function [ out ] = GetNTP( com, arg, dbg ) % GetNTP - Query time from NTP server % % socket = GetNTP( 'open', 'hostname' ) % pkg = GetNTP( 'read', socket[, dbg ] ) % GetNTP( 'close', socket ) % % GetNTP is a very simple pnet based NTP client to query time from an NTP % server over the network. % % A pnet socket has to be created with the open command first. The read % command returns a structure with the fields timestamps, delay and rtt. % pkg.timestamps is a vector of four timestamps reflecting client send % time, server receive time, server transmit time, and client receive time. % pkg.delay is the network delay as specified by the NTP specification. % pkg.rtt is the round-trip-time. % % If dbg is true the NTP header is decoded completely and added to the % returned structure including the NTP server's reference timestamp for % debugging. Additionally server receive and transmit timestamps are % printed to the console in human readable format. % % Note that any argument checking and error handling was omitted % intentionally to improve timing with NetStation synchronization. % % Reference: Mills, D. L. (2006). Network Time Protocol Version 4 % Reference and Implementation Guide. Retrieved May 21, 2017 from % % % Author: Andreas Widmann, University of Leipzig, 2017 % History: % 2017-05-25 AW Written. % 2017-07-19 AW Reformatted help text. % Copyright (C) 2017 Andreas Widmann, University of Leipzig, % % MIT license: % % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a % copy of this software and associated documentation files (the % "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including % without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, % distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit % persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the % following conditions: % % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included % in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. % % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS % OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF % MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN % NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, % DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR % OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE % USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. switch com case 'open' out = pnet( 'udpsocket', 3333 ); pnet( out, 'setreadtimeout', 1 ); pnet( out, 'udpconnect', arg, 123 ); case 'close' pnet( arg, 'close' ); case 'read' % Timing sensitive msg = uint8( [ 27 zeros(1, 47) ] ); pnet( arg, 'write', msg); out.timestamps( 1 ) = GetSecs; pnet( arg, 'writepacket' ); pkgsize = pnet( arg, 'readpacket' ); out.timestamps( 4 ) = GetSecs; % Timing insensitive if pkgsize < 48 error( 'No NTP package received.' ); end % Header lvm = pnet( arg, 'read', 1, 'uint8'); % Decode header only for potential KoD (LI == 3) package or on request if lvm > 191 || ( nargin > 2 && dbg ) lvm = dec2bin( lvm, 8 ); out.LI = bin2dec( lvm( 1:2 ) ); out.VN = bin2dec( lvm( 3:5 ) ); out.Mode = bin2dec( lvm( 6:8 ) ); out.stratum = pnet( arg, 'read', 1, 'uint8'); out.poll = pnet( arg, 'read', 1, 'int8'); out.prec = pnet( arg, 'read', 1, 'int8'); % Root delay and dispersion; signed fixed point; decoding to be implemented, possibly out.root = pnet( arg, 'read', 2, 'uint32'); id = pnet( arg, 'read', 4, 'uint8'); if out.stratum == 0 || out.stratum == 1 = char( id ); else = sprintf( '%d.%d.%d.%d', id ); end if out.LI == 3 && out.stratum == 0 error( 'KoD package received. Reason: %s.', ); end else pnet( arg, 'read', 15, 'uint8'); end % Timestamps timestamps = double( pnet( arg, 'read', 8, 'uint32') ); timestamps = timestamps( :, 1:2:7 ) + timestamps( :, 2:2:8 ) / 2 ^ 32; % Receive and transmit timestamps out.timestamps( 2:3 ) = timestamps( 3:4 ); out.delay = ( out.timestamps( 4 ) - out.timestamps( 1 ) ) - ( out.timestamps( 3 ) - out.timestamps( 2 ) ); out.rtt = out.timestamps( 4 ) - out.timestamps( 1 ); if nargin > 2 && dbg % Reference timestamp out.reference = timestamps( 1 ); for iTimestamp = 2:3 % From modified NetStation.m by Justin and Mario: matlabDateNum = datenum( [ 1900 1 1 0 0 out.timestamps( iTimestamp ) ] ); datestr( matlabDateNum, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF' ) end end end