% Psychtoolbox:PsychHardware % Sense and control the world outside the computer. For keyboard and mouse % see PsychBasic. For other USB devices, see % web http://psychtoolbox.org/usb.html -browser; % % help Psychtoolbox % For an overview, triple-click me & hit enter. % % CedrusResponseBox - All: Support for RB-x30 response boxes by Cedrus. % CMCheckInit - All: Turn on and connect to color meter. % CMClose - All: Turn off color meter. % CMUBox - All: Access CMUBox or PST (E-Prime) serial port % button response boxes, as well as Bitwhacker % and fORP serial port response boxes. % ColorCal2 - All: Interface to the CRS ColorCal-II device. % DatapixxToolbox - All: Toolbox for control of various VPixx Inc. devices (DataPixx, % ViewPixx, etc.) % FindSerialPort - All: Find port number associated with a particular input string. % FORP - All: Obsolete support for the FiberOpticResponsePad. % HoritaTitler - All: Control the Horita SCT-50 video titler and compatible devices. % MeasSpd - All: Use color meter to measure a spectral power % distribution. % MeasXYZ - All: Use color meter to measure XYZ coordinates. % nvstusb-extractfw - Linux: Extract firmware for NVidia NVision kit. See "help NVision3D" % PR650Toolbox - All: Talk to PR650 Colorimeter. % PR655Toolbox - All: Talk to PR655 Colorimeter. % PR670Toolbox - All: Talk to PR670 Colorimeter. % Daq folder - All: Control the USB-1208FS data acquisition % device as well as the 1408FS and 1608FS and % maybe the 1024LS (the latter untested). % Gamepad - All: Read USB game controllers. Formerly "Joystick". % GetGamepadIndices - All: Get indices of gampads in PsychHID device list. % GetKeyboardIndices - All: Get indices of keyboards in PsychHID device list. % GetMouseIndices - All: Get indices of mice in the PsychHID device list. % GetTouchDeviceIndices -All: Get indices of touch devices (touchscreens, touchpads etc.) in the PsychHID device list. % GetTouchDeviceInfo - All: Get information about a specified touch device. % GetTouchValuators - All: Extract meaningful information from a set of touch valuators. % GetNTP - All: Query time from NTP server. % OptiCAL - All: Interface to the CRS OptiCAL luminance meter device. % PsychGPURasterizerOffsets - All: Test GPU drivers for spatial misplacement of content. % PsychGPUTestAndTweakGammaTables - All: Helper function. Auto-tweak gamma tables for DataPixx et al. and Bits# % PsychHID - All: Read/write any HID-compliant USB device. See web page: % web http://psychtoolbox.org/usb.html % PsychPhotodiode - All: Measure visual stimulus onset via photo-diodes and PsychPortAudio. % PsychPowerMate - Linux: Driver for the Griffin Technologies PowerMate USB knob. % PsychRTBox - All: Driver for RTBox reaction time button box. % PsychVRToolbox - All: Functions for access to and use of Virtual Reality devices. % Snd - All: Play a sound. Only for simple sounds! Use PsychPortAudio for serious sound playback and capture! % % EyelinkToolbox - All: Toolbox for control of the SR-Research Eyelink gazetrackers. % iViewXToolbox - All: Toolbox for control of the MSI-Research iView gazetrackers. % NetStation - All: Control the EGI Netstation EEG recording system via network. % XOrgConfCreator - Linux: A setup assistant for easy creation of X11 config files. % XOrgConfSelector - Linux: A assistant for easy selection of X11 config files. % % Minolta Toolbox % Set of m-files and sample code that can be used for reading luminance data % from the Minolta LS-110 luminance meter. Contains simple program for % creating a LUT. % web http://cornelis.med.rug.nl/pub/psychtoolboxstuff/minoltatoolbox.sit -browser; % % TCP/UDP/IP Toolbox 2.0.5 % This toolbox can be used to set up TCP/IP connections or send/receive % UDP/IP packets in Matlab. It can transmit data over the Intranet/Internet % between Matlab processes or other applications. It is possible to act as % server and/or client and transmit strings, arrays of any data type, % files, or Matlab variables. There's no mexmac file in this release, % but this toolbox works perfectly on Mac OS X as is. Tested with % Matlab 7.0.1 and Mac OS X 10.3.7. Just use the MEX command with the main % pnet.c file and it will generate a pnet.mexmac. % web http://www.mathworks.com/Matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=345&objectType=file -browser; % % See also PsychHID, Daq, Gamepad.