function daqdevs = PsychHIDDAQS % daqdevs = PsychHIDDAQS -- Enumerate and preprocess HID-DAQ device list. % % Used as helper by Daq toolbox functions. Retrieves the USB-HID devices % list from PsychHID, prefilters all DAQ device entries, so they have a % well defined productID, product name string and a somewhat unique % serialNumber -- as far as this is possible. Leaves unsupported (non-DAQ) % device entries alone. % % It then caches the preprocessed list to save processing time on % successive calls to the function. % % History: % 8-May-2013 mk Wrote it. % Cache devices in 'devices': persistent devices; % Already detected and cached? if isempty(devices) % No. Load PsychHID: LoadPsychHID; % Retrieve device list from it: devices = PsychHID('Devices'); % Iterate through device list and preprocess the MCC-DAQ devices, while % leaving other HID devices unmodified: for k=1:length(devices) % Skip all devices with a vendorId other than 2523 aka 0x09db, ie. all % devices that are not from Measurement Computing: if devices(k).vendorID ~= 2523 continue; end % It is a MCC device. The product name string is only well defined on % OSX and Linux, but non-sensical on Windows. The USB productID is well % defined and accessible on all systems, so we remap the productID to % the name string: Database with id's available at % % 1024-LS type product ID? if devices(k).productID == 118 devices(k).product = 'USB-1024LS'; end % 1608FS type product ID? if devices(k).productID == 125 devices(k).product = 'USB-1608FS'; end % 1208FS type product ID? if devices(k).productID == 130 devices(k).product = 'USB-1208FS'; end % 1408FS type product ID? if devices(k).productID == 161 devices(k).product = 'USB-1408FS'; end % Abuse serialNumber as unique Id of device: We combine the device % serialNumber string and its numeric USB locationID into a single % string to distinguish between multiple different devices of the same % productID. Why the combination? locationID is a relatively unique % value for a specific location on the USB bus for OSX and Linux, % probably unique unless somebody manages to connect two identical DAQ % devices to the same USB host port via some weird intermediate USB % hub. Even then it might be unique, but this is unconfirmed. However, % the locationID is mostly useless on Windows, despite claims otherwise % in MS documentation, because it has the same value for identical % products, even if they are connected to different host USB ports! % serialNumber is in theory unique for each device, but in practice % many vendors are lazy and don't assign a unique serialNumber, or even % a serialNumber at all! Net result is that both values serve as unique % device id sometimes, but not always. The best we can do is combine % both and hope that not both fail at the same time. devices(k).serialNumber = [devices(k).serialNumber '::' sprintf('%f', devices(k).locationID)]; end end % Return cached, preprocessed device list: daqdevs = devices; return;