function varargout = Datapixx(varargin) % Datapixx is a MEX file for precise control of the DataPixx device from % VPixx Technologies. It has many functions; type "Datapixx" for a list: % Datapixx % % For explanation of any particular Datapixx function, just add a question % mark "?". E.g. for 'Open', try either of these equivalent forms: % Datapixx('Open?') % Datapixx Open? % % Most of the time you won't use this function directly, but instead use % the PsychDataPixx() function for more convenient control and execution of % common tasks. % % For setup of Datapixx video operations, check the online help of % PsychImaging(), which has multiple functions for interacting with the % Datapixx device. % % For an overview of demos and other useful helper functions for the DataPixx, % type "help DatapixxToolbox". % % AssertMex('Datapixx.m');