNum = [length(hh), length(mm), length(ss)]; % check number of characters for i = 1:length(timeInCharNum) if timeInCharNum(i) < 2 % if number of characters < 2 timeIn(i) = strcat('0', timeIn(i)); % add a zero before hh/mm/ss end end HORITAtime = strcat(timeIn(1), timeIn(2), timeIn(3)); % time string (is 11 char long) HORITAtime = char(HORITAtime); %HORITA likes char input % send time HORITA specifying time position IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd HORITAposition HORITAtime])); else disp('Check: row (1st number) & column (2nd number)!') disp('Row should be < 9. HORITA has 9 rows.') disp('Column should be < 9. HORITA time is 11 characters long.') end case 'timeformat' % Sets the time display format HORITAcmd = '48'; % if time display is omitted or empty, set format to '05' if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{1}) timeFormat = '05'; %hh:mm:ss AM else timeFormat = varargin{1}; end IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd timeFormat])); case 'dateon' % Turns on the date display HORITAcmd = '39'; IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd])); case 'dateoff' % Turns off the date display HORITAcmd = '40'; IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd])); case 'dateset' % Sets the HORITA date HORITAcmd = '41'; % check Matlab clock format shortg clockMatlab = fix(clock); % if day is omitted or empty, get Matlab day if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{1}) dd = clockMatlab(1,3); dd = mat2str(dd); else dd = varargin{1}; end % if month is omitted or empty, get Matlab month if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{2}) mo = clockMatlab(1,2); mo = mat2str(mo); % HORITA likes char/str else mo = varargin{2}; end % if year is omitted or empty, get Matlab year if nargin < 4 || isempty(varargin{3}) yy = clockMatlab(1,1); yy = mat2str(yy); else yy = varargin{3}; end % month/day/year have to be 2 digits long dateIn = {mo, dd, yy}; %HORITA like date input: mmddyy (month first) :) dateInCharNum = [length(mo), length(dd), length(yy)]; % check number of characters for i = 1:length(dateInCharNum) if dateInCharNum(i) < 2 % if number of characters < 2 dateIn(i) = strcat('0', dateIn(i)); % add a zero before mo/dd elseif dateInCharNum(i) > 2 yy = [yy(3) yy(4)]; % HORITA likes 2 char for yy (e.g. '17' instead of '2017') dateIn(3) = {yy}; end end HORITAdate = strcat(dateIn(1), dateIn(2), dateIn(3)); % date string HORITAdate = char(HORITAdate); % HORITA likes char input :) % send date to HORITA IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd HORITAdate])); case 'dateposit' % Sets the HORITA date and places it at a specified location HORITAcmd = '42'; % if HORITA row is omitted or empty, row = 1 if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{1}) HORITArow = 1; else HORITArow = varargin{1}; end % if HORITA column is omitted or empty, column = 1 if nargin < 3 || isempty(varargin{2}) HORITAcolumn = 1; else HORITAcolumn = varargin{2}; end % position of the date on the display (max date format = 11 char long) if (HORITArow >= 1) && (HORITArow <= 9) && (HORITAcolumn >= 1) && (HORITAcolumn <= 9) % get HORITA cursor position and set it as 'string' HORITAposition = mat2str(HORITAMATRIX(HORITArow,HORITAcolumn)); if length(HORITAposition) < 2 % if position is < 10, put 2 zeros before HORITAposition = ['00' HORITAposition]; elseif length(HORITAposition) < 3 % if position is < 100, put 1 zero before HORITAposition = ['0' HORITAposition]; end % setting the HORITA date (required) % check Matlab clock format shortg clockMatlab = fix(clock); % if day is omitted or empty, get Matlab day if nargin < 4 || isempty(varargin{3}) dd = clockMatlab(1,3); dd = mat2str(dd); else dd = varargin{3}; end % if month is omitted or empty, get Matlab month if nargin < 5 || isempty(varargin{4}) mo = clockMatlab(1,2); mo = mat2str(mo); % HORITA likes char/str else mo = varargin{4}; end % if year is omitted or empty, get Matlab year if nargin < 6 || isempty(varargin{5}) yy = clockMatlab(1,1); yy = mat2str(yy); else yy = varargin{5}; end % month/day/year have to be 2 digits long dateIn = {mo, dd, yy}; %HORITA like date input: mmddyy (month first) :) dateInCharNum = [length(mo), length(dd), length(yy)]; % check number of characters for i = 1:length(dateInCharNum) if dateInCharNum(i) < 2 % if number of characters < 2 dateIn(i) = strcat('0', dateIn(i)); % add a zero before mo/dd elseif dateInCharNum(i) > 2 yy = [yy(3) yy(4)]; % HORITA likes 2 char for yy (e.g. '17' instead of '2017') dateIn(3) = {yy}; end end HORITAdate = strcat(dateIn(1), dateIn(2), dateIn(3)); % date string HORITAdate = char(HORITAdate); % HORITA likes char input :) % send date to HORITA specifying date position IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd HORITAposition HORITAdate])); else disp('Check: row (1st number) & column (2nd numer)!') disp('Row should be < 9. HORITA has 9 rows.') disp('Column should be < 9. HORITA date is 11 characters long.') end case 'dateformat' % Sets the date display format HORITAcmd = '49'; % if time display is omitted or empty, set format to '05' if nargin < 2 || isempty(varargin{1}) dateFormat = '10'; %dd/mo/yy else dateFormat = varargin{1}; end IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd dateFormat])); case 'backgroundon' % Sets text background on HORITAcmd = '09'; IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd])); case 'backgroundoff' % Sets text background off HORITAcmd = '10'; IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd])); case 'textwhite' % Sets text to white HORITAcmd = '11'; IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd])); case 'textblack' % Sets text to black HORITAcmd = '12'; IOPort('Write', DEVICE, uint8([27 HORITAADDRESS HORITAcmd])); case 'deleteserial' % Removes serial port objects from memory IOPort('CloseAll'); DEVICE = []; otherwise error (['HoritaTitler: Unknown subcommand ''' command ''' specified.']); end return;