function err=DaqDConfigPort(daq,port,direction) % err=DaqDConfigPort(DeviceIndex,port,direction) % USB-1208FS: Configure digital port. This command sets the direction of % the DIO port to input or output. % "DeviceIndex" is a small integer, the array index specifying which HID % device in the array returned by PsychHID('Devices') is interface 0 % of the desired USB-1208FS box. % "port" 0 = port A, 1 = port B % "direction" 0 = output, 1 = input % % USB-1608FS: has only one port, so second argument is meaningless. If three % arguments are passed and device is a 1608FS, second argument is ignored. % Function could be made more efficient if a separate one were written for % 1608FS, but I'm guessing this function will never be used at a time when % maximal speed is an overarching requirement. % See also Daq, DaqFunctions, DaqPins, DaqTest, PsychHidTest. % % USB-1024LS: Has three ports: 1 = port A, 4 = port B, 10 = port C (the sum % of: 8 = portC low, 2 = portC high). The card is verified to work well with % using port A or B for output and port C as a whole for input. % % 4/15/05 dgp Wrote it. % 12/18/07 mpr extended for 1608 % 1/11/08 mpr swept through trying to improve consistency across daq % functions % 5/22/08 mk Add (untested!) support for USB-1024LS box. % 5/23/08 mk Add caching for HID device list. % 8/12/2010 sdv Fixed error when other HID devices have short names % 07/31/16 mk Remove experimental note about 1024LS. It's tested and known to work. % Perform internal caching of list of HID devices in 'TheDevices' % to speedup call: persistent TheDevices; if isempty(TheDevices) TheDevices = PsychHIDDAQS; end % Default reportId for 1x08FS devices is 1: reportId = 1; Is1608=0; % assume no 1608, change this if there is if length(TheDevices(daq).product)>=6, % check for sufficient length if strcmp(TheDevices(daq).product(5:6),'16') Is1608=1; if nargin == 2 direction = port; end end end % Denis(?) commented this out for some reason... % if ~ismember(port,0:1) % error('"port" must be 0 or 1.'); % end if ~ismember(direction,0:1) error('"direction" must be 0 (out) or 1 (in).'); end if Is1608 report = uint8([1 direction]); else report=uint8([1 port direction]); end % Is this a USB-1024LS or similar? if ismember(TheDevices(daq).productID, [ 118, 127 ]) % Yes. Need different reportId and report: reportId = 0; report=uint8([13 port direction 0 0 0 0 0]); end err=PsychHID('SetReport',daq,2,reportId,report); % Configure digital port. if err.n fprintf('DaqDConfigPort error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end return