function texturePtr = BitsPlusDIO2Texture(windowPtr, mask, data, command) % texturePtr = BitsPlusClut2Texture(windowPtr, mask, data, command) % % Generates a PsychToolbox texture containing the magic code and data % required to set the DIO in Bits++ mode. % % 'mask', 'data', and 'command' have the same meaning as in the function % 'bitsEncodeDIO.m'. % History: % % ??/??/???? Written, probably by Christopher Broussard? % 12/10/2007 Modified to use common code in BitsPlusDIO2Matrix. (MK) if nargin ~= 4 error('Usage: texturePtr = BitsPlusClut2Texture(windowPtr, mask, data, command)'); end % Call common encoder routine to create T-Lock image matrix: encodedDIOdata = BitsPlusDIO2Matrix(mask, data, command); % Generate the texture holding the Bits++ clut. texturePtr = Screen('MakeTexture', windowPtr, encodedDIOdata); return;