function [KeyPressed,EventTime] = FORPCheck() % FORPCheck Checks if a button of a FORP device (HH-5-CYL) is pressed. % % Usage: % % [KeyPressed,EventTime] = FORPCheck() % % % Return the key name (KeyPressed) of the pressed button and the % time (EventTime) of the status check. % % % KeyPressed Key name of the Pressed Button, empty string % if none pressed. % % % EventTime Time of keypress check, as returned by GetSecs. % % IMPORTANT NOTE: % % % See FORPWait. % % Going through each device can be very time consuming. If would advise % to unplug each unnecessary device, so less devices has to be checked. % If you have got any advice for a better way to solve those problems, feel % free to let me know: % % Florian Stendel % Visual Processing Lab % Universitaets - Augenklinik Magdeburg % Leipziger Strasse 44 % 39120 Magdeburg % Tel: 0049 (0)391 67 21723 % Email: % % % 10/10/06 fs Wrote it. % 10/16/06 mk Add caching of device index. % 10/17/06 fs Done some restructuring and testing. % 02/08/07 mk New vendor id 6171 added to valid device lists. persistent psychtoolbox_forp_id; % List of vendor IDs for valid FORP devices: vendorIDs = [1240 6171]; KeyPressed = ''; keydata = []; % Try to detect first FORP device at first invocation: if isempty(psychtoolbox_forp_id) Devices = PsychHID('Devices'); % Loop through all KEYBOARD devices with the vendorID of FORP's vendor: for i=1:size(Devices,2) if strcmp(Devices(i).usageName,'Keyboard') && ismember(Devices(i).vendorID, vendorIDs) psychtoolbox_forp_id=i; break; end end end if isempty(psychtoolbox_forp_id) error('FORPCheck: No FORP-Device detected on your system'); end % Needed for getting the very LAST Buttonpress: FORPQueueClear(psychtoolbox_forp_id); [keydata,err] = PsychHID('GetReport',psychtoolbox_forp_id,1,0,8); % Get Report from device and save pressed. EventTime=GetSecs; PsychHID('ReceiveReportsStop',psychtoolbox_forp_id); % Stop receiving reports from that device if any(keydata) index = find(keydata ~=0,1); % get the (1st) index of the not-null element in keydata. Only one index can be processed by KbName if ~isempty(index) % if there is a index in keydata then KeyPressed=KbName(double(keydata(index))); % translate element at index into keyname end end return; end