function v=DaqAIn(daq,channel,range,UnCal) % v=DaqAIn(DeviceIndex,channel,range,[DoNotCalibrate]) % Analog input. % USB-1208FS: % "v" is the measured voltage, in Volts, or NaN if no data were received. % "DeviceIndex" is a small integer, the array index specifying which HID % device in the array returned by PsychHID('Devices') is interface 0 % of the desired Daq device. % "channel" (0 to 15) selects any of various single-ended or differential % measurements. % "channel" Measurement % 0 0-1 (differential) % 1 2-3 (differential) % 2 4-5 (differential) % 3 6-7 (differential) % 4 1-0 (differential) % 5 3-2 (differential) % 6 5-4 (differential) % 7 7-6 (differential) % 8 0 (single-ended) % 9 1 (single-ended) % 10 2 (single-ended) % 11 3 (single-ended) % 12 4 (single-ended) % 13 5 (single-ended) % 14 6 (single-ended) % 15 7 (single-ended) % "range" (0 to 7) sets the gain (hence voltage range): % for single-ended measurements (channels 8-15), range is always +/- 10 V, % and attempts to set ranges other than 0 usually result in saturation, so % setting range in this function does not do anything. For differential % measurements (channels 0-7), the map between range as input to this % function and the output generated is: % 0 for Gain 1x (+/-20 V), 1 for Gain 2x (+/-10 V), % 2 for Gain 4x (+/-5 V), 3 for Gain 5x (+/-4 V), % 4 for Gain 8x (+/-2.5 V), 5 for Gain 10x (+/-2 V), % 6 for Gain 16x (+/-1.25 V), 7 for Gain 20x (+/-1 V). % "DoNotCalibrate" for 1208FS has no effect % % USB-1608FS: % only single-ended inputs are defined, so "channel" is restricted to integers % from 0 to 7. Ignore the manual which claims that gains are restricted to only % four possible values. Thank the linux people for discovering: % 0 for Gain 1x (+/- 10 V), 1 for Gain 2x (+/-5 V), % 2 for Gain 4x (+/- 2.5 V), 3 for Gain 5x (+/- 2 V), % 4 for Gain 8x (+/- 1.25 V), 5 for Gain 10x (+/- 1V), % 6 for Gain 16x (+/- 0.625 V), 7 for Gain 32x (+/- 0.3125 V) % % "DoNotCalibrate" (0 or 1) if non-zero, function does not use information % acquired from calibration measurements (see DaqCalibrateAIn). This should % probably always be 0 when function is called by a user (hence it defaults to % 0). Flag was created for the purpose of acquiring calibration data. % Otherwise subsequent calibration measurements would be fits of fits. % % See also Daq, DaqFunctions, DaqPins, DaqTest, PsychHIDTest, % DaqDeviceIndex, DaqDIn, DaqDOut, DaqAIn, DaqAOut, DaqAInScan,DaqAOutScan. % % 4/15/05 dgp Wrote it. % 1/21/07 asg changed normalization value from 2^16 to 2^15 to account for 16th bit as a sign bit (not data bit) % and modified the "range" value help. % 6/17/07 mk Add proper sign handling for negative voltages. % 12/2x/07-1/x/08 mpr modified to work with USB-1608FS and changed some % terminology; particularly did away with "sign" name % conflict ("sign" is a Matlab function) % 6/07/13 mk Try to make it more robust: Retry on no-date received, proper % error handling with error abort on error instead of silent % failure returning NaN. Cleanup. % Perform internal caching of list of HID devices to speedup call: persistent devices; if isempty(devices) devices = PsychHIDDAQS; end if nargin < 4 || isempty(UnCal) UnCal=0; end if strcmp(devices(daq).product(5:6),'16') Is1608=1; MaxChannelID = 7; else Is1608=0; MaxChannelID = 15; % ignore range input for single-ended measurements if channel > 7 range=0; end end % Receive and flush all stale reports from device or in receive queue: err = PsychHID('ReceiveReports',daq); if err.n error('DaqAIn ReceiveReports error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end err = PsychHID('ReceiveReportsStop',daq); if err.n error('DaqAIn ReceiveReportsStop error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end [reports,err] = PsychHID('GiveMeReports',daq); if err.n error('DaqAIn GiveMeReports error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end if ~ismember(channel,0:MaxChannelID) error('DaqAIn: "channel" must be an integer 0 to %d.',MaxChannelID); end if ~ismember(range,0:7) error('DaqAIn: "range" must be an integer 0 to 7.'); end % Send analog measurement request to device: err = PsychHID('SetReport',daq,2,16,uint8([16 channel range])); if err.n error('DaqAIn SetReport error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end % Enable reception of data from device and retry reception until a valid % non-empty report of 3 Bytes size arrives: report = []; while isempty(report) || length(report)~=3 err = PsychHID('ReceiveReports',daq); if err.n error('DaqAIn ReceiveReports-II error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end [report,err] = PsychHID('GetReport',daq,1,16,3); % Get report if err.n error('DaqAIn GetReport error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end end % Ok, got a non-empty report of length 3 as expected. Stop reception: err = PsychHID('ReceiveReportsStop',daq); if err.n error('DaqAIn ReceiveReportsStop-II error 0x%s. %s: %s\n',hexstr(err.n),,err.description); end if Is1608 vmax = [10 5 2.5 2 1.25 1 0.625 0.3125]; RawValue = double(report(3))*256 + double(report(2)); v = vmax(range+1)*(RawValue/32768-1); if UnCal return; else DaqPrefsDir = DaqtoolboxConfigDir; if exist([DaqPrefsDir filesep 'DaqPrefs.mat'],'file') DaqVars = load([DaqPrefsDir filesep 'DaqPrefs']); if isfield(DaqVars,'CalData') CalData = DaqVars.CalData; GoodIndices = find(CalData(:,1) == channel & CalData(:,2) == range); if ~isempty(GoodIndices) TheDays = CalData(GoodIndices,end); ThisDay = datenum(date); [DaysSinceLast,BestIndex] = min(ThisDay-TheDays); AllThatDay = find(TheDays == TheDays(BestIndex)); MostRecentPolyFit = CalData(GoodIndices(AllThatDay(end)),3:5); if DaysSinceLast > 30 warning('Psychtoolbox:Daq:outdatedCalibration', 'Calibration of this channel has not been performed since %s!!', ... datestr(TheDays(BestIndex))); end v = polyval(MostRecentPolyFit,v); return; end end % if isfield(DaqVars,'CalData') end % if exist([DaqPrefsDir filesep 'DaqPrefs.mat'],'file') end % if UnCal warning('Psychtoolbox:Daq:missingCalibration', ['It looks like this channel has not yet been calibrated. In my\n' ... 'tests, uncalibrated values could be off by as much as 15%%!']); else % Mapping table value -> voltage for differential gains: vmax=[20 10 5 4 2.5 2 1.25 1]; RawReturn = double(report(2:3))*[1; 256]; if channel < 8 % combined two-bytes of report make a 2's complement 12-bit value DigitalValue = bitshift(RawReturn,-4); if bitget(DigitalValue,12) DigitalValue = -bitcmp(DigitalValue,12)-1; end else % range needs to be zero above during call to PsychHID('SetReport',... but % must be 1 to get scale below. range=1; % combined two-bytes of report make a 2's complement 11-bit value if RawReturn > 32752 DigitalValue = -2048; elseif RawReturn > 32736 DigitalValue = 2047; else DigitalValue = bitand(4095,bitshift(RawReturn,-3))-2048; end end v=vmax(range+1)*DigitalValue/2047; end return;