function output = MakeMonotonic(input) % output = MakeMonotonic(input) % % Make input monotonically increasing. % % See also MakeGammaMonotonic, which is probably what you want if you are fitting % gamma functions. This routine left alone when MakeGammaMonotonic was created, % in case it is called from programs completely unrelated to gamma fitting. % % 3/1/99 dhb Handle multiple columns. % 8/03/07 dhb Old routine just enforced non-decreasing. Fixed to make strictly increasing. % 3/07/10 dhb Added comment about MakeGammaMonotonic. [m,n] = size(input); output = input; for j = 1:n for i = 1:m-1 if (output(i,j) >= output(i+1,j)) output(i+1,j) = output(i,j)+eps; end end end