function CMCheckInit(meterType, PortString) % CMCheckInit([meterType], [PortString]) % % Initialize the color meter. The routine calls the % lower level routines for given 'meterType'. If the low level routine % fails, this routine retries, then prompts the user to take appropriate % action. If the low level routine succeeds, this % routine is silent. % % The following colormeters are supported: % % meterType 1 is the PR650 (default) % meterType 2 is the CVI (need CVIToolbox) - Not yet implemented! % meterType 3 is the CRS Colorimeter % meterType 4 is the PR655 % meterType 5 is the PR670 % meterType 6 is the PR705 % meterType 7 is the CRS ColorCal2. % % For the PR-series colorimeters, 'PortString' is the optional name of a % device string for the serial port or Serial-over-USB port to which the % device is connected. If none is given, the routine uses different files % and built-in defaults to try to find the proper port: If there is a file % 'CMPreferredPort.txt' in the search path of Matlab/Octave, it will parse % that file for a PortString to use. Else it will use a hard-coded default % inside this routine. % % If a calibration file with name 'PRXXXPorts' for the PR-XXX exists, % it will override what is in CMPrefferedPort.txt. There are two % possible formats for the structure in this file. % If the structure has a PortString field, this is passed to % routine FindSerialPort to get the actual port. Otherwise, % if the structure has a .in field, this string is used directly. % % Other Colorimeters, e.g., CRS ColorCal, have their own specific setup % methods and this routine just calls their setup code with default % settings. % % 9/15/93 dhb Modified to use new CMInit properly. % 1/18/94 jms Added gHardware switch % 1/24/94 dhb Changed sign of gHardware switch. % 2/20/94 dhb Call through CMETER rather than CM... routines. % 4/4/00 dhb Optional port name, only used on SERIAL version. % 9/11/00 dhb Added meterType. % 1/4/02 dhb, ly Try to get OS9 version to work with Megawolf board and SERIAL. % 1/10/02 dhb, ly Change calling convention. Remove passing of port, but read % port from a "calibration" file in PsychCalLocalData if it's there. % 4/13/02 dgp Cosmetic. % 2/26/03 dhb Add CRS Colorimeter, change meter type of PR-650 to 1. % 10/05/06 dhb, cgb OSX version. % 11/27/07 mpr replaced hard coded portNameIn with FindSerialPort for OS X, and % attempted to make this more robust and user-friendly. % modifications tested only on Mac OS 10.5.1, Matlab 2007b, on % a Mac Pro. Other systems may require more tinkering... % 2/07/09 mk, tbc Add PR-655 support. % 2/07/09 mk Add experimental setup code for use of IOPort instead of SerialComm. % 2/11/09 cgb,mk Small fixes: Now we use IOPort instead of SerialComm -- % by default. Verified to work for both PR650 and PR655 toolboxes. % 7/16/12 dhb Choose right global default for 64-bit Matlab. Hope I % did this in a way that doesn't break anything else. % 7/20/12 dhb Undid 7/16/12 change. Error was due to a stale IOPort on my path % 12/04/12 zlb Adding PR-705 support. % 4/10/13 dhb More flexible behavior supported via PRXXXPorts calibration file. % 1/25/13 dhb, ms More info printed on failure for PR-670 case. Trying to track down intermittant % failures to initialize when routine is called multiple times in a long calibration loop. % 6/11/17 mk Remove dead SerialComm() driver path. global g_serialPort; % Number of retries before giving up: DefaultNumberOfTries = 5; % Read the local preferred serial port file if it exists. if exist(which('CMPreferredPort.txt'), 'file') t = textread(which('CMPreferredPort.txt'), '%s'); defPortString = t{1}; else defPortString = ''; end % Set default the defaults. switch nargin case 0 meterType = 1; PortString = defPortString; case 1 if isempty(meterType) meterType = 1; end PortString = defPortString; case 2 if isempty(meterType) meterType = 1; end if isempty(PortString) PortString = defPortString; end end % I wrote the function FindSerialPort before I discovered CMCheckInit had % been ported to OS X. It may generally require less of users than relying % on what amounts to a preference in the calibration files. The default % for portNameIn was 2, but on my machine it was 1 when I wrote my % function. Someone in the Brainard lab may want to generalize % "FindSerialPort" to work with OSs other than Mac OS X and then use that % function in lieu of meterports=LoadCalFile. I am not intrepid enough to % take that step. -- MPR 11/21/07 switch meterType case 1, % PR-650 % Look for port information in "calibration" file. If % no special information present, then use defaults. meterports = LoadCalFile('PR650Ports'); if isempty(meterports) if IsWin || IsOSX || IsLinux portNameIn = FindSerialPort(PortString, 1); else error(['Unsupported OS ' computer]); end else if (isfield(meterports,'PortString')) portNameIn = FindSerialPort(meterports.PortString, 1); else portNameIn =; end end if IsWin || IsOSX || IsLinux stat = PR650init(portNameIn); status = sscanf(stat,'%f'); if (isempty(status) || status == -1) disp('Failed initial attempt to make contact.'); disp('If colorimeter is off, turn it on; if it is on, turn it off and then on.'); end NumTries = 0; while (isempty(status) || status == -1) && NumTries < DefaultNumberOfTries stat = PR650init(portNameIn); status = sscanf(stat,'%f'); NumTries = NumTries+1; if (isempty(status) || status == -1) && NumTries >= 3 IOPort('Close', g_serialPort); % Release global port handle: clear global g_serialPort; fprintf('\n'); if ~rem(NumTries,4) fprintf('\nHave tried making contact %d times. Will try %d more...',NumTries,DefaultNumberOfTries-NumTries); end end end fprintf('\n'); if isempty(status) || status == -1 disp('Failed to make contact. If device is connected, try turning it off and re-trying CMCheckInit.'); else disp('Successfully connected to PR-650!'); end else error(['Unsupported OS ' computer]); end case 2, error('Support for CVI colormeter not yet implemented in PTB-3, sorry!'); case 3, % CRS-Colorimeter: if exist('CRSColorInit') %#ok CRSColorInit; else error('CRSColorInit command is missing on your path. Is the CRS color calibration toolbox set up properly?'); end case 4, % PR-655: % Look for port information in "calibration" file. If % no special information present, then use defaults. meterports = LoadCalFile('PR655Ports'); if isempty(meterports) if IsWin || IsOSX || IsLinux portNameIn = FindSerialPort(PortString, 1); else error(['Unsupported OS ' computer]); end else if (isfield(meterports,'PortString')) portNameIn = FindSerialPort(meterports.PortString, 1); else portNameIn =; end end if IsWin || IsOSX || IsLinux stat = PR655init(portNameIn); status = sscanf(stat,'%f'); if (isempty(status) || status == -1) disp('Failed to make contact. If device is connected, try turning it off and re-trying CMCheckInit.'); else disp('Successfully connected to PR-655!'); end else error(['Unsupported OS ' computer]); end case 5, % PR-670 - Functionality should be very similar to the PR-655, though % it looks like there are a few more commands available for % the 670. if IsWin || IsOSX || IsLinux % Look for port information in "calibration" file. If % no special information present, then use defaults. meterports = LoadCalFile('PR670Ports'); if isempty(meterports) portNameIn = FindSerialPort(PortString, 1); else if (isfield(meterports,'PortString')) portNameIn = FindSerialPort(meterports.PortString, 1); else portNameIn =; end end stat = PR670init(portNameIn); if strcmp(stat, ' REMOTE MODE') disp('Successfully connected to PR-670!'); else if (isempty(stat)) fprintf('PR-670 returned empty (timeout response)\n'); else fprintf('PR-670 returned %s\n',stat); end disp('Failed to make contact. If device is connected, try turning it off, type clear all, and then re-trying CMCheckInit.'); end else error(['Unsupported OS ' computer]); end case 6, % PR-705 if IsWin || IsOSX || IsLinux meterports = LoadCalFile('PR705Ports'); if isempty(meterports) portNameIn = FindSerialPort(PortString, 1); else if (isfield(meterports,'PortString')) portNameIn = FindSerialPort(meterports.PortString, 1); else portNameIn =; end end stat = PR705init(portNameIn); if strcmp(stat, [' REMOTE MODE' 13 10]) disp('Successfully connected to the PR-705!'); else disp('Failed to make contact. If device is connected, try turning it off, type clear all, and then re-trying CMCheckInit.'); end else error(['Unsupported OS ' computer]); end case 7, % ColorCal2 % Query and display device info. This will also open the device if it % isn't already: devInfo = ColorCal2 ('Deviceinfo'); disp(devInfo); % Zero-Calibrate manually if needed: if ColorCal2('NeedZeroCalibration') fprintf('Zero calibration needed! Put your ColorCal2 into the dark,\n'); fprintf('then press any to perform zero calibration.\n'); KbStrokeWait(-1); ColorCal2('ZeroCalibration'); fprintf('Done! Thanks..\n'); end otherwise, error('Unknown meter type'); end