function DaqCodes % Command codes for the USB-1208FS Daq. % 0x10 16 DaqAIn Read analog in % 0x11 17 DaqAInScan Read analog in, clocked % 0x12 18 DaqAInStop Stop input scan % 0x13 19 DaqALoadQueue Set channel gains % 0x14 20 DaqAOut Write analog out % 0x15 21 DaqAOutScan Write analog out, clocked % 0x16 22 DaqAOutStop Stop output scan % 0x01 1 DaqDConfigPort Configure digital port % 0x03 3 DaqDIn Read digital ports % 0x04 4 DaqDOut Write digital port % 0x40 64 DaqBlinkLED Cause LED to blink % 0x20 32 DaqCInit Initialize counter % 0x21 33 DaqCIn Read counter % 0x46 70 DaqGetAll Read all analog and digital input values % 0x44 68 DaqGetStatus Read device status % 0x41 65 DaqReset Reset the device % 0x45 69 DaqSetCal Set CAL output % 0x43 67 DaqSetSync Configure sync % 0x42 66 DaqSetTrigger Configure ext. trigger % 0x30 48 DaqMemRead Read memory % 0x31 49 DaqMemWrite Write memory % 0x55 85 DaqReadCode Read program memory % 0x50 80 DaqPrepareDownload Prepare for program memory download % 0x51 81 DaqWriteCode Write program memory % 0x53 83 DaqWriteSerialNumber Write a new serial number to device % See also Daq, DaqFunctions, DaqPins. % % % % Command codes for USB-1608FS. Since all overlapped codes are the same, % assume that all codes are the same... well... except that there are no % analog output ports apparently, so DaqAOut, DaqAOutScan, and DaqAOutStop % should not have associated codes. No 20, 21, or 22. % 0x01 1 DaqDConfigPort Configure digital port % 0x02 2 DaqDConfigPortBit Configure individual digital port bits % 0x03 3 DaqDIn Read digital port % 0x04 4 DaqDOut Write digital port % 0x05 5 DaqDReadBit Read digital port bit % 0x06 6 DaqDWriteBit Write digital port bit % % 0x10 16 DaqAIn Read analog input channel % 0x11 17 DaqAInScan Scan analog channels % 0x12 18 DaqAInStop Stop input scan % 0x13 19 DaqALoadQueue Load the channel/gain queue % % 0x20 32 DaqCInit Initialize counter % 0x21 33 DaqCIn Read Counter % % 0x30 48 DaqMemRead Read Memory % 0x31 49 DaqMemWrite Write Memory % % 0x40 64 DaqBlinkLED Causes LED to blink % 0x41 65 DaqReset Reset USB interface % 0x42 66 DaqSetTrigger Configure external trigger % 0x43 67 DaqSetSync Configure sync input/output % 0x44 68 DaqGetStatus Get device status % 0x45 69 DaqSetCal Set calibration output % 0x46 70 DaqGetAll Get all analog and digital input values % % 0x50 80 DaqPrepareDownload Prepare for program memory download % 0x51 81 DaqWriteCode Write program memory % 0x52 82 (unwritten) Return program memory checksum % 0x53 83 DaqWriteSerialNumber Write a new serial number to device % 0x54 84 (unwritten) Update program memory % 0x55 85 DaqReadCode Read program memory % % % % Command codes for USB-1024LS and similar: Quite different from the 1x08 % series: A speciality is that reportId must be always zero (0) for these % devices - they use interrupt endpoint 0 transfers. For the same reason, % output reports must always by 8 bytes in length -- pad them if they're % shorter! Handling of port C of the device may be a bit quirky, as it is % treated as two ports, a low port and a high port. % % This is based on code and command codes found in usb-1024LS.h and .c, % subroutine files of the free libhid, a GPL'ed cross platform HID device % library written by Warren Jasper (). It has not been % tested by me on any actual device! (MK). % % 0x0d 13 DaqDConfigPort Configure digital port (portid == portA = 0x1, portB = 0x4, portClow = 0x8 portCHi = 0x2) % 0x03 3 DaqDIn Read digital port % 0x01 1 DaqDOut Write digital port % 0x02 2 DaqDReadBit Read digital port bit (unwritten) % 0x03 3 DaqDWriteBit Write digital port bit (unwritten) % 0x0b 11 DaqBlinkLED Causes LED to blink % 0x11 17 DaqReset Reset USB interface (unwritten) % 0x05 5 DaqCInit Initialize counter % 0x04 4 DaqCIn Read Counter % 0x0a 10 DaqWriteCode Write program memory (unwritten) % 0x09 9 DaqReadCode Read program memory (unwritten) % 0x0c 12 DaqWriteSerialNumber Write a new serial number to device (unwritten) help DaqCodes