function testsampletime % Routine to test timing of functions that sample eye position % John Palmer, last revised 6/6/01 % % Most tests are of "getsample" function at the bottom of this program. % It uses 'newfloatsampleavailable' and 'newestfloatsample'. % % To run this test program, do an initial calibration, then press 'O'. % View several fixation targets turning on and off. % Output appears in MATLAB command window. % As an option, one can disable the calibration and just measure timing. % % Part 1: Measure time between sample events with three time bases: % eyelink time stamp in sample (always 4 ms interval) % getsecs time at time received (variable 1-6? ms) % eyelink time stamp of message sent on receiving sample (also var 1-6? ms) % (This last time base requires using EDFVIEW to read sample times by hand.) % Conclusion: sampling at roughly 4 ms period but quite variable by getSecs. % Hint to think about: variability is often identical from trial to trial. % % Part 2: Measure elapsed time of key functions % Of particular interest is the time from start recording to when the first % sample is retrieved. This value puts an upper bound on the delay between % recording the eye movement and getting realtime feedback. In my tests, this % upper bound is 15-17 ms. Eyelink suggests the actual delay is about 10 ms. % % Part 3: One can also inspect the EDF file and examine the time stamps. % Of particular interest is the time from starting to the first recording. % I observe a 15 ms delay from startblock to synctime. % I also observed that the position of the first sample is within 2 ms or less % the position of the eye at SYNCTIME. % In addition, the first sample arrives less than 1 ms after SYNCTIME message. % This suggests the lag between DOS record and sample at Mac and in % transmitting the messages is not more than 1-2 ms. % There still remains to measure the lag between eye and the DOS record % % 5/29/01 Begun based on shorteyelinkdemo and testcalib % 5/30/01 Added measurements of sample time interval % 5/31/01 many improvements % 6/1/01 updated documentation % 6/4/01 using alt version of initwindow in meyelinkinit2 % 6/5/01 fwc changed to work with new toolbox version 1.1 % 6/6/01 v3, jp: removed global "el", moved initeyelinkdefine after initialize fprintf('TestSampleTime, John Palmer, last revised 6/6/01\n'); n = 3; % try 3 (2,10?) number of repeated analyses nsamplesdisplayed = 5; % try 5 (1,10?) number of samples printed nsamplestotal = 250; % try 250 (5,1000s) total number of samples targetsize = 11; % target diameter in pixels eye_used = 1; % 0 for left, 1 for right, 2 for binoc width=832; % perfered screen resolution in pixels height=624; hz=75; pixelSize=8; screen = 0; % misc variables filename = 'test.edf'; %set up display res=NearestResolution(screen, width, height, hz, pixelSize); [window,screenRect]=SCREEN(screen,'OpenWindow',0,[],res); white=WhiteIndex(window); black=BlackIndex(window); gray=(white+black)/2; SCREEN(window, 'FillRect',gray); % clear display hidecursor; % initialize system Eyelink('initialize'); % start eyelink eyelink('openfile', filename); % open data file on operater PC el=initeyelinkdefaults; el.backgroundcolour = gray; el.foregroundcolour = white; dotrackersetup(el); % call calibration routine (disable for quick test) % define display target relative to current screen targetrect = CenterRect( [0 0 targetsize targetsize], screenRect); % record eye position in loop for k = 1:n, fprintf('Measurement block %2.0f -----------------------------------\n\n',k); starttime = getsecs; % measure time for various functions dummy = getsecs; % measure time to measure time gettime = getsecs; SCREEN(window,'WaitBlanking'); % display target blanktime = getsecs; SCREEN(window, 'FillOval', el.foregroundcolour, targetrect); displaytime = getsecs; eyelink('startrecording'); recordtime = getsecs; eyelink('message', 'SYNCTIME'); %zero-plot time for EDFVIEW messagetime = getsecs; % make multiple samples of eye position for i = 1:nsamplestotal+1, [t(i),x(i),y(i)] = getsample(eye_used); % get samples of eye position s(i) = getsecs; eyelink('message', 'sampletime'); % mark time into edf file end % stop recording and erase target eyelink('stoprecording'); SCREEN(window,'WaitBlanking'); % erase target SCREEN(window, 'FillOval', el.backgroundcolour,targetrect); % print out multiple times for inspection fprintf('EyeLinkTime, GetSecsTime, dx, dy \n'); for i = 2:nsamplesdisplayed+1, tint(i-1) = t(i)-t(i-1); % calculate intervals sint(i-1) = (s(i)-s(i-1))*1000; % convert to ms fprintf('%5.1f %5.1f %8.1f %8.1f\n',... tint(i-1), sint(i-1),x(i)-width/2, y(i)-height/2); end; % summary stats of samples fprintf('\n'); fprintf('Statistics for eyelink and getsecs (ms)\n'); fprintf('Mean time %5.1f %5.1f\n',mean(tint),mean(sint)); fprintf('Stdev time %5.1f %5.1f\n',std(tint),std(sint)); fprintf('Min time %5.1f %5.1f\n',min(tint),min(sint)); fprintf('Max time %5.1f %5.1f\n',max(tint),max(sint)); fprintf('Count %5.0f\n',nsamplestotal); % print out estimates of times for various functions fprintf('\n'); fprintf('Time estimates for various functions (ms)\n'); fprintf('getsecs base %8.3f\n',1000*(gettime - starttime)); fprintf('waitblanking %8.3f\n',1000*(blanktime - gettime)); fprintf('display %8.3f\n',1000*(displaytime - blanktime)); fprintf('startrecording %8.3f\n',1000*(recordtime - displaytime)); fprintf('sending message %8.3f\n',1000*(messagetime - recordtime)); fprintf('first get sample %8.3f\n',1000*(s(1) - messagetime)); fprintf('\n'); waitsecs(0.5); end % exit SCREEN(window,'close'); eyelink('closefile'); eyelink('shutdown'); % End of program %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Functions used in the Program % ---------------------------------------------------------- function [t,x,y]= getsample(eye_used); % getsample returns the time and position of the requested eye while ~Eyelink('newfloatsampleavailable')==1; end; % wait till new sample evt = Eyelink('newestfloatsample'); % get the sample x = evt.gx(eye_used+1); % get gaze position from sample y =; t = evt.time; % get time stamp from sample %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % End of functions