function err=DaqMemWrite(daq,address,data) % err=DaqMemWrite(DeviceIndex,address,data) % USB-1208FS: Write memory. This command writes to the nonvolatile EEPROM % memory on the device. The nonvolatile memory is used to store % calibration coefficients, system information, and user data. Locations % 0x000 to 0x07F are reserved for firmware use and may not be written. % "DeviceIndex" is a small integer, the array index specifying which HID % device in the array returned by PsychHID('Devices') is interface 0 % of the desired USB-1208FS box. % "address" is the 16-bit start address for the write. % "data" is a vector with length up to 59, one element per byte. % See also DaqWriteCode, DaqMemRead, Daq, DaqTest, PsychHIDTest. % 4/15/05 dgp Wrote it. % 12/14/07 mpr added error checking for address % 1/11/08 mpr swept through trying to improve consistency across daq % functions if address > 1023 warning('EEPROM of USB-1208FS and USB-1608FS is only 1024 bytes. Larger values wrap around.'); % In my tests, the wrap was automatic (i.e., an address of 1024 is equivalent % to an address of 0), but I'm going to hard code it here anyways so that I % know which part of EEPROM space the user will be hitting in the following % tests. -- mpr while address > 1023 address = address-1024; end end % In my tests, trying to write to the "Reserved" memory space had no % demonstrable effect even though the function supposedly ran with no errors. % Nevertheless, it seems dangerous to me that someone might be allowed to % write or even just allowed to think they can write to the reserved space. So % I disallow it. -- mpr if address < 128 warning('Attempt to write to Reserved section of DAQ''s EEPROM. Doing nothing.'); err.n = 0; = ''; err.description = ''; return; % Writing to the calibration section of the memory worked in my tests, and I can % imagine it to be something people would want to do. But let's make sure no % one does it by accident. -- mpr elseif address < 512 IShouldWriteCalData = TwoStateQuery('Detected effort to re-write DAQ calibration data... Should I allow it?'); if IShouldWriteCalData < 1 disp('Per my understanding of your choice, I did not re-write the calibration data.'); err.n = 0; = ''; err.description = ''; return; end end if numel(data)~=length(data) error('"data" must be a vector.'); end if length(data)>59 error('"data" vector is too long.'); end if isempty(data) error('"data" vector is empty.'); end if any(~ismember(data,0:255)) error('"data" values must be in the 8-bit range 0 to 255.'); end report=zeros(1,4+length(data)); report(1)=49; report(2)=bitand(address,255); report(3)=bitshift(address,-8); report(4)=length(data); report(5:end)=data; err=PsychHID('SetReport',daq,2,49,uint8(report)); % MemWrite if err.n fprintf('DaqMemWrite SetReport error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end return;