function testcalib % simple function to test calibration procedures % adopted from shorteyelinkdemo % uses our perfered resolution % John Palmer, last revised 6/6/01 % % 5/29/01 Begun % 6/4/01 using meyelinkinit2 due to revised arg in initwindow % 6/6/01 updated for eyelinktoolbox 1.1, now uses initeyelinkdefaults % define various constants width=832; % perfered screen resolution in pixels height=624; hz=75; pixelSize=8; screen = 0; % misc variables filename = 'test.edf'; %set up display res=NearestResolution(screen, width, height, hz, pixelSize); [window,screenRect]=SCREEN(screen,'OpenWindow',0,[],res); white=WhiteIndex(window); black=BlackIndex(window); gray=(white+black)/2; SCREEN(window, 'FillRect',gray); % clear display hidecursor; %start program Eyelink('initialize'); eyelink('openfile', filename); % open data file on operater PC el=initeyelinkdefaults; % define eyelink constants el.backgroundcolour = gray; el.foregroundcolour = black; SCREEN(window, 'FillRect',el.backgroundcolour); % clear display % send commands to eyelink to specify modes eyelink('command', 'screen_pixel_coords = %d %d %d %d', ... screenRect(1),screenRect(2),screenRect(3)-1,screenRect(4)-1); eyelink('command', 'calibration_type = HV9'); eyelink('message', 'DISPLAY_COORDS %d %d %d %d', ... screenRect(1),screenRect(2),screenRect(3)-1,screenRect(4)-1); eyelink('command', 'saccade_velocity_threshold = 35'); eyelink('command', 'saccade_acceleration_threshold = 9500'); eyelink('command', ... 'file_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,SACCADE,BLINK,MESSAGE,BUTTON'); eyelink('command', 'link_event_filter = LEFT,RIGHT,FIXATION,BUTTON'); eyelink('command', 'link_sample_data = LEFT,RIGHT,GAZE,AREA'); % eyelink('trackersetup'); % alternative C version (not used) dotrackersetup(el); % MAIN CALL: this does the calibration eyelink('startrecording'); eyelink('message', 'DISPLAY_ON'); % message for RT recording in analysis eyelink('message', 'SYNCTIME'); % zero-plot time for EDFVIEW waitsecs(1.0); eyelink('stoprecording'); SCREEN(window,'close'); % exit program eyelink('closefile'); eyelink('shutdown');