function [KeyPressed,EventTime] = FORPWait(TimeToWait) % FORPWait Checks for the specified amount of time, if a button of a FORP device % (tested for HH-5-CYL) is pressed , returns if a button has been % pressed or specified amount of time has passed. % % Usage: % % [KeyPressed,EventTime] = FORPWait([Seconds]) % % Arguments: % % Seconds Maximum time to check for buttonpresses in seconds. % Default's to 'wait forever' if not provided. % % % % Returns the keycode (KeyPressed) of the pressed button and the % time (EventTime) of the status check. % % % KeyPressed KeyCode of the Pressed Button or empty value if % waiting timed out without any key press. % % % EventTime Time of keypress as returned by GetSecs. % % % IMPORTANT NOTE: % % Current-Designs FORP Device (HH-5-CYL) does not return any values for % manufacturer or product, so i used the VendorID returned by % PsychHID('Devices') for the HH-5-CYL.(ATM i do no really know if the % VendorID has unique values). % Another issue i had to solve was a ?bug? using 'GetReport'. I had to % close the Callbackhandlers to the current device by calling % 'ReceiveReportsStop' before calling 'GetReport' on another device. % If you have got any advice for a better way solve those problems, feel % free to let me know: % % Florian Stendel % Visual Processing Lab % Universitaets - Augenklinik Magdeburg % Leipziger Strasse 44 % 39120 Magdeburg % Tel: 0049 (0)391 67 21723 % Email: % % % 09/10/06 fs Wrote it. % 19/10/06 fs Added some further improvements suggested by Mario % Kleiner. KeyPressed = ''; keydata = []; if nargin < 1 TimeToWait=inf; end deadline = GetSecs + TimeToWait; while (deadline > GetSecs) && isempty(KeyPressed) [KeyPressed,EventTime] = FORPCheck; end return; end