function bitsPlusClutRow = BitsPlusEncodeClutRow(theClut) % bitsPlusClutRow = BitsPlusEncodeClutRow(theClut) % % This is for the Cambridge Research Systems BITS++ 14-bit video DAC. % BitsPlusEncodeClutRow accepts the desired content for the CLUT (color % look up table) and encodes it so that it may be poked into the first (or % last) line of the image. The BITS++ will detect the "unlock" code and % transfer the CLUT data into the 256 entry, 3 channel, 14-bit CLUT. % web % 10/7/02 dhb Wrote it. % 10/xx/02 ew Fixed indexing bug. % 11/15/02 dgp Rewrote, reducing run time from 400 ms to 2 ms. Dropped the second argument. % 20/4/05 ejw Rescaled to 16 bit values if nargin~=1 error('Usage: bitsPlusClutRow=BitsPlusEncodeClutRow(theClut)'); end bitsPlusClutRow=zeros(1,524,3); % 0.15 ms bitsPlusClutRow(1,1:8,:)=[36 63 8 211 3 112 56 34; 106 136 19 25 115 68 41 159; 133 163 138 46 164 9 49 208]'; % unlock code. 0.13 ms; high=floor(theClut/256); % 0.23 ms low=theClut-256*high; % 0.13 ms bitsPlusClutRow(1,12+(1:512),1:3)=reshape([high';low'],3,512)'; % 0.56 ms