function err=testeyelinksounds(el) % test for the presence of sounds used by eyelink toolbox % % USAGE: err=testeyelinksounds(el) % % el: if not supplied, we use 'initeyelinkdefaults' % to open a structure with eyelink default values % returns 0 when no errors, -1 if one or more are missing % err=0; if eyelink( 'isconnected' ) == 0 Eyelink('initializedummy'); initializedhere=1; else initializedhere=0; end % if no default values are supplied open % a structure here if nargin==0 || (nargin==1 && isempty(el) ) el=initeyelinkdefaults; end % test if the default sounds are available % by playing them error1=caltargetbeep(el); SND('Wait'); if error1~=0 fprintf( '%s appears to be missing.\n', el.targetdisplaysound ); end error2=caldonebeep(el, 0); SND('Wait'); if error2~=0 fprintf( '%s appears to be missing.\n', el.calibrationfailedsound ); end error3=caldonebeep(el, 1); SND('Wait'); if error3~=0 fprintf( '%s appears to be missing.\n', el.calibrationsuccesssound ); end if error1~=0 || error2~=0 || error3~=0 fprintf( '\nOne or more of the sounds\n'); fprintf( '(specified in "initeyelinkdefaults.m")\n'); fprintf( 'appear to be missing.\n'); fprintf( 'Please put these sounds in the system folder.\n\n'); err=-1; else % fprintf( '\nAll sounds required by EyelinkToolbox are present.\n\n'); end if initializedhere==1; Eyelink('shutdown'); end