function err=DaqPrepareDownload(daq,WhichMode) % err=DaqPrepareDownload(DeviceIndex,[ProgramModeFlag]) % USB-1208FS: Prepare for program memory download. This command puts the % device into code update mode. The unlock code must be correct as a % further safety device. Call this once before sending code with % WriteCode. If not in code update mode, any WriteCode commands will be % ignored. The USB-1208FS firmware manual does not state how long the "code % update mode" state persists, or how it can be turned back off. However, the % DaqGetStatus command does report this state. % "DeviceIndex" is a small integer, the array index specifying which HID % device in the array returned by PsychHID('Devices') is interface 0 % of the desired USB-1208FS box. % See also DaqWriteCode, Daq, DaqTest, PsychHIDTest. % % In my tests with a USB-1608FS, sending a report with anything other than the % correct unlock code caused the device to exit program mode. So I modified % this function to allow user to toggle between states. If no second argument is % passed, function assumes user wants to put device into program mode; else if % second argument is zero device will be taken (or left) out of program mode. % 4/15/05 dgp Wrote it. % 12/17/07 mpr added second input argument for toggling mode on and off % 1/11/08 mpr swept through attempting to improve consistency across % daq functions if ~nargin || isempty(daq) daq = DaqDeviceIndex; switch length(daq) case 0, error('No daq found'); case 1, otherwise, error('More than one daq found. You must specify one of them.'); end end if nargin < 2 || isempty(WhichMode) WhichMode = 1; end if WhichMode err=PsychHID('SetReport',daq,2,80,uint8([80 hex2dec('AD')])); % PrepareDownload else err=PsychHID('SetReport',daq,2,80,uint8([80 0])); % take out of program mode end if err.n fprintf('DaqPrepareDownload SetReport error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end return;