function output = ComputeGammaSig(x,input) % output = ComputeGammaSig(x,input) % % Compute the gamma table using sigmoidal function. % % sinput = (input/x(3)).^x(4); % output = x(2).*sinput./(sinput + x(1)); % % 10/3/93 dhb,jms Normalize output to max of 1. % Better be sure that last value is max setting. if (x(2) <= 0) %disp('Illegal value for x(2)'); x(2) = 0.1; end if (x(3) <= 0) %disp('Illegal value for x(3)'); x(3) = 0.1; end sinput = (input/x(2)).^x(3); output = sinput./(sinput + x(1)); output = NormalizeGamma(output);